Topic: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE  (Read 11152 times)

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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #60 on: April 04, 2003, 02:59:32 am »
I've always been a supporter of flying different races whenever possible. It gives people insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the other races.  Now that people have tasted what it's like to be a plasma player, as opposed to say a drone race player, perhaps we can move closer to the understanding that the community has been trying to reach regarding mission times and BPV balance. Methinks Scip, your server has helped a lot in that regard - increasing BPV of carriers to account for fighters etc is a very good move imho, and should be done for all shiplists.

Another thing that has come out of this server is that it has shown people that flying the smaller ships can be fun (least I hope that's been shown hehe), and that small (non drone using) ships can be competitive in PvP.

The small amount of time that I've been able to spend on DOE has been entertaining, and for that I give you my thanks Scippy I even flew Fed for a bit myself, lost an NCL+ to Warsears and Fluf, but got some measure of revenge with the DDL soon after Sadly, I'm now getting CRC errors on missions and no matter what I try, cannot solve this problem. So, for me, it has come to an end. Good luck to both sides for the remainder of the campaign

Herr Burt

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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #61 on: April 04, 2003, 03:16:40 am »

Oh, and dump the Courier Mission.  I have personally lost 6 ships to this mission, just trying to kill the courier and run.  All for a lousy 50PP.  Its the worst mission in the bunch and shows up more than 50% of the time.  

If people want PP, then courier is the BEST way to get it.  If you run solo and capture the courier, you average around 800 PP per mission.

If you get a wingman and capture several ships, you can score huge.  These are my last two courier missions, performed in a Gorn CM.  My partner was Agave:



Additionally, Dave's new missions seem to be able to hold three of us on the same side quite easily.  I have never done that before in the D2.  Three of us in the courier mission is fun and easy.  But again, you can score 800 solo just by capturing the courier.  Every bit as big a payoff as the old Taldren Convoy Raid, and quite a bit more interesting.

-Herr Burt  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Herr Burt »


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #62 on: April 04, 2003, 04:48:46 am »
LOL..... I don't mind the courier mission either.... just wish I had known you can capture the courier....

Heard on the voice comm some one lost the mission when the captured it.... I guess you need to capture it then SD it?

Also, PvP was a big time PP bonus.  I only had 4 this server.... first against one of the SPQR guys (in a HC) where I ran like a screaming child in my F-FFG   Second against Fluf (R-NHK?) with my F-BCF (I won that one, nanner-nanner-nanner).  Then that SneakyRom guy   in another NHK (we both disengaged after beating the snot out of each other). Then last night wtih Athena.  (another NHK heh-heh)  I only paid attention to the points gained against Fluf and the bonus was 1016 PP

Oh well.... anyways... Last night I squared off against SOS-Athena in her R-NHK.  Tough fight but I won in a sense since she left the field.  Luckily she wasn't the courier.  

Sides were fairly even if not a bit in her favor.  Courier was a WER.  Her wingmen were a WER & a SEB (fighter carrying thing)  while I had a BCF with wingmen of G-BC &  a Fed light cruiser (DWD IIRC)..... Unfortunately, the Rom   got away......

Anyways.... thanks for the server HB, wish I had more time to enjoy it... unfortunately, I had way too many other things to do.... and I am out of town as of 1600 EST today until late Sunday night.

So I will check you all on the flip side and the next server


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #63 on: April 04, 2003, 06:31:41 am »

If people want PP, then courier is the BEST way to get it.  If you run solo and capture the courier, you average around 800 PP per mission.  

That reminds me!!!     One other thing that needs to be fixed.    It very very hard for Roms to capture Gorn in this mission.   For some reason the courier seems to always have 30+ marines on board.    Your Rom ship has 3 transporters.    There is just no way.

I suppose one could fly a Rom Commando ship but I hate that.   Somehow many of the Gorn ships ended up with way too many marines on board.  Something to look at for the next campaign.

As for the Evil Dave missions.   I think they are fine.  They just need to pay out more in line with the work you have to do.   I win the courier mission most of the time.  It involves a tactic that I posted in my "How to Fly an Evil Dave Mission & Live to Talk About it Thread"



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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #64 on: April 04, 2003, 08:42:09 am »


Hey we never said that! We still hate you, you dirty cheating, swarming, monkeys! We just get bored with so little targets.  

<sniff> It's good to home  

BTW, I got whole mess of CRC errors, is there a new load in?


