This thread needs to be posted when I have more time, not right before two exams!
*tackles few points in no particular order*
ENT BoP tactical systems:
Probably not atomic weapons or FTL projectiles. Why not atomic? Beats me, but they really looked like energy pulses, rather than anything physical. And personally, I would not waste nuclear ammo on multiple warning shots. Also, most races employs energy weapons for practical purposes. You can't just rely on explosive weapons 100% of the time, they have limitations, especially nukes. Why not FTL? Because we saw them, that's why. FTL weapons would not have been seen because of their speed. They are also very technologically demanding, you probably don't want to have them as far back as ENT, too advanced.
I believe it is said by Reed, "There shields are deflecting our sensor scans"
Also, we've seen Romulan BoPs use something other than plasma bowling balls in TOS. In "The Deadly Years", the BoPs swarming the Ent-nil were firing little globes of energy that were definately not plasma torpedoes. I think they could have been energy weapons. This would establish a clear lineage for Romulan (pulsed) energy weapon, from ENT to TOS to TNG to DS9.
As for shields, until we see some, I really don't think the Romulans have any shields back then. It would overly tip the strategic balance in their favour, and make Earth victory in the Earth/Romulan War questionable.
Who built the Scimitar:
Despite Tremok's very good points, I still argue that the Scimitar was a Reman creation. Why? Because our Picard wannabe said so. That should be enough right there. We can try to come up with different ways to interpret and twist Shinzon's words, but if we stick right to it, he said the Remans built the Scimitars.
I really don't care what faction of the Empire was responsible for the Scimitar anymore, since it doesn't matter. But I will bite anyway. Yes, the Remans built the thing. But who designed, engineered, and developed is the question. Remember it is also said in the movie that Shinzon and the Remans would of gotten no where without the help of the Romulan militar.
He also said the Remans had assemble a significant force and came to Romulus in force. Evidentally, the Reman does have some resources available to them, more than people think they do. The Remans do after all represent a majority of the population on Remus, and the Romulans can't hope to watch over an entire planet without missing something every now and then, which adds up. Even if there aren't as many Remans as Romulans in the Empire, there must still be hundred of millions on Remus. Plus, during the Dominion War, the Romulans relaxed their grip on the Remans in order to use them as a combat force. The Scimitar could very well have been conceived during that troubled time, when the Romulans had something more pressing to worry about then their own oppressed minority secretly building a planet-killer. Like them genicidal Dominions.
Remember, the Romulans have the best secret police and intelligence organizations in Star Trek. History has show these to be very effective. We all saw the movie; the towering Romulan guards at every corner glaring over the Remans, and beating them into place if they got out of line.
Also, Remus isn't just a dillithium mine, it also has heavy weapons factory. Assuming those factories are also run by the Remans (quite probable, they built the factory near a source of labour, they have no reason to be there otherwise), that means the Reman population does comprise of skilled workers and technicians to some degree. And the Scimitar is really just a big heavy weapon, no more, no less.
Weapons are only a part of a Starship. What about the warp drive? What would the Remans know about that? The Scimitar was able to run down a Sovereign class ship, while a D'deridex couldn't even run down a Galaxy. The Scimitar have super maneuverability. Where did the Remans learn to make a a ship that big so maneuverable? What about the very power primary and secondary shield system the Scimitar used? The Remans could build very powerful weapons, but what do they have to do with shield design, technology, and construction. The perfect cloak that is utterly undetechable, and allows you to raise shields while cloaked and allows you to fire while cloak. The holograhpic projection communication system. Sure, the Remans make awesome weapons, and have the facilities to design and construct them, but where did all this other revolutionary technology come from?
The Scimitar's design really contrasted away from what we've seen of Romulan designs, which is elegant at least in some way. Instead, the Scimitar is very crude, dark, utilitarian, and more like something a hard people would build.
This is true, but it still has the Warbird look about it. John Eaves himself is quoted to as saying he intended that the Scimitar looked like it descended from the Valdore.
And remember, there was only one Scimitar, which should not be too hard to manage for a people capable of rising up and landing on Romulus in force.
Wasn't it said in the movie that it took all of Remus resources to built the Scimitar?
It make sense that if the Remans only had so much resources, they would make something that cannot be easily overwhelmed by the numerically superior Romulans, plus it having a nasty little Easter egg inside.
Everybody wants a ship that is superior to everyone elses ship.
I still believe that with the sheer hatred between Romulans and Remans, the Romulans would never put something as powerful as the Scimitar under Reman control. It's quite literally, suicidal.
Lastly, there is no reason to include the Remans in the coup on Romulus at all, unless they had something unique to offer. If the Scimitar was a Romulan ship, they could have manned it with Romulans from the start and done Earth away with like they were promised, instead of the Romulan military officers being forced to yield to Shinzon's own priorities. It doesn't make any sense for the Romulans to shoot their own operation in the leg by placing someone like Shinzon in control of the single most powerful weapon the Empire ever produced. That's why I say that the Scimitar is a Reman creation.
Lets think about this.
First, we know the Romulan military had no love of the current government. After all, they helped kill off. Who is to say they didn't try to build the ship first, but the Praetor/Senate wouldn't let them, as it would be too costly/unnecessary/somesuch?
So they give they the Remans a few of there revolutionary iteams that have been on the drawing board. They don't give them all there aces, but some. So, the Scimitar may be either of Romulan or Reman design, outfitted with the best of Reman weapons, plus a new Thalaron superweapon, and the revolutionary Romulan projects like the cloak and warp core. The movie seems to support this. as the Scimitar, though filled will awesome technologies, also seem to have some rather primitive systems, such as they pop-out thrusters needed to go in reverse, and flips and switches at the control stations.
What do the Romulans gain from this, you ask? It gives them a chance to test their technologies, to see if they are actually worht it or not. If Shinzon and the Remans failed to other throw the government, the Romulan military had a strong scape goat and good plasuable deniability. If they worked, they proven the technologies AND have taken out a government they didn't like. So, now they let the Shinzon and the Remans parade around for a while. The now dead government was probably well liked, and they Romulan populace would hate being ruled over by an inferior human and his Remans. After letting the populaces hate simmer, the Romulan military will rise up and dispatch Shinzon and the Remans, and will establish themselves the government, where they people will love them and they will have no opposition.
Might even be alittle deeper than that. It be plotters WITHIN the military, who will raise up and say, "look at what the oofs at the head of our military did? The man the Remans in charge of us all!". And of course THEY will overthrow Shinzon, and then killed off the military's top leaders. Then they will establish themselves government, and public mourn and pay respect to the old goverment Shinzon orignally killed off, and the Romulan people will love them.
Lets remember now, the Scimitar and its technologies proved themselves to be awesome and revolutionary. The Remans have established everything, all the complexes, facturies, research complexes, supply bases, ect. So after the have killed of Shinzon and the Remans, they just have to step in and take over all that was conviently set up and built for them.
And of course, they go and make nice with the Federation. They are happy, the Federation is happy, the populace is happy.