Topic: The LItterbox 3 Campaign  (Read 6186 times)

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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2003, 08:49:37 am »

5) Pay attention to the ship types you may be fighting.....What the heck is a L-DDD....closer...closer... OMFG!!!

So untill later this afternoon. After I get some sleep, back to the fun and games  

I forgot about those, glad I'm on their side.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2003, 08:55:33 am »

Well I had to log off to go to work, so here I am at work.
Just a few thoughts I would like to share.
1) I'm a newbe at this while flying as a Mirak... If any one see's a Z-DD flying in circles HELP!!
2) Why are the Drones so slow?...... What was that Fluf?..... Oh.... Well Never Mind
3) I found that after getting blown up by the AI for the 2nd time....... I could always blame it on Dave
4) Is Karnak trying to have "EVIL" placed in front of his name
5) Pay attention to the ship types you may be fighting.....What the heck is a L-DDD....closer...closer... OMFG!!!

So untill later this afternoon. After I get some sleep, back to the fun and games    


If I get on tonight or tomorrow noght, I will be glad to assist you in my limited capacity. You will find the Z-DD to be one of the best ships in its class. Once you get the hang of it, you may not want to give it up (unless you go to the DD+ or the MCC).

Drones are speed 16 in early, 24 in mid, and 32 in late. Once you get the hang of the ship, speed 16 drones are just fine.




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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2003, 09:10:26 am »

4) Is Karnak trying to have "EVIL" placed in front of his name  

I think it should be Evil Evil Karnak - that way we have ED, E.T., and EEK



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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2003, 09:44:20 am »
LOL!!! I'm glad I dont look like E.T. ....  


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2003, 10:11:12 am »

Well I had to log off to go to work, so here I am at work.
Just a few thoughts I would like to share.
1) I'm a newbe at this while flying as a Mirak... If any one see's  a Z-DD flying in circles HELP!!
2) Why are the Drones so slow?...... What was that Fluf?..... Oh.... Well Never Mind
3) I found that after getting blown up by the AI for the 2nd time....... I could always blame it on Dave
4) Is Karnak trying to have "EVIL" placed in front of his name
5) Pay attention to the ship types you may be fighting.....What the heck is a L-DDD....closer...closer... OMFG!!!

So untill later this afternoon. After I get some sleep, back to the fun and games a little PhG surprise, did ya?

It's been fun so far.  I only had limited playing time last night.  It looking pretty icky for the Coalition early on, though I was only on for about 90 mins.  I hope more guys log in.  

I was getting CTDs in solo missions, though.  I think out of the six or seven missions I played, I think I actually finished and got credit for 2.  Not sure what that is about.


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2003, 10:16:23 am »
I have also posted the Litterbox download and rules at the following location:

Litterbox 3 download


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2003, 12:45:22 pm »
 I as well was getting "CTD"'s  if I understand that abbreviation correctly.  I think i was only able to successfully complete about half of the solo missions I played.  And probably only that many cause half of those, i limped off the screen before i was destroyed.

So, its my understanding that this has been resolved now?  I'm at work, so i cannot test this, but do we need to redownload the files?


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2003, 12:47:38 pm »


4) Is Karnak trying to have "EVIL" placed in front of his name  

I think it should be Evil Evil Karnak - that way we have ED, E.T., and EEK


EEK power to the people.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2003, 01:08:37 pm »

 LOL!!! I'm glad I dont look like E.T. ....

But you do. Doesn't ET stand for Excessive T1t's?      


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2003, 02:49:46 pm »
We have restarted the server and made some changes from last night.  We found several problems in the shiplist that were causing the CTD's.  Jeff is going to go back over the list and redo some things.  We have temporarily fixed the list server side to get rid of some of the problem ships.  If you get into a mission and see your ally already damaged, this is a good indication of a problem ship.  So far, we have found most of the Monitor ships, the Mirak Wyn Ships and a few Tugs have been the problem.  If you go into a mission and have a CTD for some reason.  Post here the mission and ships that you had in the mission.

The server is back up running a flatfile DB, with some changes server side.  Game speed is now 8.  Most of the problem ships have been blocked from showing up.  


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2003, 03:06:28 pm »
I noticed immediate improvement in my luck.  Ran two convoy raids, got through both, no CTDs.  Yay for my team!

Thanks, guys!

Say...any Coalition going to show up for this thing or is it the Alliances' turn to roll virtually unopposed?  


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2003, 03:55:35 pm »
Sorry Doggy, I'm on Reclamation, and things look good - DV is raising on friendly hexes without having to turn it to pirate first Only downside now that I can see is the same one EAW has - neutral co-op failure. We have a workaround for that for the future. My interest is rekindled


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2003, 04:53:32 pm »

The server is back up running a flatfile DB, with some changes server side.  Game speed is now 8.  Most of the problem ships have been blocked from showing up.    

 Perhaps a silly question, but what speed was the server running at before?


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2003, 04:53:57 pm »

Seems that when you are between two bases, the base defense mission comes up.  It locked while 'waiting for other players'.


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2003, 07:20:44 pm »
Well I went back on and had some fun
I ran 7 missions and only CTD twice. Both times were in patrol missions with a G-CL as a wingman VS. L-WDD? and a L-CA.

I  have not lost a ship yet, but boy did I come close 2 times

Well back to the battles


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Re: The LItterbox 3 Campaign
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2003, 08:18:31 pm »
Bearslayer I saw this happening last night.  Not sure what is wrong here. Not sure if its a scripting parameter with Daves Base Defense not jiving with one of our settings.  TraceyG and I adjusted a setting this morning to try to correct this, but it might still be happening.

Orignal Speed was the stock default of 7.  Its been bumped to 8.

All players, please note any CTD's and what ships were in with you.  CaptJeff is correcting the shiplist and we hope to have it done by tomorrow.  So far Monitors and BattleTugs seem to be the culprits.  The look fine in shipedit, but when you look at the list in Notepad, they are off.  Also the Mirak Wyn ships were causing crashes.  We have it so alot of the Monitors and Tugs are not showing up now, but some still might be slipping through.

Everybody be patient, and we hope to have everything straightened out by tomorrow.

And as always - ITS MY FAULT!