The To/ From/ is a fantastic system, hope it gets used more, and that is what I voted. All that being established ...
DLs aren't a problem for high bandwidth players (
) but can, as noted above, definately be a problem for 56Kers. Some key parts of the question include:
1. How many D/Ls?
If the server is using tried and true missions that have gone through a full test (i.e. DoE) then only 1 D/L should be needed. But if we're using missions that have not gone through a full test (which is anything but a campaign of at least DoE's level), then there is a good chance a new D/L will be needed.
2. How big of a D/L?
To D/L a shiplist is no problem, even if you have to do it a couple of times. D/Ling missions and other data can become a problem for 56K users. And when using a real cool system (such as HB's To/From) then you need to D/L everything each time it changes. That can be a major problem.
Is it possible that, as much as I love the To/From software, doing it the old manual way would be better to reduce the size of follow-on D/Ls?