Topic: Crew Figures  (Read 2750 times)

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Crew Figures
« on: April 09, 2003, 05:41:51 pm »
I've been trying to compile a database of ship stats for the the SFC3 game, but when it comes to Crew Members, every source I check gives me different information.  What I am specifically looking for is the total number of crew members (officers, enlisted, marines, etc) required to run each starship in the SFC3 game.  While it is commonly noted that a B'rel only needs a crew of 12 to operate, when it comes to ships like the Defiant, I've heard everything from 20 to 150!  For the Negh'Var I've heard ranges from 1500 to 5000.  I would also like similar data on the various starbases, shipyards and defense platforms found in the game.  Finally, just how much tonnage of cargo can a freighter carry, anyway?  And what of the Borg - I can't find diddly on how many drones it takes to fly a Cube?

While SFC1 & 2 was very good at giving this kind of information (as it was based on StarFleet Battles and I could just dig through old FASA books etc), the information in SFC3 on ships is somewhat lacking or disparate.  Could someone with  authority  please provide some accurate figures?  I would really appreciate it.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2003, 08:17:50 pm »
If by authority you mean Taldren, that is a bad idea.

First off, these are the ships:

Saber (doubt that its crew was listed anywhere cannon)
Norway (no)
Defiant (I'm sure)
Voyage (definately)
Excelsior (don't know)
Akira (don't know)
Nebula (doubt it)
Galaxy (definate)
Sovreign (definate)

B'Rel (definate, 12)
K'Vort (I think says 36, little small, though)
K't'inga (not sure if it is definate, I've heard 438.  Constitution had 430)
Fek'lrh (non-cannon, check if Armada made up some number)
Vor'Cha (not sure if it is definate.  I've heard 450)
Negh'Var (not sure)

Talon, Falcon, Shrike, Hawk, Raptor (no, non-cannon.  Made up by Taldren.  You could ask them to waste their time making up some crew number, or you could guess based on size)
D'deridex (I heard some huge number.  Check if has it)

I doubt the Cube was listed
The Sphere and Diamond probably weren't
The rest are non-canon

Go to and see if you can find it (they might have been listed in the Technical manual, or something)


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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2003, 08:32:20 pm »
The Defiant has a crew if about 50.

The Intrepids have a crew of 150.

Sovereigns have a crew of about 700.

Galaxies have a crew of just over 1000.

BOPs usually have a crew of around 12, depends on the size.

Galor class has a crew of 600.

Check out If the crew is in yellow number, then that is the offical crew number. If its green, its backstage info. White means a WAG.

Now, I usually take any info I find on Daystrom with a lot of salt, but the crew numbers should be accurate enough.  


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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2003, 10:53:48 pm »

I've been trying to compile a database of ship stats for the the SFC3 game,   Could someone with  authority  please provide some accurate figures?  I would really appreciate it.  





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Body Count
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2003, 12:09:00 am »
Because I figured as long as I was sticking all this data into Excel, why not include crew totals so that later, when I'm playing, I can get a real feel for exactly how many hapless "virtual beings" I send into the void on a daily basis.  ^.^



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I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2003, 03:44:42 am »
So let's see, according to  Computer Core Dump , we have (assuming civilians are not onboard during wartime) ...
Federation: Sabre = 412, Norway = 220, Defiant = 30, Intrepid = 120, Akira = 412, Excelsior = 570, Nebula = 780, Galaxy = 760, and Sovereign = 700
Klingon: B'rel = 10 to 25, K'vort = 390, K'tinga = 510, Fek'lhr = Not Listed, Vor'cha = 780, and Negh'Var = 2780
Romulan: only the D'Deridex was listed = 1650
Borg: Sphere = est. 25-50, Cube = est. 1,000,000+

Meanwhile, the Antares Project gives us ...
Federation: Sabre = 102, Norway = 190, Defiant = 35, Intrepid = 154, Akira = 500, Excelsior = 750, Nebula = 750, Galaxy = 1014, and Sovereign = 855
Klingon: B'rel = 12, K'vort = 1500, K'tinga = 440, Fek'lhr = Not Listed, Vor'cha = 1900, and Negh'Var = 2500
Romulan: only the D'Deridex was listed = 1500
Borg: No data.

Now one would hope that a site called StarTrek.Com would have seriously good info, right?  Wrong!  They had ZERO information on any ship specs.  Sad sad sad.

So you see the problem?  Everywhere I go they either have no information, or something that doesn't match and often doesn't even make sense.  I swear these people just make up whatever they want ... which is obviously what the writers do anyway but they could at least check with the Official Version (if such exists) before throwing whatever the heck they want out there.  Grrr.  

