Topic: In the Darkenss... part III  (Read 1801 times)

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In the Darkenss... part III
« on: April 13, 2003, 10:13:06 am »
I just may speed this up to see if K "explodes" or not...

M?Ress awoke with a start.

He was paniked. Paniked as in panting, claws extended, eye narrow and fur standing up. The dream was horrible. He had been surgically altered and placed in command of a Romulan destroyer. He had been in battle fighting Federation kshat and his plasma weapons had been taking FOREVER to recharge. How could one fight like that? But even worst than that?

He had no fur.

He looked down. Yes it was all there, standing on end right now, but all there. He breathed  a sigh of relief and went to the basin to get a drink.

These dreams had been bothering him for a few nights now, but at least it was lessening. The first night, he had woken with a yowl and had launched himself across the room. In doing so he scared Redfur half to death as she woke up and immediately assumed a battle stance. It had taken several minutes for them to calm down and longer still to get back to sleep. Tonight it had been less intense and he had merely woken up with a start.

Redfur was awake when he came back to the bed. He turned his head to the left, as he always did now when talking to her, so she didn?t have to look at his empty eyesocket. The eyepatch was on the nightstand.

?Another dream?? she asked.

?Yes, but nowhere near as bad this time.?

?That?s good. But if they get worse again, you go see a psych.?

?No way. I?m not going to talk to a psych for an hour only to have him tell me what I already know.?

?And what is that??

?That I am so eager to get to battle again that I will do anything to get there.?

He had missed the AOTK campaign due to a concussion from K?arbin. Redfur had to take his place on the front line. It was obviously the guilt of not being there (not to mention having his wife fill in for him, thus putting her at risk), that was playing on his mind.

?Well let?s not be too hasty to fight a war. We haven?t had this much time to ourselves in a long time.?

He looked at his wife. ?h?rrr, This is true.?

She slid over to his side of the bed and snuggled into his side. It wasn?t long before she was asleep again. With her warm breath causing soft ripples in his chest fur and her slow breathing, he too fell asleep soon after that.



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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2003, 01:47:53 pm »
Oooohhhh..... how simply cozy and romantic....... <sigh>


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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2003, 07:43:58 pm »

No kaboom?

We'll just have to work on the next installment.


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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 10:15:13 am »
Ok, Goosey!!! Time's up!


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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2003, 10:25:30 am »

Ok, Goosey!!! Time's up!  

She says, casually holding a rolling pin in her hand...


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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2003, 10:26:27 am »


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Re: In the Darkenss... part III
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2003, 12:57:49 pm »
Thar she blows!

wow that only took a couple of days...

(Dives into protective bunker)