Topic: ED Mission source code posted  (Read 3266 times)

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ED Mission source code posted
« on: February 23, 2003, 09:39:38 pm »
OK, I finally got off my butt and organized and posted all the SFC2 source code for the missions I've created and the Taldren ones I've modified.

   I POSTED THE OP VERSIONS  since they include all my EAW ones, and the code isn't much different between my OP and EAW versions.

All missions except the dozen numbered 20 through 31 can be easily modified to run on EAW .

 I think for almost all the other missions the only requirement to recreate my EAW versions is to change kOrionCamboro to kMirak in the briefing message setups.  There may be one or two other spots where you have to delete some reference to a cartel race, so just compile the beasties and wait for the "undefined identifier" errors to point you at the cartel values you need to delete.  Met_NW20... through Met_NW31... contain lots of OP-specific code, so if you're using this for EAW just ignore those missions.

The source code is zipped up in

Feel free to do whatever you like to them, but please pull my email address from the briefing messages so I don't get the mail for anything that breaks  

If you distribute modified versions it would also be nice to change the file name for the .scr file as well as the "true mission name", to guarantee the versions you create don't conflict with the versions I post, just in case any poor slobs want to use both.

In terms of support ... there isn't any.
In terms of guarantees, warranties, etc ...  none of those either.
Got complaints about the (lack of) comments? or about the screwed up nature of some of my code? ... Tough cookies  
Once you open 'em up, they're your problem!

Heh, that said, I do  hope you find them useful and I will actually try to answer questions that crop up -- I'm just not making any promises.



Rod O'neal

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Re: ED Mission source code posted
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2003, 10:08:13 pm »
Thanks again Dave. You continue to supply us with some of the best presents for our games