Topic: SFC Orion Pirates  (Read 2223 times)

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SFC Orion Pirates
« on: April 12, 2003, 06:40:15 pm »
 Can someone please point me in the direction where I might find the list of fixes for the latest Orion Pirates Patch for the D2? Thank You in advance for you help.

B5er wanna be

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Re: SFC Orion Pirates
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2003, 07:38:29 pm »
Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) : Orion Pirates(TM)
Release version Readme File
14 March 2003


02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team: James King and Dutch Blomenkamp and Taldren
1)Fast Repair Bug fixed; all repairable hardpoint slots must be at 50% health to operate.
2)Fixed repair time of multiple slot hardpoints to match the number of weapons in them.
3)Fighter control icons will no longer disappear unexpectedly.
4)Direct-fire fighter weapons are now ready to fire first shot after 8 impulses, and can fire one shot per turn after that (except disruptors which are 2 shots per turn).
5)Heavy PF weapons are now ready to fire after 8 impulses, and follow regular charging rules after that.
6)Fighter minimum speed set to 20.
7)Shield reinforcement is no longer applied to downed shields when taking damage.  
8)Dynaverse 2 patrol missions no longer award a win to players who disengage.
9)Spare parts standard and maximum values in Dynaverse 2 space dock fixed.
10)Saved game difficulty is now enforced when reading in a single-player campaign.  
11)Unfinished repairs are now completed automatically at the end of a mission.
12)Some battles (AI) were happening where a empire would attack a cartel and vice versa - fixed.
13)Unused shuttles are now converted back to admin shuttles at the end of a mission, including recovery of resources used to create them.
14)Damage to the damage control system no longer affects repair times, since damage control itself is an unrepairable system.
15)Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking tuned; effects of lag may be reduced.
16)Hellbore charging cost reduced to 2.5/turn, holding cost is also 2.5.
17)Volley cycle (mizia) interval changed from 1/20 turn to 1/32 turn [true impulse].
18)Overlapping PPD shots no longer cause too many volley cycles (mizia).
19)Plasma I defensive firing made smarter (like Plasma D in last patch).
20)Proximity photon to-hit table change: 83%/67%/33%.
21)Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
22)Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
23)Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
24)Phaser-G now honors shift-Z "fire all" command.
25)Phaser-G can now be fired if there is just 0.25 energy in the capacitor (previously 1.00 was required but it only used 0.25).
26)Phaser capacitor no longer loses charge when a phaser slot is destroyed.
27)Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
28)Phaser point defense no longer shoots as Plasma D.
29)Plasma D, Plasma I, phaser point defense, and ADD systems will no longer waste shots on dead things that just haven't disappeared yet.
30)Plasma D and Plasma I will no longer waste multiple shots at the same target.
31)Plasma D reload time increased from 1 turn to 1.33 turns.
32)User-made plasma race ships with ADD hardpoints now fire ADD rounds instead of Plasma D shots from the ADD hardpoint.
33)Plasma D and ADD hardpoints now correctly show offline state in display.
34)Shotgun plasma capacity now based on current setting of weapon, not the hardpoint type.
35)Shotgun plasma no longer wastes unnecessary shots on fighter groups.
36)Shotgun plasma no longer fires more than one plasma at a regular ship.
37)If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable itself vs. the shuttle.
38)ADD damage versus shuttles and fighters was incorrect; [0..5] fixed to [1..6]
39)ADD12 reload time is now 2 turns instead of 1.
40)HET attempt during EM lowers success rate by 16%.
41)EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
42)ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG energy was wasted).
43)Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy expenditure warrants it.
44)Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
45)Hydran UI for ESG panel (multiplayer only) fixed (buttons were messed up).
46)ESG radius indicator is no longer drawn if the ESG cannot fire (destroyed hardpoint).
47)ESG capacitor and hardpoint now lose charge/ready state when destroyed.
48)ESG field that is 'warming up' will no longer cause drones to miss a Lyran target.
49)Cloak can no longer be engaged while being tractored.
50)Tractor lock on a cloaked ship negates the range doubling effect.
51)Switching from hold to repel now drops tractor hold.
52)Switching from hold to repel, or repel to hold now resets tractor capacitor.
53)When the tractor system is destroyed it will no longer charge holding cost because the capacitor is emptied automatically..
54)Speed 11 changed from 5 seconds/turn to 10 seconds/turn.
55)Assault shuttles now require 4 marines to create, and subtract none on impact.
56)Removed debug code that wrote to "EWdump.txt" on every single phaser fire.
57)Plasma holding costs reduced as follows (first number is normal, second is eneveloping) R(4/5), S(2/4), G (1/2.5).
58)Shield regeneration due to labs, lowered slightly.
59)BPV adjusted upward for Missile G ships.
60)Escort ships received a BPV increase.
61)Docking "weak" fighters will no longer transform them into stronger variety (i.e. Hornet.I magically becoming Wasp.III)
62)Launching fighters now voids WW.
63)Disengaging in Dynaverse assault missions (Planety, starbase, etc.) gives leaving player a defeat.
64)ESG vs Hellbore interaction re-added.
65)Mauler can be destroyed - fixed (note effectiveness can still be degraded by destroying batteries)
66)Unable to removed last engine drain effect from Plasma Snare hit - fixed.
67)Battlefest, and other fest's with the exception of Tourneyfest ignore Era setting - fixed.
68)(Scripting) Location Who flag always returns Federation - fixed.
69)All races may now can have either AMD or Plasma D.
70)TR beam always does 20 points - fixed. (also broke out into TRBL and TRBH).
71)Increased the number of ships per class from 64 to 128.
72)Some races are able to adjust the game speed in Dyna - fixed.
73)Patrol mission not returning proper results - fixed (thanks to NuclearWessels and FireSoul).
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 07:40:33 pm by B5er wanna be »


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Re: SFC Orion Pirates
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2003, 08:28:40 pm »
Wheee.. my name's in the readme.


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Re: SFC Orion Pirates
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2003, 08:36:09 pm »
  These fixes sound really great! Thanx for all of your efforts!!!!