Topic: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....  (Read 1582 times)

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Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« on: April 23, 2003, 10:22:11 am »
I was playing a new single player campaign on OP the other day and started out in an F5(The Klingon's favorite starter ship).

Thinking about the mechanics of the F-Rack in SFC and SFB(where it came from), I think the F5 and all of the Klink ships with 1 F-Rack and getting a raw deal, although kind of insignificant.

In SFB the F-Racks were mounted in Klingon Shuttle Bays which caused the ships to be able to only fire 1 drone from every 2 racks.  SFC's implementation of this calls for the racks to fire half as often as an A-Rack does.  This is fine for those ships with 2 or more racks, but kind of screws up the 1 rack ships.  They should be able to fire a drone every turn from their 1 rack, in other words they need to be changed to an A-Rack.

The other "Feature" of the F-Rack was a chain reaction explosion in the shuttle bays when one of them took damage.  This isn't included in SFC.

Just me rambling again.

Poor little F5's don't you feel bad for them.    


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2003, 10:34:39 am »
In other words, you want to make them worse??


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2003, 10:58:07 am »

In other words, he's saying every ship with a single F-rack (firing only once ever two turns) should be changed to an A-rack (firing once every turn).  Both F-racks and A-racks hold a maximum of 10 drones in SFC.  The difference is rate of fire.

Some of us have gone further with the F-rack saying that all drone racks on G-rack ships should be changed to F-racks.  That'll take some of the lustre off of Laflin's favorite ships.


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2003, 11:19:03 am »

Some of us have gone further with the F-rack saying that all drone racks on G-rack ships should be changed to F-racks.  That'll take some of the lustre off of Laflin's favorite ships.  

Now that is a good idea.....but I bet that'd bring on a Fed boycott faster than you can say "Double that AI marine loadout!!"


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2003, 11:35:22 am »


Some of us have gone further with the F-rack saying that all drone racks on G-rack ships should be changed to F-racks...  

Now that is a good idea.....but I bet that'd bring on a Fed boycott faster than you can say "Double that AI marine loadout!!"  

And you'd be right, sadly enough...    

Personally, I wish that Khoromag's patch had been implemented. Then this arguement would be over and done with and we'd have one less thing to divide us...<sigh>
« Last Edit: April 23, 2003, 11:50:19 am by wanderer »


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2003, 11:42:49 am »
From my memory....

F racks took the place of one rack per shuttle replaced in the shuttle bay, each F rack could fire one drone of any size PER TWO TURNS, hence the D6/7 hulls could fire up to two drones on one turn if and only iff they fired NONE on the next turn, in the end each F rack could fire ONCE every 64 impulses (using the 32 imp charts).

The chain reaction was due to the F rack being a missle launcher bolted to the shuttle bay deck, and when it was destroyed it blew out the next shuttle box as collateral damage.

The F rack was a poor mans attempt by the klingons to put some kind of drone capability on the older hulls as they originally start with NO DRONES !!!!!!  incl E/F/D models ie E3 E4 F5 D6 D7 etc.

Dont knock the F rack too much, heck I would even consider flying the V variants of the D and F hulls if they had some F rackson em  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2003, 12:19:28 pm »

 Personally, I wish that Khoromag's patch had been implemented. Then this arguement would be over and done with and we'd have one less thing to divide us...<sigh>  

You got that right.

I am on short hours during the week and will be out of town this week-end, but maybe we can hook up on LB3 next week to create some havoc.


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2003, 12:30:31 pm »



Some of us have gone further with the F-rack saying that all drone racks on G-rack ships should be changed to F-racks...  

Now that is a good idea.....but I bet that'd bring on a Fed boycott faster than you can say "Double that AI marine loadout!!"  

And you'd be right, sadly enough...    

Personally, I wish that Khoromag's patch had been implemented. Then this arguement would be over and done with and we'd have one less thing to divide us...<sigh>

I'd have been down with that, even though the G-rack has never been that big of an issue to me.

"So who doubled the AI marine loadout and made captured ships explode more often than not?" asks the Klingon who just plays the game, no matter what.  



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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2003, 04:03:25 pm »
I looked this up when I got home and it is a launch rate equal to half of the rack divided by 2 rounded up.
Also, it specifically says that the F5 & E4 don't have any restrictions.

I WANT MY A-Racks  dernit!!!


From my memory....

F racks took the place of one rack per shuttle replaced in the shuttle bay, each F rack could fire one drone of any size PER TWO TURNS, hence the D6/7 hulls could fire up to two drones on one turn if and only iff they fired NONE on the next turn, in the end each F rack could fire ONCE every 64 impulses (using the 32 imp charts).

The chain reaction was due to the F rack being a missle launcher bolted to the shuttle bay deck, and when it was destroyed it blew out the next shuttle box as collateral damage.

The F rack was a poor mans attempt by the klingons to put some kind of drone capability on the older hulls as they originally start with NO DRONES !!!!!!  incl E/F/D models ie E3 E4 F5 D6 D7 etc.

Dont knock the F rack too much, heck I would even consider flying the V variants of the D and F hulls if they had some F rackson em  


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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2003, 04:40:34 pm »

"So who doubled the AI marine loadout and made captured ships explode more often than not?" asks the Klingon who just plays the game, no matter what.  


Oops <looks sheepish>

The next go-round should undo most of the explode-on-capture ships - it originally went in to remove some crash/hang problems stemming from PvP capture, but I think I've got an alternative handle on that now.

Yesterday's posted pack should have  marine levels in the range 50-75% of maximum on AI ships (50% being the stock AI loadout)



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Re: Pondering's on the F-Rack.....
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2003, 04:56:08 pm »
Why thank ya, Dave!  

The only time I drive one of those Fed garbage scows is when I capture one.  It was getting hard to get that accomplished, though.  Easier to just whack 'em out, ya know?