Topic: Real Life Issues  (Read 4731 times)

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Real Life Issues
« on: April 08, 2003, 02:40:54 am »
Dear friends,
            for those of you who didn't know, I'm a univeristy student in her third year of a double degree in Computer Science and Pyschology. Currently, the first semester for the year is nearly half way through. The latter half of the semester is hell compared with the first half, it's when all my assignments are due, tests have to be sat for etc. There are 13 weeks in each semester, its now Week 6. After semester comes the examination period which lasts for 2 to 3 weeks.
            My workload has just begun to significantly increase, I have a test this Thursday on Website programming, and another test next Monday on Systems desription techniques. For the next few weeks I have major assignments in Graphics Programming, Databases (using Oracle), Networking and I'm behind in my Maths stuff as well.
            I'm going to pretty hard pressed for time, although, I still be here, checking the forums etc. However, I'm not going to be able to devote as much time to mission scripting for awhile. Dizzy is relying upon me to produce a whole mission pack that incorporates WebCasters fr SG3, and of course there are all the SQL mission goodies for RDSL that DarkElf and I are working on as well. I feel bad about saying this, but I'm not going to be able to complete either of them in time for any major server. I feel like I'm letting people down, and I am. But the crunch has come for me at uni, and I have to get some work done.
I do have a week off for mid-semester in two weeks, I'm hoping to try and get as much done as possible then.

I'm recommending to the community that ISC Inv. be run before SG3, in order to give me some more time to do justice to the mission scripts, unless someone else feels they can write the missions.

I'll still be on MSN of course, and will be checking the forums regularly, so I won't be out of touch.


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2003, 02:57:44 am »

In the short time you have been here you have put in more effort than most, if not all of the members of this community.  If you need to take time off for your studies, don't worry about it,  the community wont go to hell if you ease off the hetic schedule you seem to have made for yourself, purgatory perhaps, but not hell

If you come back with anything other than straight A's, I think all of us will feel a bit guilty, for taking up so much of your time with all this scripting and other stuff.....So get to studying

We can have any Angel's without A's


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2003, 03:00:18 am »
Thats too bad Tracey... I was looking forward to a campaign where I could jack your ship up and blast you into itty bitty spcae particles...

I know you have been busy... Me and Karnak have been working on the web scripts for SG3. We dont know if its possible to have SG3 and the tholian web thingy ready in time, or even at this point which server will run 1st.

We are discussing it. I am glad we are able to discuss this in private tho... I don't like people knowing when I am naked like I am now, sitting in front of this comptuer typing to u...  


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2003, 03:31:20 am »
So its not only when chatting to Kroma eh Dizzy?  


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2003, 03:57:32 am »
It's ok Tracey.  I know how it feels to not have any time on your hands.  Please do not worry about it.  Get the stuff you need to get done first.

You've been a great help in my mission endevours.  I have learned much C++ thanks to you.

I'll do my best to get things done in your absence.

Please take care.


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2003, 04:19:50 am »
wHY DO WE ALWAYS SUPPORT THE NEEDS OF THE INDIVIDUAL THAT HAS r/l ISUES? lETS NOT THIS TIME... lETS SAY THAT OOPS CAPS... Lets say that we support their make believe life? And to hell with R/L issues?

Its so much better than the campy sappy, Ok, we support you 100% (because we always do, hehe) and instead just say, we hate you for leaving us... How could you think of such a thing?  

Try it on for size mb...


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2003, 09:11:08 am »
Damn professors!

Good luck with it Tracey!



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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2003, 10:02:57 am »
Good luck, Trace!! Come back soon!


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2003, 10:11:31 am »
Awww... Well I wish I had gotten a chance to fly with you on AOE Tracey.  I know what you're going through (I took something quite similar, with courses based on becoming an AS/400 specialist along with the C++, thank god for customizable classes... I still have nightmares about coding for DOS and Win 3.1) and I feel your pain.

Hopefully we'll get to relive old times from IDSL sometime.  I'm really excited about SQL missions, knowing from a programmers' point of view how wide open mission ideas become when you're using a proper database.  Ah... dreams of linked server maps sharing the same player information...

MmmMmmm... linked servers.  *drools incoherently*

Thanks for all your hard work, maybe we can hook up on MSN and talk shop some time  

Keep smiling!


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2003, 10:45:37 am » need to feel like you're letting anyone down, Tracey.  You've contributed so much already.

Good luck with your studies.  We look forward to having you back full-swing when you get done.  I'd rather see your ace your classes than arse around with webcasters, anyway.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2003, 10:53:05 am »

I'm recommending to the community that ISC Inv. be run before SG3, in order to give me some more time to do justice to the mission scripts, unless someone else feels they can write the missions.

I spent some time with Dizzy last getting the functional specs. of what he wants for SG3 and what your responses were and how you hoped to solved the problems.   Although, I believe on the whole the concept is feasible, there is one area that causes me to think there is going to be a lot more work involved than what you proposed to Dizzy in your estimate of work for SG3; thereby making the goal of workable Tholian SG3 missions for next week very challenging to meet even if you have many hours to devote to the project.

Considering that a commitment was already made to Dizzy to get Tholians working for SG3 and an announcement was made advertising playable Tholians missions in the forums (over my objections, btw), I think it will be important that the scripting  community endeavor to keep that commitment so as to not jeopardize its integrity with future admins. regarding new mission script functionality.  So, I will take the "tholian web" functionality ball and run with it.  There maybe some changes from the original func. specs. if I feel a workaround is needed to get it working.  In addition, there should be no more announcements about tholian missions until I have them ready for players to test out on the ISC Inv. server.

As an aside, you should forget about SFC2 completely until your semester is over, at least.  I remember in college many students that could have done better on their transcripts if they were not hanging out at the wargaming club so much.  IN this economy, a good transcript will be needed when you graduate plus a lot of time spent in your computer lab programming work so that you can do well in technical interviews with potential employers.  Once you get a good job after graduation with lotsa dispensible spending power you can play SFC all you want.

PS. Jinn, I respectfully enter this thread as "exhibit A" to support the points I made in the PM I sent you over the weekend.  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2003, 11:10:31 am »
Tracey, anything you do turns to gold. Do your studies, the games will wait.



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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2003, 11:15:20 am »
"Study, study, study,  study,  study,  study,  study, study,  study,  study,  PARTY NOW!" Dexter from Dexters Lab


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2003, 01:27:54 pm »
 Gosh, this makes me wish that I had some appriciable programming skills that i could donate to the cause.  I'd donate my free time, but what can ya do with someone elses free time?  Guess that comes from not having a life..........  You GO Tracy!  Once school is over, then worry about all YOUR free time instead......  



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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2003, 01:45:25 pm »

 Gosh, this makes me wish that I had some appriciable programming skills that i could donate to the cause.  I'd donate my free time, but what can ya do with someone elses free time?  Guess that comes from not having a life..........  You GO Tracy!  Once school is over, then worry about all YOUR free time instead......  


If you get yourself a copy of of MS Visual C++ v6.0 (min. Std. Edition)  I'll get ya started in C++ in no time.


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2003, 01:57:56 pm »


 Gosh, this makes me wish that I had some appriciable programming skills that i could donate to the cause.  I'd donate my free time, but what can ya do with someone elses free time?  Guess that comes from not having a life..........  You GO Tracy!  Once school is over, then worry about all YOUR free time instead......  


If you get yourself a copy of of MS Visual C++ v6.0 (min. Std. Edition)  I'll get ya started in C++ in no time.  

 Actually I'm working on my CCNA classes right now, but will look for a copy of Visual C++.  I think my father might have taken a class and might have it around.  Needless to say the last programming i did was QBasic even TI Basic.....    

Bob Graham

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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2003, 05:00:05 pm »
Ugg, I tryed to get a Comp Sci degree, and had to learn Java first semster.  It was the first time I had programed anything more complex than a VCR.  Needless to say, I am now looking for a new major...


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2003, 05:05:56 pm »
Best of luck to you, TraceyG.

They are right, the games will wait and you have done more than most.  I thank you for your efforts & look forward to fly with you again when things have settled down.


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2003, 05:26:27 pm »

Ugg, I tryed to get a Comp Sci degree, and had to learn Java first semster.  It was the first time I had programed anything more complex than a VCR.  Needless to say, I am now looking for a new major...  

That's too bad, being a Comp. Sci. grad myself, I tend to think a comp. sci. or electrical eng. degree is one of the more useful degrees you can get.  Although, I did get in a debate once with an accounting prof. who thought a CA designation is the be all and end all of all professional accredidations.  He told me  money spent getting a comp. sci. degree was a sunk cost, lol. My brother-in-law is a tax lawyer who told me the job placement rate for lawyers from good schools was at about 60 to 70 percent and only 10 percent make mucho buckos.  A lot of the legal busywork is being farmed off to paralegals now, he said.


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Re: Real Life Issues
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2003, 07:18:04 pm »
Good luck in your studies. As you already know, it should be your priority.
One thing for sure, you should not feel bad about this situation.