I'd like to announce the release of the next shiplist in the OP+ series... only THIS time, it's version 2.0.
download package:
http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/op_plusrefit_shiplist-20030413.zip homepage link:
http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/ This time, with over 1350 additional ship entries (bringing the total up to 3724 entries), the focus wasn't even to add ships. This was a massive check, recheck, re-recheck, and so on. These fixes are D2-oriented mostly. There should be very little difference for standard online multiplayer games.
Changes, briefly listed:
- Fixes
- Corrections
- Year of availability tweaking
- Dronerack reload refits
- Some sanity checks on data I previously mis-entered
- commando ship availability limited
- survey ships availability improved
I know it's only been 2 weeks for you all, but this shiplist is pretty much what I've been working on between diaper changes, burpings, or whatever else babies do. Considering Mom does most of the work (feeding), I still had enough time on my hands to do a lot on the shiplist.
-- Luc