Topic: Fate of the Valdore  (Read 24821 times)

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Re: Fate of the Valdore
« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2003, 08:45:43 pm »
 I don't care which is better, I hope there both dead.

Anyway, I find your summery of they empires conditions to be reasonable enough. You mentioned in the Romulan section that there fleets appeared to take 'considerabe losses'.

While no doubt all the empires took considerable losses, I don't remember seeing that many Romulans ships loss; certainly nothing compared to the Federation or Klingons.

In the Battle of Chin'Toka we saw the orbital platforms destroy one or two Warbirds. In the retreat from Chin'Toka (enter the Breens), we saw a burning Warbrid wreck.

In What You Leave Behind we hear the Romulan flagship gets destroy and there line is struggling.

Make no mistake, they Romulans relied on a relatively small number of highly powerful warships to get the job done. They didn't have  as many ships as the Federation/Klingons did, and couldn't afford to take the same number of losses.

In fact, we rarelly see the Romulan Warbirds in action during the big fleet battles. But still, I don't remember seeing very many Warbirds getting blown away.

Davey E

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Re: Fate of the Valdore
« Reply #121 on: April 17, 2003, 03:47:37 pm »
To me the whole DS9 series was good action, but a complete joke from a Stellar Cartagraphy point of view

Its has been said that "Betazed" was the furthest the Dominion pushed into Federation space,
However we also heard that the Romulans liberated "Benzar"
Now i for one do not see how this could of happened, "Benzar" is LY away from Cardassian space, Much much further away than Earth
I do now believe anyway that the Dominion would of been able to take and hold "Benzar" without any kind of supply

If you manage to get hold of the ST Star Charts Book, that was endorsed by Paramount, You,ll see what i mean

The truth is that the Domionion would of had to travel LY across Federation space to attack Romulan or Klingon Space

I remember at the end of the War, The Federation Alliance launched their attack on Cardassian space from Deep Space 375 which is not far from "Trill"
Now "Trill" would of been a much more accessable target for the Dominion that "Benzar" or "Bolarus", and a much more
winable scenario  


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Re: Fate of the Valdore
« Reply #122 on: April 17, 2003, 04:41:31 pm »
 Speaking of the Star Charts book, I went to the other day to Barns and Noble. Didn't see any copies.    

Davey E

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Re: Fate of the Valdore
« Reply #123 on: April 17, 2003, 06:27:22 pm »

Speaking of the Star Charts book, I went to the other day to Barns and Noble. Didn't see any copies.

Here ya go