Many Bothans have died to bring this information to you!
The Tal Shiar intentionally allowed some of their operatives to be assimilated (just like on Voyager!!!), with super secret technology that would allow only a superficial assimilation, so they could conduct their evil Tal Shiar plans (just like on Voyager!!!).
Having situated themselves into the Collective, they sent out anamylous readings certain to attract the attention of....
THE BORG QUEEN SGHNDUBH (Just like on Voyager!!!) catching him/her/it as he/she/it was just logging off his/her/its Mac Classic, having registered for these very fora (just like on Voyager!!!). And we all know that CAN'T be good!
Quickly, they took a holo-reading of the fearsome monstrous leader of the Borg, and quickly shot it out into space just before they were detected and QueenSghnDubh ripped them to shreds with his/her/its bare, cybernetic hands!!!
Well, the holo-cartrigde was picked up by the waiting cloaked Romulan ship the Khaeus'Khenn (Captained by yours truly). If only I had known then what I know now, I would never have plugged that holo-cartridge into my ship's holodeck, such a horrific vision did it reveal!!!
So here, I give you this holoimage from the very heart of the Collective itself:
Just... like... on... Voyager!