Well guys, V-hour has arrived and the Day of the Eagle is over.
I'd like to take this chance to thank everyone that made DOE a lot of fun. (At, least, a lot of fun for those that enjoyed it.

) I have to make a special thanks to Dave and Tracey who used their private time to give me missions for my server. They also gave me lots of their time compiling and recompiling missions, sometimes while a wife was tapping her foot impatiently because it was "time to go!". I hope the experiences from DOE help them get their scripts exactly the way they want them. There is some cool work there, and I want to play more of them in future servers.
But the biggest thanks has to go to the players. So thanks for all your time, all your comments, and all your dead carcasses I left strewn across the stars. (I won't mention the times I ran off the map; clearly those don't count since the sun was in my eyes.) I hope people like the new toys, the new missions (even the one that showed up too much.....) and maybe the chance to fly a new race. My apologies that Gamespy never got their act and their chat server back together. The D2 remains an evolving product and one that all of you make a joy to work with.
At this point, it's pretty clear the Roms won. I'll get the points counted and give you an exact total soon, but tonight I just gotta sleep. Congrats on a job well done.
Now, Dizzy,
get to work! hee hee. You've got a game to start, and I want to play regularly for a change.

-Herr Burt