Topic: Thanks to all who made DOE fun  (Read 3190 times)

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Herr Burt

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Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« on: April 07, 2003, 12:24:03 am »

Well guys, V-hour has arrived and the Day of the Eagle is over.

I'd like to take this chance to thank everyone that made DOE a lot of fun.  (At, least, a lot of fun for those that enjoyed it. ) I have to make a special thanks to Dave and Tracey who used their private time to give me missions for my server.  They also gave me lots of their time compiling and recompiling missions, sometimes while a wife was tapping her foot impatiently because it was "time to go!".  I hope the experiences from DOE help them get their scripts exactly the way they want them.  There is some cool work there, and I want to play more of them in future servers.

But the biggest thanks has to go to the players.  So thanks for all your time, all your comments, and all your dead carcasses I left strewn across the stars.  (I won't mention the times I ran off the map; clearly those don't count since the sun was in my eyes.)  I hope people like the new toys,  the new missions (even the one that showed up too much.....) and maybe the chance to fly a new race.  My apologies that Gamespy never got their act and their chat server back together.  The D2 remains an evolving product and one that all of you make a joy to work with.

At this point, it's pretty clear the Roms won.  I'll get the points counted and give you an exact total soon, but tonight I just gotta sleep.  Congrats on a job well done.

Now, Dizzy, get to work! hee hee.  You've got a game to start, and I want to play regularly for a change.  

-Herr Burt


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2003, 12:29:04 am »
 Many thanks to you Herr Burt, for a wonderful and challenging server.  You certainly put in the quality time on this one.  It was nice to be able to scrape off the rust and finally play SFC2 in a multiplayer Dynaverse campaign.  

That which doesnt kill you, probably hurts an awful lot.



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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2003, 01:11:21 am »
I should say Thank You Herr Bert!!
I had one heck of a fun time.  to those 3 people who let me co-op with them thank You
It was great fun learning how to fly a BRICK.

Now where's that FED Express Flight back to the Hydran Kingdom. I need to make a full report


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2003, 01:34:24 am »
Thanks Herr Burt,

Had alot of fun, and you gave us all some new things to consider for the future.  Drougues were quite a fun change of pace, and I hope we can see some more of them on future servers.  Thanks for pioneering them for us.


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2003, 01:54:37 am »
nonono... TY! DOE turned out to be quite a surprise... Small fun servers like this should be all the rage... I think I may break SG3 into 2 servers that run back to back... Each lasting 6 weeks... J/k ISC Inv and RDSL <snicker>

Several regrets was my late arrival on the server. This was due to my work on mine... which has stalled shortly awaiting news on missions... Looking real good so far tho. And the other was that I almost wrote off DOE after I lost nearly all my prestige b4 I learned how to rake in the cash.  That all changed after I learned that the Courrier mission was a diamond in the rough and that PvP could be so rewarding... Was I the only player who got 3036 Bonus prestige for offing 2 romulan baddies in PvP? WOW! The pp shocked the [censored] out of me after that! I went PvP hunting crazy from then on out!

Turned out to be a very memorable and fun week for me overall and I relished that hourlong battle with Damaged, his RHK and my lil CLC slugged it out in a nebula for what seemed like forever... You know... Plasma R should have ammo or something... it's continous use is just insane...

And shame on you for not going into overtime... I think the feds/gorns coulda won that... Er in fact the surely would have!

Anyway, S'Cipio, I had a blast. And thankls for all the effort from you and ur team.


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2003, 01:57:53 am »

Thanks Herr Burt,

Had alot of fun, and you gave us all some new things to consider for the future.  Drougues were quite a fun change of pace, and I hope we can see some more of them on future servers.  Thanks for pioneering them for us.  

The ftrlist hasn't been alterred much on SG3... Perhaps Chuutritt if you would care to start another thread and enlist Herrburts help, we could port over some fighter/drogue ideas to SG3...

I kinda liked seeing the A-10, F14/15/16/18 fighters in the lineup... Anyone else like that/want to see that in SG3?


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2003, 06:36:28 am »
I would love to see that in SG3.  Drogues and the other fighters....  question is.... can we implement them without changing races around? ie giving Feds the Lyran UI.

I would also like to say thank you for the server HB, although I also was a relatively scarce commodity on the server.

Still I liked the concept and play.  Those tholians were just plain nasty.... heh-heh.

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2003, 01:56:37 pm »

Those tholians were just plain nasty.... heh-heh.  

Hmmm.  What time I had on the server was best spent in my SKE / SPA+ visiting the Tholian Border.

Romulan (ISC) Tholian Border Harrassment Squadron at your service...

It's interesting what uncountered ECM and a reluctance to use weasels does to a phaser / disruptor race facing Plasma...

Some of those missions were evil.  My last taste of DoE was the "get the agent" mission.  Darn agent just didn't want to leave.  Orders were to find agent and grab him.  I found him but couldn't grab him.  No clue as to why[/i/ he wouldn't come, just no go.  Trying to grab an agent when 4-5 Tholians are banging on you is no fun...

The only thing that shocked me was the "Leader" variants costing almost as much as a ship of the next class up.  SKL being near CL price, SPL being CA price, etc.  Honestly, I felt that "leader" vessels, on this server, were worthless.
Had they been pricable at say, 1/2 the difference (2000 DD, 2500 DL, 3000 CL, 4500 CLC, 6000 CA etc...) without mangling BPV calculations, perhaps they would have been a goal for me to achieve.  As it was, I was planning on keeping my SPA+ till I got the PP for a FHK, not say a SPL+... (which was maybe all of 200 - 500 more PP for the FHK than SPL+...)


