Topic: My Where Abouts.  (Read 2316 times)

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My Where Abouts.
« on: April 05, 2003, 08:46:36 pm »

Just needed stop in and drop a line to everyone. I'm moving very soon and will be off the net indefinately.

It was good to be back this last month or so. Got to release a couple of retextures and download some other peoples work.

Last time I had to go away, I popped in once or twice.........only to find flame wars going on. That is so disheartening. Everyone be good to each other. Have fun.

To the two people I have projects pending with, my apologies. My entire life has been turned upside down in a matter of days and I can't do those retextures anytime in the near future.

Lastly, for anyone who is now or will in the future want my permission to kitbash any of my texturing or use any of the models on my site in a mod or convert them to another game: You may consider this last post my express permission to do so. Just give me an honorable mention in there somewhere.

Hopefully Raven will keep my site up for a while.

Be good.




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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2003, 05:05:54 am »
Good luck buddy. Hope your probs work them selvs out.  


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2003, 06:19:28 am »

Just needed stop in and drop a line to everyone. I'm moving very soon and will be off the net indefinately.

It was good to be back this last month or so. Got to release a couple of retextures and download some other peoples work.

Last time I had to go away, I popped in once or twice.........only to find flame wars going on. That is so disheartening. Everyone be good to each other. Have fun.

To the two people I have projects pending with, my apologies. My entire life has been turned upside down in a matter of days and I can't do those retextures anytime in the near future.

Lastly, for anyone who is now or will in the future want my permission to kitbash any of my texturing or use any of the models on my site in a mod or convert them to another game: You may consider this last post my express permission to do so. Just give me an honorable mention in there somewhere.

Hopefully Raven will keep my site up for a while.

Be good.

Ah man, you have no idea how much this totally sucks... although I do understand.    You, I, and Sandman started at roughly the same time, and we never did do that project together that we were hoping to do.  What I *am* going to do is to make sure that the San Jacinto, (both the Omega Class Destroyer from B5, and the FNCA version) are going to be up at my site as long as I have a site... that your tutorials are mirrored, and that I download and mirror your site so that even if NGS does go down, it'll be mirrored (and in a subsite if I can figure how to do that) off mine.  That way, as long as I am around, so will your work be, and so will be NGS.

B-man, there is going to be at least two people that are really going to be missing you out here... think that Sandman probably feels the same way right about now.  We get reminders all the time here about "Nothing is certain", and "Nothing is forever", even Chris' "Because the game doesn't have to remain the same".  But even with all that, it doesn't always mean that sometimes you don't want to have "Things are certain"," things are forever", even "sometimes the game does remain the same".  You're a constant on the radar for me man, and I *am* gonna miss you a lot.  Good luck with things, and godspeed on your journey.


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2003, 11:25:06 am »
Yeah, what Alec said. If there's anything you need to speed your return, let me know and I'll see what I can do. WHEN you return, (not if) I'll have up a new ship...Lancaster class USS TEXAS. I was making it for you, and it'll still need your touch on the texturing end...I will do my mediocre texturing job, and when you return you can re-do it and make it look purty.

God speed, and keep yourself out of trouble.
Jason aka Sandman3D aka sandman69247


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2003, 12:10:27 am »
See ya soon bud.  


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2003, 01:10:28 am »
*plays Lynyrd Skynyrd - travelin' man*
*dances around*
good luck pata    


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2003, 05:16:46 pm »
I thank you all for the kind words. I'm sorry to be leaving again. Seems like I was just getting settled in again.

I've put together everything I did on the Remora and am uploading it for Sandman. The registries are done. Some mapping. Some poly cutting. Things like that.
Also, blank texture parts and some templates so Jason and Alec can finish her up.

Take care.




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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2003, 08:54:49 pm »
It's a real shame to see you go.  I admire your work (and soon will download all of it rather than most) and hate to see you leave, even if your life did turn sharply in a matter of time (in a negative way).  I really really do hope you at least come back from time to time and say hi, and mabye e-mail me or talk to me on IM programs...

MSN/Secondary E-mail (MSN Messenger-end of it currently not working):
AIM: chrissjohnson91
ICQ: 11935215

It's also a shame you didn't do the U.S.S. Endeavour for me (I knew I shoulda requested it earlier when I thought about you)...

Well, I do hope I see ya on the other side of the galaxy.  Good luck with your life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrisJohnson »


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2003, 09:36:35 pm »
Yo...You Da Man!!!

When you are back ...Give me...Give Us a HOLLA!!!
I don't care how long, or how far man

I will be around..hell your friends will all be around man!!!

Good luck
I promise that more will be waiting  


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2003, 10:53:19 pm »
BTW Pataflafla, if you're still around packing up... What's your favorite class of Starship in each era and overall?  Just wondering.


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2003, 11:35:36 pm »
Bummer! I also hope that you return amongst us again when you are able!


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2003, 02:18:38 am »
Yep, still packing. Just about done though. Will be leaving out tomorrow.

