Topic: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............  (Read 13890 times)

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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2003, 08:39:06 pm »
What a bunch of wimps.

Not one Frog joke yet.


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2003, 08:43:44 pm »

OK, noone is taking the bait.  Switch tacks and try again.

  Unnamed Race #1- mostly noobs, don't care a whit for teamplay, almost exclusively missile reliant.

  Unnamed Race #2 - see above, but in red letters, suffer from bahtlef envy.

  Unnamed Race #3 - 'Look at our numbers! We're too hard to play!'

  Unnamed Race #4 - If you mess with the fighters I'M NOT PLAYIN!

  Unnamed Race #5 - Seems Pretty Queer, Really.

  Unnamed Race #6 - No [censored]! S'CIPIO'S in charge?!?!

  Unnamed Race #7 - It's not our fault we run 2 min missions DEAL WITH IT!

  Unnamed Race #8 - We're technologically superior! It's not fair if we don't win!

  You roustabout scallywags! <slaps with glove>  Defend yourself on the field of honor, sir.  Or for that matter, the Battlezone server would do nicely.  

Gwarlock the Instigator  

1. Fed
2. Klink
3. Lyran
4. Hydran
5. (ROFLMAO, I just got that one!!!) Romulan
6. Bruce
7. Kzin
8. Frog



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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2003, 09:07:32 pm »

*Imperial March for Empire Strikes Back playing*

Wide-pad slow view of ISC CCZ's underside slips out of view only to reveal hundreds and hundreds of Frog CAs, CLs, CVLs covering space as far as the eye can see.  Hordes of Caveat IIIs swarm between the ships screeching all over the place.

A cloud of rolling pins disappearing is a sudden flash of Caveat gatling fire.

All ships are now  position for the flame war.  

*Walter Wonderley's "Summer Samba" (from disc 1 of Essential Selection vol. 1) playing*

Single Romulan WB+ orbits a planet, passing the horizon into view of said fleet.  Entire crew craps their pants, except the 5 crewmen on excercise bikes in the engine room, who are too busy pedaling to maintain orbit.  

*Fatboy Slim's beautiful transition to Armand Van Helden's "Necessary Evil" plays*

WB+ uncloaks

*Armand Van Helden's "Necessary Evil" plays*

Shotgunned type R torpedoes blaze through space, taking out several Caveat fighters between cloaking spells, true cloak helping to conceal her posistion as the massive fleet cruises by, some hulls brushing within centimeters as she remains motionless for the slow but steady annihilation of the ISC fleet.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2003, 09:12:51 pm by Commander Maxillius »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2003, 10:27:10 pm »

Hooch gets his fleet intel from Iraq.........  

Chutt, my old friend. If you have an once of smarts you will note my answer....


Captain Rolling, you have S31 authorization to test the Mark VIII Pin launchers. Fire as your guns bear.


Use your secret decoder ring Chutt, I think you missed it (stupid Kat)  
« Last Edit: April 09, 2003, 08:16:04 pm by SSCF Hooch »


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2003, 10:41:50 pm »

Oh yeah!! Here's one for you too, Matsukasi!!!

<throws special "homed" rolling pin>  

Less lip, more pie baking, woman.....

** THWAP **


Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2003, 11:00:46 pm »


*Imperial March for Empire Strikes Back playing*

Wide-pad slow view of ISC CCZ's underside slips out of view only to reveal hundreds and hundreds of Frog CAs, CLs, CVLs covering space as far as the eye can see.  Hordes of Caveat IIIs swarm between the ships screeching all over the place.

A cloud of rolling pins disappearing is a sudden flash of Caveat gatling fire.

All ships are now  position for the flame war.  

*Walter Wonderley's "Summer Samba" (from disc 1 of Essential Selection vol. 1) playing*

Single Romulan WB+ orbits a planet, passing the horizon into view of said fleet.  Entire crew craps their pants, except the 5 crewmen on excercise bikes in the engine room, who are too busy pedaling to maintain orbit.  

*Fatboy Slim's beautiful transition to Armand Van Helden's "Necessary Evil" plays*

WB+ uncloaks
<edit>  Replace the text that previously occupied this section with the below </edit>

The fleet of I-CAs, I-CLs, I-CSs, & I-DDs ahead of the WB+ all unleash a swarm (approxamently 100 from Karnak's description) Type-F torpedoes at the Poor WB+ as soon as positive lock is gained during the decloak process.

The ships behind the poor, now beseiged WB+, send a volley of PPD, and plasma torpedoes of assorted types at the rear of this hapless vessel.

Said crew, suddenly realizing what is about to happen when the area of space they occupy is now lit up brighter than day, find enough "hidden reserve" to crap their pants yet again.

Aboard an anonymous ship, an anonymous froggy crewperson was known to think "ye who are about to die... enjoy."


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2003, 11:06:40 pm »

In light of your services (ahem) to my evil empire, I hereby promote you to Executive Assistant to the Vice Pimp In Charge of Wardrobe Design and Manufacture.  Congratulations!  You're now also responsible for bringing the Feds cheese, so they can have something with their whine.  Yuk Yuk Yuk!

P.S.  Chuut's glasses are so thick, he can look at a map and see people wavin'!


Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the founder of the Anti-Capt. Warlock Society. In this letter, I will tell you what made me form such an organization and how I plan to use it to give direction to a universal human development of culture, ethics, and morality. Before I launch into my main topic, I want to make a few matters crystal clear: 1) anyone who was sober for more than an hour or two during the last five years knows that we must bear this bitter truth coolly and soberly in mind, and 2) as a result of that, Capt. Warlock continuously seeks adulation from his adulators. Now that you know where I stand on those issues, I can safely say that griping about Capt. Warlock will not make him stop trying to force onto us the degradation and ignominy that he is known to revel in. But even if it did, he would just find some other way to form the association in the public's mind between any writings he disagrees with and the ideas of hate and violence and illegality. In his shenanigans, colonialism is witting and unremitting, contemptible and indelicate. He revels in it, rolls in it, and uses it to deplete the ozone layer. The need Capt. Warlock's janissaries have for his sadistic, useless practices is especially strong as a means of transferring blame -- an outlet for the despair they face when normal channels of protest and change are closed. There, my ranting is finished.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2003, 11:20:13 pm »

*Hondo stands on stage in a warehouse in southern Detroite, a DJ is ready to spin behind him for this Lyracal Battle*

Chuut wants a flame war well I'll give him a flame war....He made the mistake of being soft in his opening blow, but Not I. Chuut as many of you might not know is a bartender for a Disco club where his best tippers are men in leather jump siutes. This is how he supports his crack addiction, and also when he is not shooting herion between his toes he is does a side show at the state fairs, called Geeky Freeks. Chuut has had a Mouse surgically implanted in his right hand and a sports BRO on to keep his Male Breasts from slapping the key board when he types. Chuut would have you all belive that he is a nice guy, but I know that he is a disgrunteled Ex-photographer for Enquirer who got cought Doctoring photos and now lurks forums posting pictures to uphold his self deception he is still working as a photographer. Did I also mention Chuut is married? He his left hand. They both have rings...........  all in all Chuut is a hell of a guy, and if you love chuut like I love him you will send him razors so that he can have two eyebrows once agin.  

*Hondo hands the Mic too Chuut and awaits the comeback*

rp off/

yes Yes I just saw 8 Miles hehehehe  

RP On/

What would you know about Lyrics Maine boy?  Its a wonder you even managed to figure out how to get online.