 Paramount, of course, really couldn't care less about providing the info.  

Now I've heard of a CD-StarTrek Encyclopedia, which is supposed to be fully endorsed by Paramount etc, but I have yet to actually see this item.  Does anyone out there have it, and if so, does it have the data I want?



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Re: I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2003, 09:02:35 am »
 See my post above about finding the real numbers.      

Captain KoraH

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Re: I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2003, 02:58:38 am »
If you read some of the articles about ship size and stuff on the EAX website, you'll get an idea of just how hopless your quest is.

 EAX Ship Articles  


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Still no solid answers, though
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2003, 03:16:37 am »
Alright I checked the Akira for a sample.  It gave a listing of 500 crew as "backstage info."  It also says this was last updated in 1999.  The last update to the site itself was on 11/11/2001.  But I guess if this is as good as it gets, then it will just have to do.  So here is what they had to say:

Federation: Sabre = 102 (speculation), Norway = 150 (speculation), Defiant = 50 (Cannon Fact), Intrepid = 150 (Speculation), Akira = 500 (backstage info), Excelsior = 520 (speculation), Nebula = 780 (speculation), Galaxy = 1000+ (Cannon Fact), and the Sovereign = 700 (backstage info) ... so that's two definate answers.

Klingon: B'rel = 390 (speculation), K'vort = Not listed (but I suspect their data on the B'rel and the "Bird of Prey" are switched, as it listed the latter ship as having a crew of 12-36), K'tinga = 510 (speculation), Fek-Lhr = Not listed (again), K'tinga = 780 (speculation), and the Negh'var = 2780 (specualtion) ... no definates on any of them, though.

Romulan: only the Scimitar & D'deridex are listed (strange that the Scimitar update listed is more current that website itself?).  Scimitar has no crew data, but the D'deridex is listed as crew = 1500+ (backstage info)

Borg: only the Sphere & Cube are listed, only the Cube has a crew figure of 5000 to 179,000 (Cannon Fact), which sadly doesn't help much.

Alright I either need to borrow a copy of that Star Trek Encylopedia 3.0, or contact Paramount Pictures themselves - this is hopeless.



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Crew Figures
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2003, 05:41:51 pm »
I've been trying to compile a database of ship stats for the the SFC3 game, but when it comes to Crew Members, every source I check gives me different information.  What I am specifically looking for is the total number of crew members (officers, enlisted, marines, etc) required to run each starship in the SFC3 game.  While it is commonly noted that a B'rel only needs a crew of 12 to operate, when it comes to ships like the Defiant, I've heard everything from 20 to 150!  For the Negh'Var I've heard ranges from 1500 to 5000.  I would also like similar data on the various starbases, shipyards and defense platforms found in the game.  Finally, just how much tonnage of cargo can a freighter carry, anyway?  And what of the Borg - I can't find diddly on how many drones it takes to fly a Cube?

While SFC1 & 2 was very good at giving this kind of information (as it was based on StarFleet Battles and I could just dig through old FASA books etc), the information in SFC3 on ships is somewhat lacking or disparate.  Could someone with  authority  please provide some accurate figures?  I would really appreciate it.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2003, 08:17:50 pm »
If by authority you mean Taldren, that is a bad idea.

First off, these are the ships:

Saber (doubt that its crew was listed anywhere cannon)
Norway (no)
Defiant (I'm sure)
Voyage (definately)
Excelsior (don't know)
Akira (don't know)
Nebula (doubt it)
Galaxy (definate)
Sovreign (definate)

B'Rel (definate, 12)
K'Vort (I think says 36, little small, though)
K't'inga (not sure if it is definate, I've heard 438.  Constitution had 430)
Fek'lrh (non-cannon, check if Armada made up some number)
Vor'Cha (not sure if it is definate.  I've heard 450)
Negh'Var (not sure)

Talon, Falcon, Shrike, Hawk, Raptor (no, non-cannon.  Made up by Taldren.  You could ask them to waste their time making up some crew number, or you could guess based on size)
D'deridex (I heard some huge number.  Check if has it)

I doubt the Cube was listed
The Sphere and Diamond probably weren't
The rest are non-canon

Go to and see if you can find it (they might have been listed in the Technical manual, or something)


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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2003, 08:32:20 pm »
The Defiant has a crew if about 50.

The Intrepids have a crew of 150.

Sovereigns have a crew of about 700.

Galaxies have a crew of just over 1000.

