Topic: Dear Gwarlock  (Read 4989 times)

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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2003, 03:08:23 pm »

I'm staying out of this one. You all are such ding-a-lings, it wouldn't matter what I wrote!!!

<stomps off>
<turns around, throws Iron Rolling Pin (IRP) at Dizzy and continues to stomp away>  

 Hey, thems kinda strong words..........  I agree that you might be able to get away with a word like "Most" of you all.....  But some of us are genuinely trying to help.  (Albiet in thier own special way.....)      


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2003, 04:00:50 pm »
I like the advice one on my co-ed roomates gave us in college about women and dating:

If she won't be passionate after 3 to 5 dates then dump her and move on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2003, 09:00:29 pm »


I'm staying out of this one. You all are such ding-a-lings, it wouldn't matter what I wrote!!!

<stomps off>
<turns around, throws Iron Rolling Pin (IRP) at Dizzy and continues to stomp away>  

 Hey, thems kinda strong words..........  I agree that you might be able to get away with a word like "Most" of you all.....  But some of us are genuinely trying to help.  (Albiet in thier own special way.....)      

I'm sorry Gumby if I misjudged you. Stand corrected.

<throws Scarlett Rolling Pins at the rest>



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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2003, 11:30:15 pm »



I'm staying out of this one. You all are such ding-a-lings, it wouldn't matter what I wrote!!!

<stomps off>
<turns around, throws Iron Rolling Pin (IRP) at Dizzy and continues to stomp away>  

 Hey, thems kinda strong words..........  I agree that you might be able to get away with a word like "Most" of you all.....  But some of us are genuinely trying to help.  (Albiet in thier own special way.....)      

I'm sorry Gumby if I misjudged you. Stand corrected.

<throws Scarlett Rolling Pins at the rest>


 Its all good.  Thats what Gumby is for,  I'm flexible...........

(besides, the pins would just bounce off....)  


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2003, 12:52:55 am »

I'm staying out of this one. You all are such ding-a-lings, it wouldn't matter what I wrote!!!

<stomps off>

Well, you know Kim, Hondo is having girl problems. Now, the 'logical' thing to do would be to ask another girl about what might be going through her head. But no... instead he goes to someone else who has an underwear fettish...
And men wonder why they have girl problems...  

<cuts to scene in Hondo's apartment>

Hondo: Well honey, its cold outside, how bout we stay indoors this evening...
Hondo's gf: Great idea, I'm in the mood for having a little fun actually... do you like roleplaying games??
<tongue drooling, eyes popping out of his head>
Hondo: Now you're talking!!!
Hondo's gf: Just let me get a few things from the bedroom...
<moments later gf returns with a box under her arm>
Hondo's gf: Ok then, now you sit down on the sofa whilst I get everything ready. Hmmm, I wonder what character I'll play this time...
Hondo: Oh boy!! This is going to fun, finally!!
Hondo's gf: <with a sideway's glance at Hondo>... Errr... hmmm... ohh kay...

She opens the box and spills the contents out onto the coffee table. Amongst the items are several assorted dice, some pens and paper, and a Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide.

Hondo'd gf: Now, here's your character sheet and a pen. Start rolling up your character whilst I find where mine is...
<putting on her black-thick-rimmed glasses, she starts shuffling through papers, Hondo looks on despair>
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2003, 05:47:19 am »
I think guys don't realise that girls like men who are in control of their facilities. Not weak and out of control.

But, you see, I'm from the old school where you must have a license to drive. I have a daughter who I will raise with the same morals I was given.


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2003, 10:38:41 am »
I was always taught that when a man is ready for marriage they will have no problem finding a wife.


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2003, 11:53:34 am »

I was always taught that when a man is ready for marriage they will have no problem finding a wife.  

I'll let you know if this ever rings true.  


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2003, 12:12:31 pm »


I'm staying out of this one. You all are such ding-a-lings, it wouldn't matter what I wrote!!!

<stomps off>

Well, you know Kim, Hondo is having girl problems. Now, the 'logical' thing to do would be to ask another girl about what might be going through her head. But no... instead he goes to someone else who has an underwear fettish...
And men wonder why they have girl problems...  

<cuts to scene in Hondo's apartment>

Hondo: Well honey, its cold outside, how bout we stay indoors this evening...
Hondo's gf: Great idea, I'm in the mood for having a little fun actually... do you like roleplaying games??
<tongue drooling, eyes popping out of his head>
Hondo: Now you're talking!!!
Hondo's gf: Just let me get a few things from the bedroom...
<moments later gf returns with a box under her arm>
Hondo's gf: Ok then, now you sit down on the sofa whilst I get everything ready. Hmmm, I wonder what character I'll play this time...
Hondo: Oh boy!! This is going to fun, finally!!
Hondo's gf: <with a sideway's glance at Hondo>... Errr... hmmm... ohh kay...

She opens the box and spills the contents out onto the coffee table. Amongst the items are several assorted dice, some pens and paper, and a Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide.

Hondo'd gf: Now, here's your character sheet and a pen. Start rolling up your character whilst I find where mine is...
<putting on her black-thick-rimmed glasses, she starts shuffling through papers, Hondo looks on despair>

Some friends of mine tried teaching me how to play D&D once...  I didn't quite get it then.


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2003, 12:17:11 pm »

I think guys don't realise that girls like men who are in control of their facilities. Not weak and out of control.

But, you see, I'm from the old school where you must have a license to drive. I have a daughter who I will raise with the same morals I was given.  

 When it comes down to reality, most guys just don't think.  

But ya know, people are just different.  Myself I was married for 13 years, and although I am divorced now and my ex is happily remarried, we are still good friends and talk often.  (not the norm from my understanding)  Needless to say, even though the idea of dating and playing the field is appealing as a Male, every relationship I go into is now being judged for its longevity possibilities.  Granted, my lighthearted nature may sometimes give the impression of out of control, it just serves to keep me young at heart.   (hopefully I won't lose my license)

 Reading back, he's not really sure what he said........  well, whatever....  


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2003, 01:01:27 pm »
At first, I thought the advice from Dr. Laura (you know the 1-800-WHINERS show ) about no marriage before age 30 was extreme.  Now, I think she is very correct.  Marriage is such a huge commitment that it's better to live a full single life first.


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2003, 01:07:26 pm »

At first, I thought the advice from Dr. Laura (you know the 1-800-WHINERS show ) about no marriage before age 30 was extreme.  Now, I think she is very correct.  Marriage is such a huge commitment that it's better to live a full single life first.  

 Strangely enough, I think this sums up what i found out the hard way.  


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2003, 01:07:57 pm »
Holy mackeral, Karnak, you and I agree on   ...although I can't stand Dr. Laura...    


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2003, 01:11:15 pm »
I think 30 is extreme.  I want to be able to keep up with my kids (if I ever get any) for a short time anyway.  However, marriage at my age is still a smidge too early (22).  Although, I did almost mess that up, but luckily(?) she cheated on me so I didn't have to worry about it.


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2003, 01:28:26 pm »

I think 30 is extreme.  I want to be able to keep up with my kids (if I ever get any) for a short time anyway.  However, marriage at my age is still a smidge too early (22).  Although, I did almost mess that up, but luckily(?) she cheated on me so I didn't have to worry about it.  

LOL. Did you know that in some states adultery is still a criminal act?  If it leads to divorce the divorce judge can basically put the offender out on the street penniless, I've heard(??)  Many Georgia companies kept a close watch on co-ed relationship when they use company pagers and emails where one of the workers or both are already married cuz they don't want the legal hassles. Has been more than enough fodder for the employer to issue a layoff notice to get rid of the problem.  I remember a well-known financial services company in Pittsburgh, PA that would use the same excuse to fire people (ie. security gets sent to their office to escort them out)  that were going to lunch together when they really should not be.    


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Re: Dear Gwarlock
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2003, 01:44:02 pm »

That would've been funny at the time, but things like that sort themselves out in time.  I've still got the same job, and she quit after a fight with another chick.  I'm still single, and she's still with the guy she left me for, but she's also pregnant.  SOOO I still have my dreams ahead of me that I can pursue at any time I choose, but she is pretty much stuck for at least 16 years.  It's an evil way to look at it, but I think I got the better deal.