Well since you are here let me explain that these Mainer computer terms are iincorrect::

Log On: Making the wood stove hotter
Log Off: Don't add wood
Monitor: Keep an eye on the wood stove
Download: Getting the firewood off the pickup
Mega Hertz: When you're not careful downloading (watch the toes!)
Floppy Disk: What you get from piling too much wood
RAM: The hydraulic thingy that makes the woodsplitter work
Hard Drive: Getting home in mud season
Prompt: What you wish the mail was in mud season
Windows: What to shut when it's 30 below
Screen: What you need for black fly season
Byte: What black flies do
Chip: What to munch on
Macro Chip: What's left in the bag when the chips are gone
Infrared: Where the leftovers go when Fred's around
Modem: What you did to the hay fields
Dot Matrix: Farmer Matrix's wife
Lap Top: Where little kids feel comfy
Keyboard: Where you hang your keys
Software: Plastic eating utensils
Mouse: What eats the horses' grain in the barn
Main Frame: The part of the barn that holds the roof up
Port : Fancy wine
Enter: C'mon in!
Random Access Memory: You can't remember how much that new rifle(dress) cost when
your wife (husband) asks.

Now that that is clarified let me give you some lyrics about Hondo

Well his mother and father were brother and Sister
His dad had an eye in the middle of his head, so first time he tried he missed her
But persistance is an inborn trait so finally he kissed her
Thats why they finally had a kid that looks like a blister

Let me tell you more about his geneology
Seems that his Granddad is younger than he
He doesn't have a family tree, he's got a family shrubbery(with no branches)
We all call it incest, he calls it pedigree

Well they used to not marry outside the family, but you should see them now
Hondo decided to go and marry his favorite dairy cow
She made him the happiest man of Earth when she mooed her wedding vows
She ain't much for cooking, but by God that girl can plow

BTW   bet that Chauffer driven dogsled you hired for the wedding  cost you a pretty-penny

RP off/

I knew I could count on you Hondo for some good ones  


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2003, 11:31:39 pm »
  How dare you call 'shenanigans' on me!  The nerve!  I see your shenanigans and raise you a 'monkeyshines'.  So you proved you can read,understand, and correctly use a thesaurus.  BRAVO!  We'll see how tough you are without your PF's doing all the work for ya.  I hereby start the 'Noone Understands The Basyl As Living Legend' admiration society.  N.U.T.B.A.L.L. is dedicated to enlightening the D2 to the wonders of all things Kroma.  Kill 'em with kindness, as long as ya kill 'em.



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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2003, 11:32:21 pm »

 <looks for book among many ancient tomes>
 <finds huge book, dusts it off, and opens to first page>

 <clears throat>

  Flame War you say?  Well, what's a flame war without some insults?  I'll hurl the first couple at Chuut, but don't worry, everyone should get at least ONE tossed at 'em.


     I've seen people like you before.... but I had to pay an admission.

    Save your'll need it to blow up your date.

    I heard you were a ladykiller.  One look from you and they die of shock!

    I heard you changed your mind.  So, what did you do with the diaper?

    They say opposites attract..... so I sincerely hope you meet somebody who is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured.

   <cracks bottle open, waits for response>

 Gwarlock aka Sir Not Appearing In This Thread  

Hehe,  was waiting for this one

Gwarlock is so dumb he thinks that ROE vs Wade was a debate on how to cross a river.

I've seen wounds dressed better than you lizard boy

I hope your wife is familiar with computers, then she might find a use for a 3 1/2" floppy

I heard you were getting sex all the time until your wrist got arthritis.

I heard you can only shoot billiards with a left handed stick

Your breath smells so bad, people on the phone hang up

If you spoke your mind you'd be speechless

But at least your mind is open, I can feel the draft from here

And finally,   You couldn't look like a bigger ass if you were attached to the backside of Oprah.

Oh, I feel so much better now

RP off/

Good to see your still in form Gwarlock  



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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2003, 11:37:18 pm »

Hey Chuut,

How's that cheap, discount blended scotch working for ya?

: ducks :  

Sorry Mat but we don't share the same taste in cologne

<A scene from Kzinti Space>

Mat pulls over Chuut
"Your eyes are awfully red. Have you been drinking?"

"Gee, Mat," Chuut replies.

"Your eyes are awfully glazed -- have you been eating doughnuts?"

didnt think I'd let it slide did you Mat?


