Tulmahk, I understand that after the patch Romulans don't NEED the Valdore or the Scimitar, its just a matter of it would be a nice treat.
Yes, I understand most servers nowadays are running Scimitars, and most mods have Valdores. But to me, Mods are just not the same. When you go shopping for an antique car, do you pefer the real deal or the replica? I feel the same way concerning official ships and mod ships. Like it or not, the seal of 'official' DOES have weight to it, even though sometimes the fakes/replicas are just as good.
Almost every server today has the Scimitar. Indeed it is all but an official ship. But every server tweaks and mods it to their own personal preferences. I really can't say I blame them, since the Scimitar never was balanced to play online. I simply appreciate it if Taldren would balance the ship and put a seal of approval on it.
To be honest, I will likely never play TNZ or DW. I really don't have the connection for it. Also, while I appreciate the new ship models, I don't like it when they try to rebalance the game. It is very hard for modders to balance the game better than the game company.