have a good old fashioned Flame War!!!!
Oh where to start?
Kroma had Barney the Purple Dinosaur as his Prom date........
Hooch gets his fleet intel from Iraq.........
Scipio drinks American made scotch, unless of course he is drinking something French......
Gwarlock listens to Puff Daddy and other gangsta rap......
Dizzy, on the other hand loves to listen to the Backstreet Boys and Barry Manilow.....
Father Ted uses grape juice during communion.....
Drall has applied for US citizenship because he's tired of speaking French so much......
Hondo's nurses are male.....
Agave is a Browns fan......
Mog thinks the English should change to using the name soccer, so as not to be confused with the NFL Europe.....
Die Hard likes to watch cricket matches on satellite tv......
Oh boy just getting warmed up, without Tracey being on the forums to reign me in (
See here ), I could go on forever. No more female interfering with a good old flame war............now who have I forgotten...........
<ducks rolling pin thrown from afar> ......Oh hi Kim, no nothing to see here
<runs from forums muttering about female flamethread radar>