Hopefully, I'll be settled in a few months with a new job and I can come back and participate in some way or another. By then though I'd expect most of the modding going on will be for SFC III. I don't have that yet and I don't know how to mod for it. Not sure if I'll have time in the future to learn all that stuff and produce anything for it. We'll just have to see.

It is heartening to see so many people have responded to this thread. I sorta figured most of what I did (and it has been very little) went noticed by just a few.
Since I seem to have the floor at least in this thread, I'm going to go way off topic. Stop reading if all you're interested in is a new model for your game.

These last months have been a real bitch on me. Last May the uncle I was living with while going back to school was diagnosed with lung cancer. Anyone familiar with this disease knows that the annual survival rate of people diagnosed with this vicious disease is less than 50%. I knew this from the beginning.
I knew from the word "go" I'd watch him deteriorate until he was euthanized with morphine. With all our medical science, that's still the best we can offer most people with a serious cancer.

Well, I watched it minute by minute, day by day and month by month while taking him to inhuman radiation and chemo treatments trying to comfort him the best I could. The whole while trying to find some meaning to this miserable existence humanity has carved out for itself. What is it that makes all this worth going through?

As some of you know, I am a moderately successful musician (drummer actually). That's what I majored in in college. I eeked out a living playing gig to gig and session to session through my early and mid twenties until I'd become so damned jaded about the whole industry. Everything I was doing was for the Almighty Dollar. Anything to make rent.
I've worked day gigs trying to do the same thing here and there. Always pursuing that dream gig of artistic purity and financial security all in the same package. Not easy. lol

I ended up out here in East Texas living with my uncle trying to retrain as a computer specialist. I'd given up on the only damned thing I'd ever been good at and the only thing I'm trained to do. All because I couldn't seem to find any meaning in this terrible world we live in. And then I had to watch and even help my uncle die. All for what?

Well, after allot of hell I think I can say why. And it gets us back on topic a little.
I've been a Star Trek fan since I was in junior high and ST II: TWOK came out. Watched all the episodes of everything related to Star Trek. Why? What is it about this phenomenon that is important? It's not blowing stuff up......though that's cool. lol

I suppose it's about struggling to be more than what we are even with the knowledge it is impossible to attain. We will never be so perfect as the ideals presented to us in the great "Wagon Train to the Stars." It's the struggle that counts for something. At least, that's what I've come to believe in my short 30 years in this world.

What makes all this worth while? Why go on in the face of so much human atrocity and inhumanity in our daily lives? Not just the crimes, wars and general violence we see everyday on TV, but the sickness in each of our lives. How many times have each of us seen the intolerable inflicted upon the weak in our own lives? How many times have each of us been treated with cruelty? And how many times have each of us treated others with cruelty?
What makes this all worth enduring?

Each other. The only thing that makes this sick world not so sick is each other. The friendships and romances we develop and let grow.
Our capacity to kill, be cruel and just generally [censored] everything up is only out weighed by our capacity for compassion and love. We only commit our individual atrocities against our fellow man when we forget this. Even for a moment.  

Go call your mother. Or go kiss your wife. Or call that girl in the second row you're convinced won't give you the time of day. Whatever. Just take a chance by being human. Life is way too damned short and cruel to waste it being afraid.
Don't let yourself be slapped down. Don't stop being human because its the easiest way to be. No matter what has happened to you, never lose touch with your capacity to love and be compassionate. These are the qualities that make us human. What makes us a race worth saving. What makes me proud to have called many of you friends.

I'm gonna shut up now and finish my last bit of packing. My destiny calls as it calls all of us. My hope for all of you is the same as my hope for myself: That we will meet our individual futures with integrity, honor, love and humanity.

I wish you all calm seas and steady winds. Godspeed and farewell.

Brandon aka Pataflafla




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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2003, 05:37:51 am »
May the wind be at your backs for the grand journey of life.


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2003, 06:23:28 am »
Rest assured Pataflafla - you were noticed, and you will be sorely missed, I had 2 uncles die of cancer (one lung and the other throat) and it sux to sit there with them and know that there's nothing you can do about it.

Good luck dude, and hope you eventually decide to come back to us, even if you don't take up modelling again, c'í videamo piu tarde Pataflafla.


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2003, 08:59:10 am »
Very good, Grasshopper! I have felt the same way, Pata, since I lost my parents to cancer and alcoholism. I have read the bible, and my interpretation of things is that God wants us to achieve much more than we when the doomsayers say that the end is near, rest assured that it is not. We will be here as a race for quite awhile yet...I mean, we have so much left to do, to attain the level that was intended for us. We still have a lot to do, but we will get there.


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2003, 09:03:46 am »
Good luck my friend, Hope to see you back online soon.    


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Re: My Where Abouts.
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2003, 10:49:16 am »
Hello Pataflafla,

Good fortune and Godspeed getting thing sorted eh,
Thanks alot for your marvelous website,

New Galveston Shipyards
on the New Texas Colony 2236 AD

I really like your site alot




Take care,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »