I have already completed a basic php shipyard, it is
in place on The Wheel website. Currently it just allows access
to the normal shipyard through the webpage. I will add to it's capabilities
and add it to the portable php package in use on the ISC Invasion website
if I have enough time to finish it for the campaign (could use the existing simple one tho...)
There is already a java servlet and applet package in the works for SQL EAW D2 servers
as well. This has been put on hold for a time due to RL issues but I assume work will
resume to full pace soon. (The CVS Repository is still active...I'll try to contribute some
more to get things going again).
I love that garage idea, I'm going to try to work it out soon.
Refits/Upgrades could be implemented by an instantaneous bid and trade-in
but this would interfere with normal bidding... hmmm....
I can't wait to see a "working OP D2 with SQL", the new shiplist
would really come in handy too.
I'll logon the test server later on tonight if I get a chance...