Topic: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign  (Read 3203 times)

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Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« on: April 13, 2003, 08:56:47 am »
Hiya Fluf:

Just wondering if you had anymore news on the EAW server you mentioned that you might be putting up this weekend.



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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2003, 09:20:28 am »
Rumor has it that since Fluf cou;dn't make drones any faster he was going to deduct 30% of the engine power of all ships



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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2003, 12:14:01 pm »
Scipio for the love of God give the man some time. He is obviously busy right now bakeing pies.


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2003, 01:01:30 pm »
Fluf has authorized moi to be the official pie delivery Frog.

"All Right you vagrants!! Stand at Attention!!"

Korlivilar Sargeant shows up with tray full of pies with labels stating, "evil patrol", "evil, evil fleet action", etc.

"Sgt., do your duty!!"

The Sarge slams pies into the victims faces, hehe.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2003, 04:46:39 pm »
Late breaking news ... this just in ...


Shame Fluf ... shame ...


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2003, 04:57:19 pm »

Fluf cancel those pie orders................  


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2003, 04:58:35 pm »
Yes, Fluf, you finally found a way to get out of the pie baking business!


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2003, 05:02:34 pm »
Disturbing reports of Federation / Kzinti collusion in the plot to distribute " soiled pies " across the galaxy.

Here is  some secret surveillance footage of a meeting between Fluf and a Federation contact known only as " Bob ".


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2003, 05:07:32 pm »
Guess its back to donuts


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2003, 07:01:43 pm »
   Well trying to through a major server together in 48 hours is a little tough, but I am almost done.  I have 56 missions in the pack, using NW's missions (minus the CourierIntercept, sorry  ) 6 of Tracey's Missions from DOE, (Tracey, the missions you sent me dont work and crash as soon as they start, please contact me!) and 4 new missions from Karnak of which 3 I can get to work.  Map is done.  Settings are done.  I am having a problem with Jeffs EAWRefit list, as some of the Orions dont have a model to point at (missing the pcl.mod from OP.  Might have to include that model or delete the ships.  Jeff, could you please check the shiplist and see if there are any other ships in there that need models.

   All I need is a server now.  Kortez has offered to use his, but since he has gotten rid of his DSL line, he is down to his cable line only, and wouldnt be able to play on the server if he hosts it.  So if anyone has a server they can lend us for 2 weeks, I can probably get this thing up tonight!


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2003, 07:51:57 pm »
We could give it a go on The Wheel if there isnt anything better...
just send the files along and I can just backup the current db and
load 'er up... ( see  The "I ain't got no server" Blues  )

It would be interesting to see how it performs with the new irc network...
(may take some edits to the php scripts - are all the races in?)

P.S. Karnak - I just ran a test mission on the ISC Invasion server and I ran
a Squadron Action mission in mirak territory which seemed to work fine,
but could not draw any missions in fed or Klink territory...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by rajnsaj »


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2003, 07:57:59 pm »
Hey Fluf,

just to throw another curve at ya -- an updated mission pack is just uploading now
(to usual location: )

Hopefully this addresses most of the issues that surfaced during DOE, plus a bunch of other fixes and tweaks ported from the OP pack fixes, and a couple of new missions thrown in for good measure.

EDIT: ok, upload finished, the beastie is ready

« Last Edit: April 13, 2003, 08:08:50 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2003, 08:42:39 pm »
Great Dave!  Thanks.  Downloading the pack now.  I need to get ahold of TracyG, so if anybody sees her, tell her the last batch of missions she sent me didnt work and crashed as soon as they loaded.  I still have her DOE missions and they work, but I would like to use her recompiled ones if I can.  I also have 4 new missions from Karnak that we are going to use and the possibilty of one or 2 more by tomorrow night.  

Everybody give me about 24 hours, and let me see what I can come up with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fluf »

Capt Jeff

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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2003, 06:33:59 am »
Just wanted to post this here in case you didn't see the other thread.

Shiplist has been repaired, and sent to your (Fluf's) e-mail listed on this board.

....time for a doughnut  


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2003, 09:34:36 am »
Sorry Fluf about the missions, I didnt get a chance to check them before I sent them to you (must start doing that).
Will go over them again soon, just been busy at uni is all, I had another test today. Sorry about that, will try and get them to you soon. I do have next week off though, so perhaps if you use the DOE missions for now and I'll get them to you afterwards?


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2003, 11:54:33 am »
NP Tracey, get you work done.  RL comes first.  I have the DOE missions in there now and we can switch them out later.


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Re: Hey, Flufbot? Just checking on your campaign
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2003, 03:31:42 am »

NP Tracey, get you work done.  RL comes first.  I have the DOE missions in there now and we can switch them out later.  

Fluf do your eyes turn brown when you say things like that? Not a one of us will ever believe such statement coming from you.

P.S. My pie supply is running low I broke the bank when launching pies at Blade.