This is all a bunch of hooey!

What Reliant doesn't seem to get is, THEY"RE SELLING THEIR TIME< NOT THE MODEL!!! JEEZ! If I ever get good enough that someone is willing to pay me 5-10 bucks an hour to build ,em a model, (or something like that lol) I'm going to accept. It is my right as a modeler, to sell my services. If someone wants a model of a '66 MUSTANG, candy apple red and loaded for bear,

General Motors is not going to cry copyright infringement. Look on TurboSquid and you'll see thousands of models of cars trucks planes spacecraft etc FOR SALE! Why? Because they are professional modelers selling their services, their time and their skill. The model is the result. And yes, Reliant, before you point it out to me, the ST models are in the free section. You can't build the Enterprise and offer it up on you site for sale to the general public, but you can accept a private contract to build it for private use.
I get the feeling that Reliant is one of those who got so bent out of shape when P81 had to stop offering models here for awhile when he started working at a game company. Just chill, dude! If you don't want to pay him for a model, don't! But stop crying that what he's doing is illegal. It isn't. He's a professional modeler offering his services. Paramount, Taldren and Activision don't have a problem with it. Why should you? What, you think the modelers are here for you pleasure? Most of us do it because it's fun, but, yes, I would accept a contract, as would most here I believe. In fact, the proper term just popped into my head...FREELANCER! Not the game. P81 is freelancing his work. It's legal, it's what keeps things going. Many of yesterdays freelancers are todays high end game modelers.

Whew, my brain starting to smoke. Not supposed to think this hard on your day off.

The point is, P81 and Cleeve and anyone else, is perfectly within their rights to sell their services. If JOKER decides to sell the model of his truck (think it's joker), he doesn't need to get Peterbuilt's permission (think it's a PB). As long as you are charging for you time spent, your fine.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.