Topic: How goes testing of OP's D2????  (Read 4156 times)

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How goes testing of OP's D2????
« on: April 11, 2003, 10:43:21 pm »
I've been testing a bit on the Badlands server to see if there are still the same problems with OP's D2 after the patch.

From the limited amount of time I've had I've been able to flip hexes(both neutral and enemy) and raise the DV's of those hexes.
The only real DV problems I've seen seem to center around the Courier mission.  I've only had it drop a DV one time(I was Hand Of Bethke'd on that one).  

I did run into the Juggernaut in a monster mission.  I don't think a lone D7W's gonna make it against that thing.

What has everyone else seen??  Anything else I need to look for?


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2003, 10:55:52 pm »
I logged on earlier tonight... no one else was on...did a Holding Action which some how had me actually being the offensive player (ie I was supposed to scan the LP) and instead of ending normally.  It crashed when it should have ended.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2003, 11:11:20 pm »
I've been busy remaking the shiplist in a more D2 friendly format.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2003, 11:54:33 pm »
On the Holding Action script, it's actually one script to run both holding action and data recovery. You were actually playing the data recovery end. It's odd that you crashed, though. I've played it many times and not had a problem. Also, now you have to run across the border to end mission if you don't beat the defenders.

If people could further test the courier mission just to be safe, it would help. SFCX is testing a new setup for a short-run campaign, and it would be nice to know which missions we should leave out. For starters, the monster mission and superfleet (where you are mobbed by enemy AIs, starting in the middle) are out.

If you happen to see the test server ("Reclamation"), please don't bother logging in. It will be up and down a lot this weekend for settings testing. For mission and DV testing, continue to use Badlands.


Capt Jeff

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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2003, 03:10:02 am »
I've played a little bit on Badlands, usually when no one is on of

haven't seen any mission problems except with holding action.   I've stayed and fought the defenders every time, usually a 3 vs3 match-up.   When the last defender die, the mission ends.   I get a victory, but I've never made it close to the listening post.

One other thing is I am wondering if the server side shiplist could have the freighters restricted, so they stop appearing in the yards.  So many cool ships to choose from, only to never see them because the yards are full of  freighters !!

Other then those 2 very minor's been pretty damn fun.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2003, 09:08:08 am »
For Reclamation, I'll be going through the OP+ shiplist and adjusting ship classes and restrictions so we get some more logical shipyards. I'm also going to decrease the chance for freighters to be built in the .gf files, just to keep them from crowding the list.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2003, 09:25:39 am »
Kurok and I were talking about the very same problem with a Freighter filled shipyard last night.  It's kind of bad when you get all excited about a D7C in the yard when it should be filled with D5 class and FW's and D7W's.  

Also we were having problems with raising the DV's on a hex 6,10 I think.  It may have been a bugged hex like we saw in AOTK(but this is OP)  anyway, once we flipped the hex Klingon with a 0 DV and ran a mission there it would flip neutral with a DV of 1.  Didn't matter which mission.  On other hexes I was able to raise the DV until the server went down that is.

I think it's just Kurok and his Anti-proton field causing the problems.  The one missionwe tried to Co-op locked up.  then we headed over to Battlezone and he locked up there.  He's just cursed.  


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2003, 09:47:21 am »
The Badlands server is back up. If you go back on, try boosting that hex again, and also try capturing and boosting similar hexes (same terrain, base/no base, etc.). Another thing to check is the cartel layer -- is there a cartel owner for the hex, and if so, what is their political tension with your empire(s)?


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2003, 10:26:59 am »
I have emerged from SERIOUSLY trying to like SFC3 and D3.  Conclusion: it absolutely cannot compare to EAW or OP.  
Next statement: can we just have a server with no special downloads?  No shiplists, no mission lists, just an innovative map, good rules, and take advantage of the good patch that has happened for OP?  


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2003, 11:49:50 am »
Badlands is usually a "no-download" server, intended to be an informal battlefield rather than a VC-oriented, moderated campaign. It will probably return to this setup shortly, now that we know the bulk of the mission scripts, the shiplist, and the hex DV results are stable.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2003, 11:51:19 am »

I've been testing a bit on the Badlands server to see if there are still the same problems with OP's D2 after the patch.

From the limited amount of time I've had I've been able to flip hexes(both neutral and enemy) and raise the DV's of those hexes.
The only real DV problems I've seen seem to center around the Courier mission.  I've only had it drop a DV one time(I was Hand Of Bethke'd on that one).  

I did run into the Juggernaut in a monster mission.  I don't think a lone D7W's gonna make it against that thing.

What has everyone else seen??  Anything else I need to look for?  

Heh...the only time I can reember for sure taking out a "Juggernaught" (aka Bird of Bethke) was in a K-XCB...heheh.  

Maybe I'll load up OP and apply the patch and come see what's doin'.  


Capt Jeff

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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2003, 01:16:08 pm »
Problem on hex 10,6.

Turned it neutral with a DV 0 from Klingon DV 1.
Flipped it Fed with a DV 1

Any mission taken would flip it back to neutral.   I would retake it, and try again, and it would still go back neutral.  I tried all known allied hex missions, and could not boost it.

Strangely enough, the hex right below it (10,7) was Klingon with a DV of 1 and I flipped it and boosted it up to a DV of 4.

Both hexes are plain empty hexes, with neutral cartel hexes below them.   I am stumped.....


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2003, 05:27:07 pm »
Looking at the map, that hex should have no terrain, bases, or other odd features. However, it is a 10 DV hex, whereas the one below it is a 5 DV hex. Try to flip and boost another neutral space 10 DV hex, like 6,6.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2003, 06:48:45 pm »

I have emerged from SERIOUSLY trying to like SFC3 and D3.  Conclusion: it absolutely cannot compare to EAW or OP.  
Next statement: can we just have a server with no special downloads?  No shiplists, no mission lists, just an innovative map, good rules, and take advantage of the good patch that has happened for OP?  

 Hmmmmm... I remember that the Academy was based a whole lot on those parameters. I also heard that another Academy OP game is in the works. Anyone interested?    


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2003, 08:19:09 pm »
Sounds cool Wolfman, but check out the Evil Dave missions, too.  


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2003, 08:57:33 pm »
On the unboostable hex issue, I've duplicated it in 6,6, which had never been captured before.

Here's my theory: DV restore is set at 0, and we can't control the percentage of the starting DV that the hex flips at. Before, hexes would generally flip at about .2 of their full health, which meant you had to set the restore at .2 or above to avoid having just this problem occur -- the hex would REFLIP because the boosting mission still made the hex DV lower than the flip threshold. By making bases have no DV boost effect, somehow hexes magically seem to change from .2 to perhaps a .1 flip. So, a 5 DV hex (many of the Badlands map hexes) will flip at 0 because it is the first DV at or below one tenth of the total starting DV (.5 out of a possible 5). A 10 DV hex, however, will flip at 1 (one tenth of 10) and restore to 0. The next mission boosts the DV to 1, which is still the flip point, causing it to flip again back to neutral. The only sure way around this problem is to set the restore to .1 instead of 0. What this means for D2 is that hexes will always restore to .1 of their full health. So, a 50 DV hex will flip at 5 and restore to 5. Where it gets muddy would be the hexes that start at a value not divisible by 10. Even though they may work, the safest route is to make all hex starting DVs 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.

I will try to test on the Reclamation test server tomorrow using a .1 restore value. Most hexes there are 20 DV, so it will take a while.

If anyone finds evidence to the contrary of what I wrote above, please let me know.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2003, 09:12:34 pm »
I will be there at the helm of the IKV Zerfleischer!    


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2003, 03:05:14 pm »
Nomad, I captured 6,6 yesterday and today and turned it Lyran. When it was Lyran I ran a patrol mission, won it and the hex went neutral! The defense went up, but the hex went grey....



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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2003, 04:28:42 pm »
Yep, that's what I've seen, too. The best solution seems to be to set the hex health restore to .1 -- I tested that on Reclamation today and it worked just fine. A 20 DV hex flipped, restored to 2, boosted to 3.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2003, 12:50:15 am »
On Badlands, I have turned a hex to lyran. Sector 0,16 is now Lyran with a DV of 0. Yet I can't raise it anymroe it seems. I've been trying for a couple of hours.


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Re: How goes testing of OP's D2????
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2003, 07:45:41 am »
Yeah, I never changed the hex health reset to .1 on Badlands. It's still at 0, so it will continue to be a problem in hexes higher than 5 DV to start untili Castrin has a chance to change the setting.