Ok, so I'm vegetating in ripe boredom on a sunday and I started to ponder scaling issues...
there have been a few posts about this recently as not all models are made to the same scale. Having recently patched my SFC2 up to, you see) I had a look at the model.siz file which apparently evens things up....
To be honest all it did was shrink all my starbases, so anyway I started to try and figure out where Taldren came up with figures in the file and I cant for the life of me try and match up a ship dimension with the figures at hand...... I mean, is it relative to length, height, width (unlikely) or heaven forbid, volume (how you would work that out I dont know).
What I'm trying to do is create a file with all the correct sizes present from all available sources for my single player campaign, but the big problem is that if I add a new ship that isn't listed in the file it looks all wrong.....
Can any bright spark out there help....
BTW.... sorry to see pataflafla call it a day, he's help me out in the past
How do I get a promotion round here.......????