Ok, wtf is up?
Been away for awhile, but popped in now and again and there was a server list stickey up. Now it's gone. What is the next server? Not to get off on the wrong foot here, the humor threads are great....
On that note...
Chutt plays the banjo (aka deliverience guy)
TraceyG is actually a political science major, here only to subvert the bourgois for the coming revolution by the peasents and workers chained by the capitalist system of flatfile.
Karnak, Dogmatix and Kortez are weenies!
Krolling's pins don't measure up.
Dizzy, Die Hard (or what ever his psydonym is this week) live in thier mommies basement, only coming out for Fresca, dognuts and to pay the pizza guy.
Now that's a flame thread!
Now is there any servers coming up?
Oh ya, J'inn is still a Bastard!