This is to express my gratitude to the 3d modelers of the community over the past three years that have made the Starfleet Command experience much more enjoyable..
The best way, I think, is to show you part of my strings.txt file from my TNG Mod of Orion Pirates. what you are about to see allows the modeler's name to be shown in the ship select screens of the mod..
|WZO|Model by Wicked Zombie
|ADWZO|Model by Admiral; Blue-ish look by Wicked Zombie
|WZOBCJ|Model by Wicked Zombie, Brk mod by Chris Jones
|WZOHJW|Model by Wicked Zombie, Escape Pod Brk by Hollis J. Wood
|MGT|Model by Maggot
|MGTCJB|Model by Maggot; Brk Mod, Hard/damage points: Chris Jones
|MGTCLV|Model: Maggot - Illumination: Crymson - Enhanced by: Cleeve
|MGTDD|Model by Maggot, Lights, Break Model by DarkDrone
|KCR|Crymson kitbash
|PYRO|Model by Pyro 139
|MMPN81|Model by Michael Malin, textures by Rick Knox
|PN81JOKER|Model:Rick Knox, Armour texture: TNG Joker, Escape Pod Brk:HJWood
|DARKDRONEMGT|Model by Dark Drone, Kitbashed from Maggot model
|PN81|Model by Pnuemonic81 - Rick Knox
|PN81HJW|Model by Pnuemonic81; Escape Pod Brk by Hollis J. Wood
|PN81DS|Model: P-81; new textures: Darkon Slayer; Escape Pod Brk by HJWood
|PN81PB|Model: Pnuemonic81; new textures: Pprboy2000
|MGTHJW|Model by Maggot; Escape Pod Brk by Hollis J. Wood
|BRZ|Model by Brezgonne
|MOON|Model by Moonraker
|CLV81|Model by Cleeve, based on Rick Knox models
|CLEEVE|Model by Cleeve
|KXMOON|Kitbashed by Knox1710, from Moonraker Excelsior
|1170WZHJW|Model: Trekke1170 - Lit:Wicked Zombie - Escape Pod Brk: HJWood
|1170|Model by Trekke1170
|LDK|Model by Lord Delekhan
|DARKDRONE|Model by Darkdrone
|TREKSKIN|Model by TREKKIE101; Textures by SKINMAN
|BILE|Model by Lord Bile
|NOAH|Model by Noah Wallace
|MGTMM|Model: Maggot; Textures: Michael Malin; assembled: Wicked Zombie
|REDDD|Mesh/Textures by Red Dragon - SFC Conversion: DarkDrone
|TALCJ|Model/Original textures: Taldren; Ferengi Colors by Maggot, CJ re-texture
|HJW|Model by Hollis J Wood
|SPACEC|Model by Taldren retextured by Space Cadet Glow UK
|SBLOYD|Model by SBloyd
|CRWZ|Model by Cromwell textured by Wicked Zombie
|CRYMSON|Model by Crymson
|NONE|Model author unknown
|MISTAL|Created by Erik Mistal
|MINDBLIP|Model by Mind-Blip
|99|Model by NINE of NINE
|JPITT|Model by Jonathan Pitt
|WORGAUS|Model by Worgaus
|SPEAKER|Kitbash by Speaker For The Dead
|1710|Kitbash by Knox1710, based on Moonraker Excelsior
|WZOM|Model by Maggot: Re-textured by Wicked Zombie
|WZMOON|Model by Moonraker - Borgified by Wicked Zombie
|MMA|Model by Michael Malin (has hard points)
|NWZ|Noah Wallace model - Borg textures by Wicked Zombie
|JAKE|Model Kitbashed by TNG - JAKE
|JAKE2|Model and Textures by TNG - JAKE
|JAKENEW|Model Design and construction by TNG - JAKE
|THU11S|Model Kitbashed by THu11s
|ZORG|Model by Zorg
|RYANMGT|Kitbashed by GFL-F-14-RYAN from Maggot's original
|SCHTUPP|Model by Lord Schtupp
|CONST|Model by Constantine
|EDWOOD|Kitbash of Taldren model, textures, by Edwood
|KKATMAX|Model/Textures by KKAT69, Max Sterling, and Joel (Anime models)
|ANCIENT|Model/Textures by Ancient Angel
|ATTIC|Taldren Model kitbash by AtticBat
|VADER|Model by Lord Vader
|JOKERRAV|Model by Joker, Concept by Captain Ravenous
|WZO02|Model by Wicked Zombie - Summer 2002
|RNGC|Design: Raven Night, Model/Textures: Gabriel Crown
|KNOX1711|Kitbash by Knox1711, using Moonraker/Rick Knox models
|DRAGONATOR|Model/Textures by Red Dragon, SFC Port by Atheorhaven
|BCDD81|Model by Pnuemonic81 for BC - Port by DarkDrone
|BCDD|Bridge Commander Model - Port to SFC by DarkDrone
|SAND|Model/textures by Sandman69247
|DAWNPAT|Model by Dawn (ported to SFC by Pataflafla)
|STRESSP|Model by The Stress Puppy
|PPRBOY|Model by Paperboy 2000
|SCHTATH|Mesh/Textures: Lord Schtupp Textures/Mesh modified by Atheorhaven
|ADVLYRAN|Lyran X Cruiser to the Max - for my son.
|KANE|Model by Kane
|RDD|Redragon (Luan Ngo) Model - SFC Port by DarkDrone
|TALDRENOX|Taldren Orion X-Ship
|TALDRENACT|Model by Taldren/Activision
add to this:
James Formo
Interstellar Machine
Capt. Archer (making his first model now)
Please chime in here if I forgot you.
Look at this talent!
Thank you all.
Chris Jones - Mod Producer