Well trying to through a major server together in 48 hours is a little tough, but I am almost done. I have 56 missions in the pack, using NW's missions (minus the CourierIntercept, sorry

) 6 of Tracey's Missions from DOE, (Tracey, the missions you sent me dont work and crash as soon as they start, please contact me!) and 4 new missions from Karnak of which 3 I can get to work. Map is done. Settings are done. I am having a problem with Jeffs EAWRefit list, as some of the Orions dont have a model to point at (missing the pcl.mod from OP. Might have to include that model or delete the ships. Jeff, could you please check the shiplist and see if there are any other ships in there that need models.
All I need is a server now. Kortez has offered to use his, but since he has gotten rid of his DSL line, he is down to his cable line only, and wouldnt be able to play on the server if he hosts it. So if anyone has a server they can lend us for 2 weeks, I can probably get this thing up tonight!