Topic: Commodore DarkElf - Standing Orders  (Read 1152 times)

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Commodore DarkElf - Standing Orders
« on: April 10, 2003, 09:51:33 am »
DarkElf keyed in the access code for his personal safe in his quarters on board the USS Roswell.
It had been several days now since he was out of communication with Starfleet Command. Opening the safe, he withdraw an encrypted data packet emblazoned with the UFP Seal. Closing the seal, he sat down in front of the computer terminal and broke the seal. Withdrawing a data disk from the packet, he inserted it into the data terminal on the computer.

To:DarkElf, Commander Officer, USS ROSSWELL
From: TraceyG, Admiral, Headquarters

The face of Admiral TraceyG appeared on the screen.

"Commodore DarkElf, if you're reading these orders now, then either I have been killed in action or you are cutoff from High Command. Either way, it means the situation is grim. The fate of EAW D2 may well rest in your hands. These are your standing orders:
1. Get a server back up as fast as you can with the missions we have so far on a SQL database. Call it a 'minor campaign. v 7.40
2. Continue developing the SQL scripts and if possible, get them on the server as well.
3. Use the EAW-refit shiplist.
4. Find somewhere to host a download for the above.

Also, you might want to throw up a completely stock server as well, just for anyone who can't be bothered with a download and just wants to have a bit of fun.


DarkElf took the data disk from the computer and replaced back into its packet. Thoughtfully, he considered his options for a moment, then in a whirl of energy headed out the door to the bridge.