Topic: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?  (Read 6974 times)

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POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« on: January 24, 2003, 07:54:44 am »

What, if any, changes to the Warbird  hardpoints and weapon mass should be made in the patch?
No changes needed
One rear heavy hardpoint added
Primary hardpoint(s) added
100 weapon mass added
200 weapon mass added
A different amount of weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and 100 weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and 200 weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and a different amount of weapon mass added
Primary hardpoint(s) and some weapon mass added
Primary hardpoint(s), rear heavy hardpoint, and some weapon mass added
It is too good already -- remove some hardpoints and/or mass


Alidar Jarok

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mas
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2003, 08:26:44 am »
Do you know that they are giving it a rear heavy in the patch?


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mas
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2003, 08:36:36 am »
I don't know what will happen, and neither does anyone else until the patch is actually released. I do know the beta patch that was leaked has a rear hardpoint added, but there's no reason to believe Taldren will stick with that change. Like I said, until it happens, it's just speculation. I figure maybe player reactions would help them decide, if they care to do the research.


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2003, 10:19:06 am »
None of the above, it needs more engine mass to really compete, since rear arcs are really the fed and borg terrain; the romulans are daggerfighters, just as the klingons, and as a racial trait don't have many aft arcs, the problem with the warbird is that it's either too slow to have a daggerfight, or to weak to be a dagger.

In The Service of The Empire  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2003, 12:46:02 pm »
While that might be a valid topic for discussion, it's not the question I asked. Feel free to post your own poll about engine space.

S'Talon tr'Khev

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2003, 02:40:13 pm »
I voted for multiple hardpoints and mass given that the standard Warbird had roughly 20% more firepower than a Federation Galaxy Dn. Yet, we see that Taldren completely hosed the Warbird in this area as well as given it a sub standard power curve which should be the best, excluding borg,  given the unique nature of Romulan engines, thanks Taldren, I know you hate the Romulans but show some fairness.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2003, 05:19:17 pm »
The pacth will add one rear heavy hard point
The raptor is far and wide a better ship(and at the moment has more heavy hard points than the warbird)
Even after the pacth I dont think many roms will fly a warbird

SPQR Kremen

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2003, 07:27:31 pm »
It needs an aft hardpoint and some more engine mass.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2003, 11:04:51 pm »
I think it should be given the romulan Battleship core that came with the game, unless thats in use for something else   hint hint


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2003, 11:54:54 pm »
No more mass for the Warbird, it already have just as much as the Negh'var and the Sovereign... yes I know it have less mass for shields than the other 2, but type X romulan shields have a mass of only 6500 where the Negh'var and the Sovereign's type X have a mass of 8000
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Semper »


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2003, 04:59:24 am »
My vote isn't included on the poll:

More engine mass and 1 rear facing heavy.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2003, 10:12:30 pm »
Cloakable ships shoudn't have rear heavy weapons....  it's silly from both a gameplay and suspension of disbelief stand point.

Cloak races should follow the stereotypical uber crunch formula. Hit like the devil, but die like the fly. Give it more forward facing firepower if it's not holding its own versus equivalent ships.



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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2003, 07:30:02 am »

For the record, I think many of the valid arguments for improvement of the Warbird center on how much better the Raptor flies. That ship has a rear hardpoint, yet the Warbird got just 3 total and none to the rear. Then again, a lot of people feel the Raptor is the best BCH in the game (I'm not certain of that, but I've heard it said many times).


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2003, 05:57:54 pm »

I can see from this thread that something has gone horribly horribly wrong. There is absolutely nothing more useless that could be put on a Warbird than a rear-firing heavy-weapons arc. Romulan ships are designed to a purpose, namely, the alpha strike. I realise that in terms of playing Federation, Borg, or even Klingon rear and lateral arcs are a good thing to have. These ships are not designed to be piloted in a manner differing from that. The serious problems with the entire Romulan fleet in this game are the fact that no player who has played Romulan for a decent amount of time still uses the cloak, as it is so easily and readily detected as to be roughly equivalent to flying without shields, and the overall weakness of the disruptor beam. Also, power is an issue, as well as the accuracy of the plasma torpedo. There is little that is more annoying than firing three heavy plasma torpedoes at a Galaxy class, only to have them all miss, except possibly for the return volley of quantums that all hit. There is nothing wrong with the warbird design. A rearwards torpedo would only serve to eleminate all existing Warbird strategy. If it is too late or impossible to change the other details, at the very least, make it a forwards arc, so as to preserve the unique and entertaining Romulan strategies.



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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2003, 06:16:54 pm »
As a Klink flyer I have no problem using a Vorcha against a Warbird which is sad. I know it's supposed to be a Fed biased game so the newbs feel good and play more but a Warbird should not be the pansy it is.


