I doubt 're-writing history' is anyone's particular aim. It's called 'artistic licence'. This is only a TV show. The point is to make money by providing some desirable content that people will tune in to so that the TV companies can sell their advertising slots. If the powers that be believe that the best way of producing an interesting and exciting TV show that will sustain its popularity in the long term is to come up with some original storylines instead of blindly repeating what a few hard-core fans 'already know' then that's what they're going to do. Maybe you shouldn't complain so much. Die-hard Trek fans who actually care about adherence to 'canon' (which only has one 'n', by the way - a 'cannon' is a thing that shoots things) are a pretty small minority amongst TV-watching audiences as a whole. One of the main reasons Farscape got binned was because costs were going up but they never managed to make the show appeal to a broader (and hence larger) audience, so revenues could never keep up. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself whether you'd prefer to have a series that isn't totally consistent with all the others, or no series at all.