On the unboostable hex issue, I've duplicated it in 6,6, which had never been captured before.
Here's my theory: DV restore is set at 0, and we can't control the percentage of the starting DV that the hex flips at. Before, hexes would generally flip at about .2 of their full health, which meant you had to set the restore at .2 or above to avoid having just this problem occur -- the hex would REFLIP because the boosting mission still made the hex DV lower than the flip threshold. By making bases have no DV boost effect, somehow hexes magically seem to change from .2 to perhaps a .1 flip. So, a 5 DV hex (many of the Badlands map hexes) will flip at 0 because it is the first DV at or below one tenth of the total starting DV (.5 out of a possible 5). A 10 DV hex, however, will flip at 1 (one tenth of 10) and restore to 0. The next mission boosts the DV to 1, which is still the flip point, causing it to flip again back to neutral. The only sure way around this problem is to set the restore to .1 instead of 0. What this means for D2 is that hexes will always restore to .1 of their full health. So, a 50 DV hex will flip at 5 and restore to 5. Where it gets muddy would be the hexes that start at a value not divisible by 10. Even though they may work, the safest route is to make all hex starting DVs 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
I will try to test on the Reclamation test server tomorrow using a .1 restore value. Most hexes there are 20 DV, so it will take a while.
If anyone finds evidence to the contrary of what I wrote above, please let me know.