BOPs usually have a crew of around 12, depends on the size.

Galor class has a crew of 600.

Check out If the crew is in yellow number, then that is the offical crew number. If its green, its backstage info. White means a WAG.

Now, I usually take any info I find on Daystrom with a lot of salt, but the crew numbers should be accurate enough.  


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Re: Crew Figures
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2003, 10:53:48 pm »

I've been trying to compile a database of ship stats for the the SFC3 game,   Could someone with  authority  please provide some accurate figures?  I would really appreciate it.  





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Body Count
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2003, 12:09:00 am »
Because I figured as long as I was sticking all this data into Excel, why not include crew totals so that later, when I'm playing, I can get a real feel for exactly how many hapless "virtual beings" I send into the void on a daily basis.  ^.^



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I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2003, 03:44:42 am »
So let's see, according to  Computer Core Dump , we have (assuming civilians are not onboard during wartime) ...
Federation: Sabre = 412, Norway = 220, Defiant = 30, Intrepid = 120, Akira = 412, Excelsior = 570, Nebula = 780, Galaxy = 760, and Sovereign = 700
Klingon: B'rel = 10 to 25, K'vort = 390, K'tinga = 510, Fek'lhr = Not Listed, Vor'cha = 780, and Negh'Var = 2780
Romulan: only the D'Deridex was listed = 1650
Borg: Sphere = est. 25-50, Cube = est. 1,000,000+

Meanwhile, the Antares Project gives us ...
Federation: Sabre = 102, Norway = 190, Defiant = 35, Intrepid = 154, Akira = 500, Excelsior = 750, Nebula = 750, Galaxy = 1014, and Sovereign = 855
Klingon: B'rel = 12, K'vort = 1500, K'tinga = 440, Fek'lhr = Not Listed, Vor'cha = 1900, and Negh'Var = 2500
Romulan: only the D'Deridex was listed = 1500
Borg: No data.

Now one would hope that a site called StarTrek.Com would have seriously good info, right?  Wrong!  They had ZERO information on any ship specs.  Sad sad sad.

So you see the problem?  Everywhere I go they either have no information, or something that doesn't match and often doesn't even make sense.  I swear these people just make up whatever they want ... which is obviously what the writers do anyway but they could at least check with the Official Version (if such exists) before throwing whatever the heck they want out there.  Grrr.  

 Paramount, of course, really couldn't care less about providing the info.  

Now I've heard of a CD-StarTrek Encyclopedia, which is supposed to be fully endorsed by Paramount etc, but I have yet to actually see this item.  Does anyone out there have it, and if so, does it have the data I want?



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Re: I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2003, 09:02:35 am »
 See my post above about finding the real numbers.      

Captain KoraH

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Re: I'm getting a Spirit Medium and asking Gene Roddenberry ...
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2003, 02:58:38 am »
If you read some of the articles about ship size and stuff on the EAX website, you'll get an idea of just how hopless your quest is.

 EAX Ship Articles  


  • Guest
Still no solid answers, though
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2003, 03:16:37 am »
Alright I checked the Akira for a sample.  It gave a listing of 500 crew as "backstage info."  It also says this was last updated in 1999.  The last update to the site itself was on 11/11/2001.  But I guess if this is as good as it gets, then it will just have to do.  So here is what they had to say:

Federation: Sabre = 102 (speculation), Norway = 150 (speculation), Defiant = 50 (Cannon Fact), Intrepid = 150 (Speculation), Akira = 500 (backstage info), Excelsior = 520 (speculation), Nebula = 780 (speculation), Galaxy = 1000+ (Cannon Fact), and the Sovereign = 700 (backstage info) ... so that's two definate answers.

Klingon: B'rel = 390 (speculation), K'vort = Not listed (but I suspect their data on the B'rel and the "Bird of Prey" are switched, as it listed the latter ship as having a crew of 12-36), K'tinga = 510 (speculation), Fek-Lhr = Not listed (again), K'tinga = 780 (speculation), and the Negh'var = 2780 (specualtion) ... no definates on any of them, though.

Romulan: only the Scimitar & D'deridex are listed (strange that the Scimitar update listed is more current that website itself?).  Scimitar has no crew data, but the D'deridex is listed as crew = 1500+ (backstage info)

Borg: only the Sphere & Cube are listed, only the Cube has a crew figure of 5000 to 179,000 (Cannon Fact), which sadly doesn't help much.

Alright I either need to borrow a copy of that Star Trek Encylopedia 3.0, or contact Paramount Pictures themselves - this is hopeless.