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POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2003, 07:54:44 am »

What, if any, changes to the Warbird  hardpoints and weapon mass should be made in the patch?
No changes needed
One rear heavy hardpoint added
Primary hardpoint(s) added
100 weapon mass added
200 weapon mass added
A different amount of weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and 100 weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and 200 weapon mass added
Rear heavy hardpoint and a different amount of weapon mass added
Primary hardpoint(s) and some weapon mass added
Primary hardpoint(s), rear heavy hardpoint, and some weapon mass added
It is too good already -- remove some hardpoints and/or mass


Alidar Jarok

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mas
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2003, 08:26:44 am »
Do you know that they are giving it a rear heavy in the patch?


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mas
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2003, 08:36:36 am »
I don't know what will happen, and neither does anyone else until the patch is actually released. I do know the beta patch that was leaked has a rear hardpoint added, but there's no reason to believe Taldren will stick with that change. Like I said, until it happens, it's just speculation. I figure maybe player reactions would help them decide, if they care to do the research.


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2003, 10:19:06 am »
None of the above, it needs more engine mass to really compete, since rear arcs are really the fed and borg terrain; the romulans are daggerfighters, just as the klingons, and as a racial trait don't have many aft arcs, the problem with the warbird is that it's either too slow to have a daggerfight, or to weak to be a dagger.

In The Service of The Empire  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2003, 12:46:02 pm »
While that might be a valid topic for discussion, it's not the question I asked. Feel free to post your own poll about engine space.

S'Talon tr'Khev

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2003, 02:40:13 pm »
I voted for multiple hardpoints and mass given that the standard Warbird had roughly 20% more firepower than a Federation Galaxy Dn. Yet, we see that Taldren completely hosed the Warbird in this area as well as given it a sub standard power curve which should be the best, excluding borg,  given the unique nature of Romulan engines, thanks Taldren, I know you hate the Romulans but show some fairness.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2003, 05:19:17 pm »
The pacth will add one rear heavy hard point
The raptor is far and wide a better ship(and at the moment has more heavy hard points than the warbird)
Even after the pacth I dont think many roms will fly a warbird

SPQR Kremen

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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2003, 07:27:31 pm »
It needs an aft hardpoint and some more engine mass.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2003, 11:04:51 pm »
I think it should be given the romulan Battleship core that came with the game, unless thats in use for something else   hint hint


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2003, 11:54:54 pm »
No more mass for the Warbird, it already have just as much as the Negh'var and the Sovereign... yes I know it have less mass for shields than the other 2, but type X romulan shields have a mass of only 6500 where the Negh'var and the Sovereign's type X have a mass of 8000
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Semper »


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2003, 04:59:24 am »
My vote isn't included on the poll:

More engine mass and 1 rear facing heavy.  


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2003, 10:12:30 pm »
Cloakable ships shoudn't have rear heavy weapons....  it's silly from both a gameplay and suspension of disbelief stand point.

Cloak races should follow the stereotypical uber crunch formula. Hit like the devil, but die like the fly. Give it more forward facing firepower if it's not holding its own versus equivalent ships.



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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2003, 07:30:02 am »

For the record, I think many of the valid arguments for improvement of the Warbird center on how much better the Raptor flies. That ship has a rear hardpoint, yet the Warbird got just 3 total and none to the rear. Then again, a lot of people feel the Raptor is the best BCH in the game (I'm not certain of that, but I've heard it said many times).


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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2003, 05:57:54 pm »

I can see from this thread that something has gone horribly horribly wrong. There is absolutely nothing more useless that could be put on a Warbird than a rear-firing heavy-weapons arc. Romulan ships are designed to a purpose, namely, the alpha strike. I realise that in terms of playing Federation, Borg, or even Klingon rear and lateral arcs are a good thing to have. These ships are not designed to be piloted in a manner differing from that. The serious problems with the entire Romulan fleet in this game are the fact that no player who has played Romulan for a decent amount of time still uses the cloak, as it is so easily and readily detected as to be roughly equivalent to flying without shields, and the overall weakness of the disruptor beam. Also, power is an issue, as well as the accuracy of the plasma torpedo. There is little that is more annoying than firing three heavy plasma torpedoes at a Galaxy class, only to have them all miss, except possibly for the return volley of quantums that all hit. There is nothing wrong with the warbird design. A rearwards torpedo would only serve to eleminate all existing Warbird strategy. If it is too late or impossible to change the other details, at the very least, make it a forwards arc, so as to preserve the unique and entertaining Romulan strategies.



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Re: POLL: Does Warbird Need More Hardpoints or Mass?
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2003, 06:16:54 pm »
As a Klink flyer I have no problem using a Vorcha against a Warbird which is sad. I know it's supposed to be a Fed biased game so the newbs feel good and play more but a Warbird should not be the pansy it is.