Topic: Comments made by Mog  (Read 1141 times)

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Comments made by Mog
« on: April 06, 2003, 11:29:26 pm »
I fully agree with your comments (that I copied below) and was thinking that in a long thread originally intended to be a joking one, it may not have received enough visibility. I hope you do not mind that I wanted to "bump it up"

I wanted to add my thanks to Scippy along to yours.
Your servers certainly help bring things forward

Here it goes:

I've always been a supporter of flying different races whenever possible. It gives people insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the other races.  Now that people have tasted what it's like to be a plasma player, as opposed to say a drone race player, perhaps we can move closer to the understanding that the community has been trying to reach regarding mission times and BPV balance. Methinks Scip, your server has helped a lot in that regard - increasing BPV of carriers to account for fighters etc is a very good move imho, and should be done for all shiplists.

Another thing that has come out of this server is that it has shown people that flying the smaller ships can be fun (least I hope that's been shown hehe), and that small (non drone using) ships can be competitive in PvP.

The small amount of time that I've been able to spend on DOE has been entertaining, and for that I give you my thanks Scippy I even flew Fed for a bit myself, lost an NCL+ to Warsears and Fluf, but got some measure of revenge with the DDL soon after Sadly, I'm now getting CRC errors on missions and no matter what I try, cannot solve this problem. So, for me, it has come to an end. Good luck to both sides for the remainder of the campaign