On behalf of the SFCX crew, I bid you welcome!
Reclamation is not what we consider a "serious" campaign, but since we tend to be a very ambitious group of over achievers in SFCX, I can safely say that Reclamation will be an interesting experience, and more than just a casual campaign.
The storyline is still being written, and it is going to be a bit more in-depth than what I first thought. Some of the events in the campaign are going to be story-line driven, so if you see a storyline post in these forums that directly references Reclamation, it might be worth your time to read over it and seek clues as to what some of the other Victory Conditions might be for one side or another.
Now for the mechanics of the campaign. This material was taken from another thread where Doug (Nomad) posted. He is one of our lead designers for Reclamation:
From JDMcKinney (Nomad):
As of this moment (could change), here are some of the common need-to-know settings.
Teams: FGHI vs. KRLZ
Maximum ships owned: 2 (we encourage 1-ship fleets, but there are no set fleet composition rules this time around)
Turns are 10 minutes long. Shipyard/economy cycles every 2 turns, and there is a delivery time of 2 turns for purchased ships. The maximum wait for a ship, therefore, is 3 turns, or roughly half an hour.
Supplies and fighters aren't cheap, but they are affordable. Just don't expect to be able to lose a dozen fighters each mission and expect to replace them all with top-end models with a mission's worth of prestige.
Era is mid, starting at 2273. With a 2-week run planned, and a 1 year per every 2 real days time setting, we will stay in mid era for the entire campaign.
Starter ships (year 1):
Oh, is that the Orion cartel I see? Yes, they will be playable as the only cartel, but they're more for candy than as part of the overall campaign. If someone wants to forego empire VCs and teamwork, they can fly Orion and play raider. WARNING: there could be enemy/ally matching problems if an Orion were to fight players from both empire teams at once. Also, they will have ALMOST NO shipyard production, so that starter ship is going to be important to protect. Grabbing more economy on the pirate map will help them get ships.
One caution flag for all players: neutral coop is still broken. You may be able to run some allied (different race) coop, but there is no guarantee it will work for every mission. It's up to you to push the server kit to its limits and find out what you can and can't do to win the campaign. PvP is encouraged, but there are exploration VCs for you lone wolfs out there.Now for some other very important information -- in order for you to play in this campaign, you will need three very important things:
1. A copy of Orion Pirates, patched to the latest patch.
2. "Evil Dave's" mission pack
3. Firesouls SFC OP Shiplist.
Luckily, all that you need (except the copy of OP) is at the SFCX website. The patch, mission pack, and shiplist are all in our download section. Here is the website:
http://www.sfcx.org/CPT Stumpy (another SFCX Member) has thrown together a webpage for Reclamation as of today. You can reach the webpage from the SFCX website -- please note, to reach the Reclamation area, you need to register at SFCX. It is free, and worth your time since we cover all of our servers in all three Dynaverses there also.
Now, for Victory Conditions --
This campaign is designed as a "short run" campaign. We do have victory conditions, some of which will be storyline based. There are exploration VCs, etc. Since this is a light campaign, we did not see the need for race moderators. Instead, we ask that players that accomplish a victory condition post the accomplishment in the "news" section of the SFCX webpage. In order to find out what sorts of VCs you should be focused on, check out the Reclamation portion of the website -- they are not up yet, but we do know what they are (don't worry, they will be posted in a day or so
There are exploration VCs, and VCs awarded for capturing key terrain -- the most obvious key terrain is, of course, the energy-rich area towards the center of the map. There are a few surprises in there also -- so watch out. If you capture a planet, or think you have accomplished a key task, simply write it down as you play, along with the time and the hex coordinates, and when you finish playing post them in the SFCX News -- your submission will be reviewed for vailidity and determined if it is indeed a valid victory condition.
Special thanks to the entire SFCX Team -- we love doing this stuff, and have a blast working together on it. If you have the time and inclination, come join us in Reclamation -- it will be a good time.
And please, if you feel inclined, post a special "Thank You" to Castrin for hosting the server. We are trying a work around for the chat, but otherwise we might be up tonight. Hope to see you there!