(BTW, I am not a cheater, all the other names are fine )  

Well, you can add LYING to that list now...... < snicker >

It's a JOKE, people..... simmer down and have a donut.  

Herr Burt

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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #65 on: April 04, 2003, 12:45:29 pm »

LOL..... I don't mind the courier mission either.... just wish I had known you can capture the courier....

Heard on the voice comm some one lost the mission when the captured it.... I guess you need to capture it then SD it?

The courier will still try to exit the map after you capture it, but this doesn't affect your payoff or your win/loss result.

It's like the old Convoy Raid mission.  The freightors would blow up after you captured them, but you still got paid for having done so.

Note that the payoff for capturing ships in the courier mission is 120 points per ship, with an extra payoff of 400 if that ship is the courier.  So if you are solo, the courier turns out to be a commando ship, and you think you won't be able to wear it down before it crosses the border, you can still get a nice payday by simply killing the courier and then capturing a few of the other ships.  Use care of course, when trying to capture the support fleet.  As with any fleet action, keep your whole force engaged and don't get isolated.  Once you've killed/captured the courier, you've won the mission.  Should you ever mess up later, you can always withdraw safe in the knowledge that you will still get the DV shift in your favor.

-Herr Burt
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Herr Burt »


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #66 on: April 04, 2003, 02:12:39 pm »

It's like the old Convoy Raid mission. The freightors would blow up after you captured them, but you still got paid for having done so.

That can be changed and I will do it.  The Convoy protector should have the option of re-capturing the lost freighters.  I always thought suicide-squad marines blowing up freighters was out-of-line; especially, for the Feds.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #67 on: April 04, 2003, 04:29:27 pm »
I agree, the Courier mission can have some big payoffs.  However, 90% of the time now flying my Firehawk, the Courier is a COV with +50 Marines on it.  Also, Rom AI is just pitifull.  So unless you fly the courier mission with a wingman, it is almost impossible.  Flying a Rom frigate also gets you the the FFG for a courier ship.  No way to capture.

But I have made over 1400PP in one courier mission, running with 3 live wingman vs a live Fed player and his 3 AI.  We captured all the ships and ran the live player off.  But the point is, the mission is showing up over 50% of the time when trying to take a hex solo.  It lasts to long, is to hard and doesnt pay enought for the repairs and parts you use, if you cant capture.


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #68 on: April 04, 2003, 04:32:02 pm »

I agree, the Courier mission can have some big payoffs.  However, 90% of the time now flying my Firehawk, the Courier is a COV with +50 Marines on it.  Also, Rom AI is just pitifull.  So unless you fly the courier mission with a wingman, it is almost impossible.  Flying a Rom frigate also gets you the the FFG for a courier ship.  No way to capture.

But I have made over 1400PP in one courier mission, running with 3 live wingman vs a live Fed player and his 3 AI.  We captured all the ships and ran the live player off.  But the point is, the mission is showing up over 50% of the time when trying to take a hex solo.  It lasts to long, is to hard and doesnt pay enought for the repairs and parts you use, if you cant capture.  

 Ya know, i was looking for a nice, non-whiney way to say this, but I think Fluf has wrapped it up nicely.  


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #69 on: April 04, 2003, 09:38:42 pm »
OMG I just got done with another Courier mission. all I can say is WOW about my AI Wingmen. I had 2 L-BCCP's as wingmen VS  R-KE, 2x R-SPA, And a R-SNB as the Courier. To make a long story short. The L-BCCP's crushed the KE And the SPA's I captured the courier, but then my 2 wingmen came over and ESG'ed the SNB to death. Total pp=800....WoW


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2003, 09:51:27 pm »
The Courier mission is real simple.  No problem.  You can get 900+ without taking an internal.  This is how you do it ...

Step 1.  Get SPQR Remiak and his CON+ to fly as your wing.

Step 2.  Let him make sure you place the first marine on each ship.

Step 3.  Get a bunch of PP.


Okay, I agree with the crowd on this one.  The Courier mission does have problems.  In solo, a commando ship shows up more often then naught as the Courier.  But it was a blast flying the mission w/ Remiak (thanks Rem).  Is it possible the Courier ship is some how tied into the number of players?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


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Re: Some enticement to get the Feds back on DOE
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2003, 10:06:16 am »
In the light of the new developments concerning Tracey's Pie, I think this thread needs a bump.