Topic: In the Darkness... Part IV  (Read 1645 times)

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In the Darkness... Part IV
« on: April 16, 2003, 01:02:05 pm »

When M?ress woke the next day he realized it was late. He looked at the time. Holy kshat it was late. He got himself up and headed for the kitchen.

Redfur was already in the kitchen. She was working over the stove and the smell of the famous earth coffee was in the air (he never understood the phrase of ?Soldiers in your cup?).

?Good morning.? He said.

?Good afternoon.? she corrected.

?Good lord.? (An earth expression that seemed to fit) ?Why didn?t you wake me.? He asked while rubbing his chin with his claws.

?Well, you were very soundly asleep and since you haven?t had a good night in about a week, I thought you could use the extra sleep. Besides, you don?t have anything scheduled.?

He opened his mouth to ask how she knew, but shut it again. He had a hard time remembering that she probably had a higher security clearance (due to WANKER). He changed the subject.

?h?rrr, smells good. Whatcha cookin???

?Fresh zianyas. I had the gardener kill one this morning.? He put his arms around her from behind and put his head on her shoulder. She pressed back against him.

?You?re in good mood today.?

?h?rrr, I feel better today than I have in a while.? He turned his head and rubbed his cheek across the back of her neck. She turned her head into his.

A chime sounded from across the room.

?KAT calls.? She said softly.

?They can wait.? As he nibbled on the nape of her neck.

Another chime.

?You?ve been ignoring them for days.?

?Like you said, we haven?t had this much time in a while.? And gave her fur a little tug with his teeth.

?Ch?rowl.? She purred.

Another chime sounded. This time different.

He looked sideways at the comm panel and stopped. Unfolding his arms he hung his head down her back for a second.

DAMMIT. He could ignore KAT and get away with it. But not KLAW. This one he had to answer.

He grumbled all the way over to the panel. Something containing the words kshaii, offal, hvraf, and ta?sskinn.

Chuut was on the channel.


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2003, 02:42:20 pm »
Chuut-Ritt sat at hia desk looking at the new pile of papers that had been placed there.

"Secretary" he growled, "have the next courier bringing documents shot on site"

His secretary grinned, "you know that is impossible, Sir"

"Yes I know but it was a good fantasy for a few seconds at least" replied Chuut, "now leave me"

As the secretary departed, Chuut realized that he needed a plan.  With M'ress being out of action and Speakers disappearance the KAT half of the KLAW complex had been left in his charge, and all the official business funneled to this desk.  No more parties, chasing Kzinerette or off world females, drinking time had been cut in half, and worse than that he'd had to let J'inn manage their collaborative schemes without any oversight, always a bad thing.

Well, at least M'ress will be returning to duty, maybe I can shift at least half, no definately more than half of the work his way, Chuut decided.  Just like we used to do to...............Chuut nearly gagged on his tongue as the idea hit him.......of course thats it <Snicker>..........

"Secretary get me J'inn on the line"

A few minutes later,

"So J'inn its perfectly legal and binding",,,,,and he can't get out of it......good."

"Secretary get M'ress on the line.....highest priority call.......<Snicker>

It would be a very Good day indeed.


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2003, 08:16:52 pm »
This is so delicious!!! YUMMMMMM!!!!

I just love a good hubby/wifey cuddley scene. <double sigh>


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2003, 08:26:23 pm »
Where is it Goosey? I'm eating out of your hand!!!

Not that I have a soft spot, mind you!!!


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2003, 11:57:51 pm »

Where is it Goosey? I'm eating out of your hand!!!

Not that I have a soft spot, mind you!!!  

Well, every response I tried writing to this one failed to make it through the political correctness analyser...  oh well... lol!!


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2003, 01:22:01 am »


Where is it Goosey? I'm eating out of your hand!!!

Not that I have a soft spot, mind you!!!  

Well, every response I tried writing to this one failed to make it through the political correctness analyser...  oh well... lol!!  

 I'll bet you were wondering how to comment on the 'soft spot' , werent you Tracy?       Ooooops, i said it......


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Re: In the Darkness... Part IV
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2003, 09:27:08 am »


Where is it Goosey? I'm eating out of your hand!!!

Not that I have a soft spot, mind you!!!  

Well, every response I tried writing to this one failed to make it through the political correctness analyser...  oh well... lol!!  

I could get soooo banned right now!!!!