The Knights of the Hegemony are proud to present Litterbox 3 for EAW. This will be a 2 week campaign and will require a download. Many thanks to DarkElf, and XenoCorp for hosting this campaign. This campaign will be using SQL.
Campaign Start:
1.Server will start at 7:00PM CST April 16 2003. It will be up shortly before that for some testing at 5:30PM CST.
Features: 1. CaptJeffs EAWRefit Shiplist Version 1.01
2. Nuclear Wessels new EAW mission pack just released 4/13/03.
3. TraceyG's 6 Patrol Missions from DOE
4. Karnaks 4 New missions to be featured on SG3 and the GFL ISC Invasion server
Server Settings 1. Large Map 39x79 with plenty of space to roam and conquer
2. Mandatory missions in enemy space only. You will be able to roam the neutral zone for targets and PvP.
3. Races F/H/M/G vs K/I/L/R (standard alliances places across the map from each other, so races will be fighting traditional enemies to start).
4. Over 70 VC targets to choose from in the neutral zone.
5. Basically same server settings from AOTK with a few adjustments for the shiplists and missions.
6. Starting ships F-CL, G-CL, H-KN, Z-DD vs K-F5C, I-DD, L-DD, R-BH and 1000 Prestige to start
Downloads Rajnsaj made and installer for the mission pack. Go here for the download :
Litterbox3Installer I would download it and save it to your desktop or SFC2 folder. Then all you have to do is click on it and it will install the mod.
He also made a reinstaller to go back to your original game:
Reinstaller Rules Standard rules and Command and Control rules. Unfortunately The site with these is down so the abbreviated version is here
Rules Victory Conditions: 1. Asteroid Hexes = 2 points
2. Black Hole Hexes = 3 points
3. Nebula Hexes = 5 points
4. Neutral Planets (econ 50)= 10 points
5. Neutral Planets (econ 80)= 15 points
6. Neutral Planets (econ 100)= 20 points
LOS to any VC target doubles the point value of that target. Totals will be added up at the end of the campaign for both the Alliance and Coalition and a winner declared. Winners will get the grand prize consisting of doughnut holes and pies!
Any problems or complaints are to me sent to