Topic: no news is NOT good news...  (Read 9310 times)

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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #60 on: April 16, 2003, 04:52:30 pm »
Dear Star Trek fan,

Recently, many of you have expressed concerns about a small number of people who were in significant violation of Star Trek copyrights on the Web - a step taken to protect Star Trek copyrights and properties, which are of great value to us. Some of you have fundamental disagreements with this action; many of you have expressed concern; and others may have misunderstood what is being done. So we'd like to explain clearly and plainly what is going on and why - and, perhaps more important, what is not going on and why.

We understand fans' desire to communicate and share information about Star Trek and we support fan-created Art.

Paramount has not asked any site to "shut down"; it has asked Star Trek Webmasters who are either selling  or collecting fees, selling illegal merchandise, or posting copyrighted materials on their sites or selling copyrighted materials  to refrain from these specific activities.

We have no plans to write to the thousands of individuals sites which are not abusing the Star Trek copyrights.

To the extent possible, we want to give Star Trek fans the information and materials they want. To that end, we combined our resources and expertise with Microsoft's to create the most complete Star Trek site possible. Portions of the official Star Trek site, Star Trek: Continuum, are available to the web at large via the URL's and

In situations where Paramount feels that it must enforce its copyrights by requesting that material be removed from Web sites, it acts not only on its own behalf, but also to protect the interests of the creative community. Paramount works closely with the many talented actors, writers, directors, musicians, artistic designers, and others who make Star Trek possible. They expect Paramount to protect the integrity of their creative efforts, as well as the economic value of those properties on which they depend to make their living.
We look forward to your continued communications and appreciate your consideration of these issues.


David Wertheimer
President, Paramount Digital Entertainment  


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #61 on: April 17, 2003, 05:35:56 am »
If that response from Paramount pertains to people writing them about the new subject of this thread then I would have to respond with a "get a life people".  You probably cry to Disney when you see someone posting an unapproved picture of Mini Mouse in their store window.  Or call the Police when you see your neighbor repeatedly cross the street without using the crosswalks.

I sure hope it is not.

If it is when did you become one of Paramounts paramilitary?

Or is it plain and simple jealousy?

Damn, I sure hope it is not.

If it is then this forum is not big enough for the both of us.


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #62 on: April 17, 2003, 06:19:51 am »
you would think the people on this forum (you know who you are) would be a bit to old for "taddle-tailing" ugh.
If someone wants to spend 200usd on a mesh, well, more power to em. It's their money. I don't see the point in fighting over it.


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2003, 08:58:23 am »
The funny part is, the people who claimed that they were terrified of Paramount pulling the plug on community sites are the same ones who raise hell about things that otherwise would not be worthy of their attention.

Well, here is some news for the whiney jackasses. If Paramount ever sends me personal correspondence, I will be forced to pull all of the star trek models I have offered to the community for free download.

What you have NOT accomplished and can NOT accomplish is preventing me from offering my 3d Modelling services online, on my website, you small minded dolts.
That will continue regardless of whether or not I offer free downloads for the community. The law protects my right to work for a living, thankfully...

It would pain me greatly to remove this SFC community service of free downloads.
Let's hope that it doesn't come to that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleeve »


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2003, 09:40:21 am »
Hello Cleeve,

I'm upset to see this useless "old arguement" being re-hashed in the Taldren Model Forums again, and again,
I've been here over two years, and this place just gets worse and worse,

If Paramount forces you have to pull down  the "All Roads lend to Cleeves' STARYARDS" that would be tragedy,
But if Paramount were to demade it of you, I personally would understand you doing so, my friend,

Best wishes Cleeve

Now to whoever did this,

Can't you pee-witted twits get it through your thick skulls,
All this informing to Paramount DESTROYS the SFC Community,

Whoever did this,
You have my utter contempt,



The funny part is, the people who claimed that they were terrified of Paramount pulling the plug on community sites are the same ones who raise hell about things that otherwise would not be worthy of their attention.

Well, here is some news for you jackasses. If Paramount ever sends me personal correspondence, I will be forced to pull all of the star trek models I have offered to the community for free download.

What you have NOT accomplished and can NOT accomplish is preventing me from offering my 3d Modelling services online, on my website, you small minded dolts.
That will continue regardless of whether or not I offer free downloads for the community. The law protects my right to work for a living, thankfully...

It would pain me greatly to remove this SFC community service of free downloads.
Let's hope that it doesn't come to that.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »

James Formo

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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2003, 12:07:36 pm »

If that response from Paramount pertains to people writing them about the new subject of this thread then I would have to respond with a "get a life people".  You probably cry to Disney when you see someone posting an unapproved picture of Mini Mouse in their store window.  Or call the Police when you see your neighbor repeatedly cross the street without using the crosswalks.

I sure hope it is not.

If it is when did you become one of Paramounts paramilitary?

Or is it plain and simple jealousy?

Damn, I sure hope it is not.

If it is then this forum is not big enough for the both of us.  

I believe that the quote savage used is not recent. I remember something posted by paramount back when people were arguing over P81 selling a model on ebay. I think that remark is about 4 months old.  I beginning to think that nobody in this forum has a life at all, myself including.

I plan on re-evaluating why I bother coming to this forum or why I even follow ST.  I never seen so much arguing in my life over every episode show on tv or ship or just anything at all.            


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #66 on: April 17, 2003, 01:49:08 pm »
James (and everyone),

     Some people just like to argue.  Some people just like to pee in others' drinks.  I'm not sure I fully understand it, but I, well we all have seen those spoilsports who like to ruin good things.  Some people are just jerks... problem is, I'm not sure they're aware of it.  But watch out for those who are jerks AND know it, too.  There's something major league wrong with them.
     I come to this forum because its fun!  I love seeing all the new (and old) work folks like you come up with.  I live very close to some of the finest museums, but you can't see this stuff there!  Besides, the true generosity and friendliness of the posters here, and I speak generally, makes this a good place to chill for a while.  It's also nice to have possibly more to FOUR SFC games when you've bought one (you know, pre-TOS, TOS, in-box TMP, modded TMP, TNG, post-TNG, other mods... like wow, man!).  I'd say, don't withdraw, do as many have suggested, ignore the trolls or even the unintentional troublemakers.  I say let this be the last post and make this thread find its asymptotic nadir somewhere out of our memory.  


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #67 on: April 17, 2003, 05:44:50 pm »
Dear Star Trek fan,

3D artists who are either selling or collecting fees, selling illegal merchandise, or selling copyrighted materials to refrain from these specific activities.

Concerning law... in this case copyright law... 3D artist cant take startrek design and sell them for a profit. Big problem there. It becomes a problem when you the artist takes a copyrighted design, in this case the Enterprise from Star Trek (owned by Paramount Pictures), makes a model of it based on that design and which is automatically identified as, in this case, said Enterprise, and then asks people to pay him for it.

By doing this, you are making money out of Paramount design, regardless of how much work you has put in it. Without a licence from Paramount to do so, The artist is committing a felony--if indeed he is asking money for his  model.

In situations where Paramount feels that it must enforce its copyrights by requesting that material be removed from Web sites, it acts not only on its own behalf, but also to protect the interests of the creative community. Paramount works closely with the many talented actors, writers, directors, musicians, artistic designers, and others who make Star Trek possible. They expect Paramount to protect the integrity of their creative efforts, as well as the economic value of those properties on which they depend to make their living.
We look forward to your continued communications and appreciate your consideration of these issues.


David Wertheimer
President, Paramount Digital Entertainment


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #68 on: April 17, 2003, 06:15:59 pm »
Hello David Wertheimer,

A question, if I may,
Why do you choose the usernames

Savage, and GodSmack,

instead of your own name, David Wertheimer then?



Dear Star Trek fan,

3D artists who are either selling or collecting fees, selling illegal merchandise, or selling copyrighted materials to refrain from these specific activities.

Concerning law... in this case copyright law... 3D artist cant take startrek design and sell them for a profit. Big problem there. It becomes a problem when you the artist takes a copyrighted design, in this case the Enterprise from Star Trek (owned by Paramount Pictures), makes a model of it based on that design and which is automatically identified as, in this case, said Enterprise, and then asks people to pay him for it.

By doing this, you are making money out of Paramount design, regardless of how much work you has put in it. Without a licence from Paramount to do so, The artist is committing a felony--if indeed he is asking money for his  model.

In situations where Paramount feels that it must enforce its copyrights by requesting that material be removed from Web sites, it acts not only on its own behalf, but also to protect the interests of the creative community. Paramount works closely with the many talented actors, writers, directors, musicians, artistic designers, and others who make Star Trek possible. They expect Paramount to protect the integrity of their creative efforts, as well as the economic value of those properties on which they depend to make their living.
We look forward to your continued communications and appreciate your consideration of these issues.


David Wertheimer
President, Paramount Digital Entertainment


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #69 on: April 17, 2003, 06:42:01 pm »
Because he probably isnt anyone important. its probably just a wannabe paramount grunt who sweeps the floors, and decided to give himself a glorified title.

But to anyone else that is interested, you can hire us to make your dream ships for you at an affordable price at


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Re: no news is NOT good news...
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2003, 01:06:02 am »
alrighty then....

I think anyone who's been here long enough remembers...

The great SFB model copywrite flame fest....

The general and international copywrite flame fest...

The kitbashing flame fest....

The mod flame fest...

The model conversion flame fest....

To now be added......*drum roll please*

This thread......

And like so many pointless arguements of the past......

I dub thee....... reason of insanity.....

*Crim pulls his disrupter...sets it to moderate*


"The only good flame a dead flame thread"

"I  am the law".....Judge Dredd