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2003, 11:59:32 pm »
Mat's beard is so ugly he has 100 pounds of donut crumbs lost inside it.


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2003, 12:01:18 am »


Oh yeah!! Here's one for you too, Matsukasi!!!

<throws special "homed" rolling pin>  

Less lip, more pie baking, woman.....

** THWAP **


What, is Fluf here now?


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2003, 12:32:23 am »



*Imperial March for Empire Strikes Back playing*

Wide-pad slow view of ISC CCZ's underside slips out of view only to reveal hundreds and hundreds of Frog CAs, CLs, CVLs covering space as far as the eye can see.  Hordes of Caveat IIIs swarm between the ships screeching all over the place.

A cloud of rolling pins disappearing is a sudden flash of Caveat gatling fire.

All ships are now  position for the flame war.  

*Walter Wonderley's "Summer Samba" (from disc 1 of Essential Selection vol. 1) playing*

Single Romulan WB+ orbits a planet, passing the horizon into view of said fleet.  Entire crew craps their pants, except the 5 crewmen on excercise bikes in the engine room, who are too busy pedaling to maintain orbit.  

*Fatboy Slim's beautiful transition to Armand Van Helden's "Necessary Evil" plays*

WB+ uncloaks
<edit>  Replace the text that previously occupied this section with the below </edit>

The fleet of I-CAs, I-CLs, I-CSs, & I-DDs ahead of the WB+ all unleash a swarm (approxamently 100 from Karnak's description) Type-F torpedoes at the Poor WB+ as soon as positive lock is gained during the decloak process.

The ships behind the poor, now beseiged WB+, send a volley of PPD, and plasma torpedoes of assorted types at the rear of this hapless vessel.

Said crew, suddenly realizing what is about to happen when the area of space they occupy is now lit up brighter than day, find enough "hidden reserve" to crap their pants yet again.

Aboard an anonymous ship, an anonymous froggy crewperson was known to think "ye who are about to die... enjoy."  

You're assuming several things...

1. I was dumb enough to decloak within range 50 of the fleet

2. I decloaked in front of you

3. I survived the initial phaser barrage

You'd never see my back, cuz this Romulan will let go the only volley of type R plasma to ever come out of a WB+ before that 5000 hit point barrage hits.  Too bad all 3 torpedoes hit separate shields on that expertly piloted CCZ  


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2003, 01:14:17 am »

Shouldn't you be busy rolling drunks in the parking lot for loose change?

Seriously, donut jokes? I suppose I shouldn't expect any better from a Gamecock fan.

: re-ducks :


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2003, 01:21:48 am »
Keep it up and you might score more than the Bengals


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2003, 01:23:30 am »

Keep it up and you might score more than the Bengals  

Oh man, that's low....

Not quite as low as your pants whenever Kroma's around.... but low...


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2003, 01:30:28 am »


Keep it up and you might score more than the Bengals  

Oh man, that's low....

Not quite as low as your pants whenever Kroma's around.... but low...  

Hey Barney Fife,

I'm not the one conducting full cavity strip searches in Gorn space......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2003, 01:35:34 am »

You're assuming several things...

1. I was dumb enough to decloak within range 50 of the fleet

2. I decloaked in front of you

3. I survived the initial phaser barrage

You'd never see my back, cuz this Romulan will let go the only volley of type R plasma to ever come out of a WB+ before that 5000 hit point barrage hits. Too bad all 3 torpedoes hit separate shields on that expertly piloted CCZ  

Are you using SFC2 cloak or SFC3 cloak, hehe. Cuz we can seeeee you.

"Hey, everybody!! Say hi to Max!!"

That's ok, we go find some Feds to BBQ.

Fleet tractor pulls WB so they can help roast the Feds.


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Re: Tracey's Taking a break guys, I think its time we............
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2003, 01:48:17 am »


Fleet tractor pulls WB so they can help roast the Feds  

I'm sure the Feds are terrified of that infamous ISC tractor beam of your Karnak.....


You owe me one Hooch
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »