The Wheel is up and running.
The Wheel - Status (Forums thread... a bit out of date...)
I have been having trouble with the chat server as of late.
As others are I imagine. (Haven't checked
for the last few days but I assume it is still down)
I am using a local chat server, but it seems to be causing disconnects
(same trouble DarkElf had with it back in 7.25 or something...)
I am trying to arrange with to use them instead
of gamespy. They approved a trusted entry for the multiple
connections from the server but the #support channel Ops got
pretty upset when I asked to register 10 channels - banned instantly!
I am in e-mail contact with them however - I'll see how it goes...
Hopefully will return soon! (wonky as it was...)
The "/tell" command seems to work even if chat is down...
I could leave chat down for now for stability and we can stick to the
/tell command and RW?
The Wheel Crew is hard at work on a couple of maps - both very
different from any we've seen...
The Wheel is due for a reset as this was its first test run really.
I could run a minor/fun campaign in the interim? Could use any map
shiplists or missions desired if anyone has a package ready...
Bear in mind however that The Wheel is limited in resources
and could really only support a dozen players at a time? (havent tried more)
but that would probably be enough to keep us occupied till the next big server...
Let me know what you think... if not, a reset is due soon anyway - I think the
new map will be very interesting, and the settings will be quite a bit more difficult.