See Fluf's post here:
The Litterbox is Ready He has an interim D2 campaign ready and is looking for a server.
The Wheel could likely do it but might be a bit strained, it would be
a good test of The Wheel, but perhaps you could run
The Litterbox (D2) instead?
The next Wheel campaign (first actual) is not ready yet and I was
going to save it for the next slow time (probably in the fall?) anyway.
Let us know if you wouldn't mind running The Litterbox to keep us all
busy, the package Fluf has ready sounds interesting.
If you had something you wanted to try out in 7.40 maybe we could do that
instead and save The Litterbox for the next lull? (Any SQL missions ready?)
Anyway, lets sort it out here (or on ICQ - and soon, the natives are restless!