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2003, 02:53:33 pm »
Thanks very much for the server, Herr Burt.  I found it both challenging and fun.  

About the only thing I didn't like was the frequency with which I drew the "Courier Intercept" mission.  That was an expecially heinous draw in nebulas vs. Gorn opposition.

Well, that's not true.  The increased fighter strength and squadron loadouts made using a carrier or fighting carriers as a Rom an almost impossible task.  I suspect the Gorn who had to fight fighter swarms had similar problems, though they didn't have to fight the Fed fighters.  There just wasn't enough PD to go around, even with a PlasD drogue.  If you flew a Romulan carrier, you could almost always expect to be fighting 2-3 enemy carriers in fleet missions and that was just death, plain and simple.

As far as drogues went, I hardly ever used mine.  Employing them just didn't really fit my style of play.

Thanks also to those adversaries that showed up.  Most of the time you were heavily outnumbered, but you did your part to still manage to make it an interesting place to play.

All things considered, the server was fun.  I wish I had been able to play more.  I never did get to the point where I could afford an R-SUB or R-SUK.  



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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2003, 05:19:28 pm »
Did I make it fun???!!!

I mean, I did play the last 5 minutes of it!!


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2003, 05:25:29 pm »

Originally posted by KRollingpin

Did I make it fun???!!!

I mean, I did play the last 5 minutes of it!!  

You know, I was wondering WHY the last five minutes of the server were so much more fun that the rest of it had been.  Now I know.

-S'Cipio the Enlightened


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2003, 05:30:35 pm »


Originally posted by KRollingpin

Did I make it fun???!!!

I mean, I did play the last 5 minutes of it!!  

You know, I was wondering WHY the last five minutes of the server were so much more fun that the rest of it had been.  Now I know.

-S'Cipio the Enlightened  

Oh shuck!!! You flatter me!! <blushes>  


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2003, 06:09:48 pm »
Great game Scipio.  DoE ranks up actually above 4P due to the very new (to sfc) concepts you added.


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2003, 07:18:25 pm »
Herr Burt,
Ever since you mentionned your intention to run a "Day of the Eagle" campaign, I have been looking forward to it.
Many thanks for having delivered this great opportunity for us to have fun.
Well done sir.


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2003, 07:19:47 pm »

Herr Burt,
Ever since you mentionned your intention to run a "Day of the Eagle" campaign, I have been looking forward to it.
Many thanks for having delivered this great opportunity for us to have fun.
Well done sir.

Yes much fun, XOXOXOXOX, from Kroma with Love.


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2003, 08:32:08 pm »

XOXOXOXOX, from Kroma with Love.  

Kroma ... your suppose to be nice to Sci .. HB on this thread.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »

Rob Cole

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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2003, 10:22:23 pm »
Aye the server was a blast,nice job HB.
Special TY to Dizzy who no matter how many times I kill him he always comes back for another death<snickers>


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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2003, 01:11:42 am »
Thanks HB. I think I played for about the second half of the campaign and it was pretty cool... too bad there weren't more players on it. I still have a lot to learn about flying Rom in PvP and didn't get many opportunities.

Having a drogue was great in the SPA+, although I found myself not using one at all once I got out of that ship. I agree that leader variants were extremely overpriced considering they matched up vs a hull size larger than the line variant. Just ask Chuut about the RGK he lost when I drafted him in my RHK... all in all I think the mission matching was manageable if you were careful to run coop on the tougher mission draws and careful about who drafts in coop. I liked the fact the campaign runtime was short with specific VCs.

The strangest part was hanging out on RW with players that have always been enemies in every past D2 campaign... I'm used to the native Roms, but not the KATs and KOTHs! Think I spent more time flying with Chuut than anyone else on this server, hehe.

Anyway, good server HB!



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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2003, 06:13:32 am »

Think I spent more time flying with Chuut than anyone else on this server, hehe.

Anyway, good server HB!


Poor Damaged.   You don't know who much that callsign trully fits you now.   Once you spend so much time with Chuut, you tainted for life.   Since I've been his friend since about the 7th grade, I'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing.

As for the server, thanks Herr Burt, you frickin torturous bastard, for a very challenging server.   I liked all the new missions once I got to see them.  Ya know the Courier Intercept was seen a good bit.   But, me and my friends adapted and we starting making some good points on those missions.

Good show, pilots of the GDA.   Ya made me proud.   We had a strong showing throughout the whole server and that was AWESOME!!   I really enjoyed flying the triple-threat missios with my buddies such as Casca, DrProctor, Scippy of course, Topide, and Kroma, to just name a few.    HINT, HINT:  I certainly hope that your server Dizzy will allow for us to fly together as groups of threes.  You, yourself, seemed to enjoy it when you were lucky enough (hehe) to gets drafted  by the GDA pilots.

Most memoriable event for me in DOE, I killed Chuut, the Romulan, in his RegalHawk.   OH, the joy, the never-ending happiness that comes along with 'putting down' that feline harasser.   Oh, the interesting phone calls that were spawned out of that battle.   Of course, there's no need to mention the missions I fled like a scalded bitch when Chuut and Damaged ambushed me.   No, none at all.

Now, to any of the D2 pilots who either didn't have make the time, or didn't make it past the first hour of mission frustration on DOE, you missed a great server.   Sure, there were a few kinks ( almost said klinks, hehe) to work out, but when hasn't that been true of any server.  Anyway, enough said.    Great work Herr Burt, you torturous and challenging bastard.




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Re: Thanks to all who made DOE fun
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2003, 08:58:23 am »
Oh Agave you big Poofta,

Only Evil Dave's freighters saved you

I guess the first round is on me next time, If I could only get you to drink a Beer this time ,,,,,

unstead of your usual...


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »