I was once part of a RPG where two women absolutely hated each other. Now that was a flame war. The only problem was that it never ended, even after months and months of it, cuz they never could let it go. So, each of the women started manipulating the men, especially tne single/divorced, players to line up on their side. You know the deal. Bat the eyes, flash the sigfiles et al. So, the RPG became the Woman A side vs. the Woman B side. I once made the mistake of flaming both of them cuz I wanted my "independence". Well, that's how I learned my flame war skills, hehe. If you can beat a scorned woman in a flame war you can do anything in a forum.

Anyway, the RPG eventually petered out due to lack of player interest...and you wonder why, LOL.
It's also why I hate flame wars now. Don't ever want to go back to that miserable experience.