They hadn't seen a Suliban cloak to start with. It was Daneils who told Archer how to see them. They could track their engine Residue, though
I see.
No we don't. But if we assume the TOS Bird of Prey is equally capable with its warp drive, it probably has a fusion reactor as a power source. This means it would have a limited range. Eventually it would have to turn back and re-feul.
You can assume all you want, but I won't. I will wait for facts to be known.
I have withdrawn my statement. I forgot to think about heavy weapons. Their primary weapon could have been what they fired, Atomics would be their heavy, possibly exactly like Spatial Torpedoes (No there is no reason to suggest a Spatial Torpedo is Atomic either, but there is no reason to suggest it isn't)
Makes sense enough. But we don't know what heavy weapons that ship has until it uses them. And no, the Spatial Torpedo is not atomic. In Minefield, the Enterprise was hit by a 25 kiloton or quarter kiloton mine. Either way, judging from the damage the mine did, and the type of damage we have seen the torpedo do, I think its highly unlikely that those torpedoes are atomic.
Are you thinking of the Raptor, or the Battlecruiser from unexpected. I think the Raptor was diabled when they found it, my memory is a little sketchy
The Raptor was in the gas giant.
They didn't fight much. Not in Trouble with Tribbles and not in Day of the Dove. I don't remmeber any other Klingon battle
I was under the impression that the Enterprise had several skirmishish with them, and generally won.
I am basing it on Tin Man. You hear about 9 shots fired in about 5 seconds (3 of them on screen, fired by the main cannon)
In TNG weapons tend to be fired in long, rapid vollies, with a moment for cool down, and the again fired in another long, rapid volley.
For example: there are times you will see the BigE fire 8 torpedoes off somewhere, wait for a few seconds, and another stream of torpedoes pour out. A phaser strike from the BigE tended to be several phrases going rapidly striking out, cool down for a few seconds, and another burst of phasers.
If I find the discussion I saw about total numbers, I'll post a link. Someone suggested that, based on the ratio of Galaxies, there would be 200 or more (assuming a fleet of over 10,000, like some of the DS9 battles suggest)
Huh, I believe the biggest battle at the end of DS9 had no more than the 2000 ships. In Sacrifice of Angels, the Federation fleet consisted of 600~ ships (believe the real number is 589 or somesuch), and that required several big fleets. Very few people think the combined total of Federation ships is more than 8000. Most seem to content that right now its somewhere in the area of 7000-4000 ships.