Topic: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod  (Read 3431 times)

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Capt. Ravenous

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ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« on: January 23, 2003, 06:34:25 pm »
I have started work on a new mod for SFC3, "The Borg Invasion" mod.
Features of this mod will include:
1. Tougher Borg AI ships
2. Singleplayer Dynaverse set-up for Federation, Klingon, and Romulan vs. Borg
3.Subsystem targetting borg ships will become useless (you'll likely destroy the borg ship than take out one of its systems), as will hit&runs on borg ships.
4. The borg ability to "adapt" will be simulated using shields (not as tough as other races' shields, but they regenerate quickly).

Here comes the contest part:

I will be collecting the highest quality models for this mod. I've posted the ship line-up for this mod below. If you think you have better models than what is already here, then send it in ( Your ship will show up in the mod, with your name in the ship-selection credits. If you send in a ship description with your model, be sure to include your e-mail address, so people will know who you are and can thank you for your wonderful model(s).

BB - Missouri (JOKER'S TNG variant)
DN - Sovereign
BC - Prometheus (model needed)
CA - Akira
CL - Steamrunner
DD - Defiant
FF - Saber

BB - (model needed)
DN - Negh'Var
BC - Vorcha
CA - Fek'Lhr
CL - K'T'Inga
DD - K'Vort
FF - B'Rel

BB - Valdore
DN - Warbird
BC - Raptor
CA - Hawk
CL - Shrike
DD - Falcon
FF - Talon (Cleeve's Talon, used in current mod)

BB - Cube
DN - Tactical Cube
BC - Sphere
CA - Assimilator (Wicked Zombie's, used in current mod)
CL - Diamond
DD - Pyramid
FF - Scout (Wicked Zombie's used in current mod)

Can you do better than the models I've listed? Is there a model not here (but in the game already) that you think should be replaced by your wonder of beauty? Then send it ASAP. I'll keep the contest open for a week before I release the mod. Hurry, hurry!    

Son of Technobabble

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2003, 06:49:47 pm »
Sounds good Isn't a tactical cube supposed to be tougher than a regular one?

Capt. Ravenous

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2003, 07:31:00 pm »
My research into the borg Tac Cube revealed the following:
The Tac Cube, the same size as a normal cube, is covered with an obviously thick armour plating. This armour is ablative, and is VERY thick. Due to this armour coverage, the Tactical Cube does not carry as many weapons as a normal cube. While many people may say "The tac cube is the most powerful borg ship", some people think the Defiant is the most powerful Fed vessel. Its all a matter of perspective, I suppose since there is no concrete data from Paramount on most ships. Deductive reasoning tells me the tac cube is a DN. Better armour than a normal cube, just not as many weapons. Tac Cubes would be better equipped to attack enemy starships due to their battle longevity, and better manueverability due to less mass. Normal cubes, though better armed, are meant more for planetary assault, not chasing around after starships. The Tac Cube is a starships/base killer, not a full scale base and planetary assimilator like the normal cube.
That's just the way I see it.  This mod is made to be a balanced game, as well. We all know just how balanced ships in Trek seem (???).
These are my reasons for making a Tac Cube a DN.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 07:33:18 pm by Capt. Ravenous »


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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2003, 12:37:32 am »
I just have one issue, I have the original mod, but every time one of the new models blows up the game crashes. Does it not have graphics for the break up? Normally I would just get that upgrade and see if it is fixed, but I am away from my computer and will be for a while, so I figured I would just ask.  

Capt. Ravenous

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2003, 01:43:23 pm »
That's the first I've heard of that. Could have something to do with that bug with ships self-destructing during game. I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem. Sounds like a game bug, or a Video Card issue.  


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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2003, 01:49:31 pm »
I have had that too, but only with Shuttles and Delta Flyer.

I think the problem may be negative numbers in any column in defaultcore for playable ships.

*just a theory

Capt. Ravenous

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ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2003, 06:34:25 pm »
I have started work on a new mod for SFC3, "The Borg Invasion" mod.
Features of this mod will include:
1. Tougher Borg AI ships
2. Singleplayer Dynaverse set-up for Federation, Klingon, and Romulan vs. Borg
3.Subsystem targetting borg ships will become useless (you'll likely destroy the borg ship than take out one of its systems), as will hit&runs on borg ships.
4. The borg ability to "adapt" will be simulated using shields (not as tough as other races' shields, but they regenerate quickly).

Here comes the contest part:

I will be collecting the highest quality models for this mod. I've posted the ship line-up for this mod below. If you think you have better models than what is already here, then send it in ( Your ship will show up in the mod, with your name in the ship-selection credits. If you send in a ship description with your model, be sure to include your e-mail address, so people will know who you are and can thank you for your wonderful model(s).

BB - Missouri (JOKER'S TNG variant)
DN - Sovereign
BC - Prometheus (model needed)
CA - Akira
CL - Steamrunner
DD - Defiant
FF - Saber

BB - (model needed)
DN - Negh'Var
BC - Vorcha
CA - Fek'Lhr
CL - K'T'Inga
DD - K'Vort
FF - B'Rel

BB - Valdore
DN - Warbird
BC - Raptor
CA - Hawk
CL - Shrike
DD - Falcon
FF - Talon (Cleeve's Talon, used in current mod)

BB - Cube
DN - Tactical Cube
BC - Sphere
CA - Assimilator (Wicked Zombie's, used in current mod)
CL - Diamond
DD - Pyramid
FF - Scout (Wicked Zombie's used in current mod)

Can you do better than the models I've listed? Is there a model not here (but in the game already) that you think should be replaced by your wonder of beauty? Then send it ASAP. I'll keep the contest open for a week before I release the mod. Hurry, hurry!    

Son of Technobabble

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2003, 06:49:47 pm »
Sounds good Isn't a tactical cube supposed to be tougher than a regular one?

Capt. Ravenous

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2003, 07:31:00 pm »
My research into the borg Tac Cube revealed the following:
The Tac Cube, the same size as a normal cube, is covered with an obviously thick armour plating. This armour is ablative, and is VERY thick. Due to this armour coverage, the Tactical Cube does not carry as many weapons as a normal cube. While many people may say "The tac cube is the most powerful borg ship", some people think the Defiant is the most powerful Fed vessel. Its all a matter of perspective, I suppose since there is no concrete data from Paramount on most ships. Deductive reasoning tells me the tac cube is a DN. Better armour than a normal cube, just not as many weapons. Tac Cubes would be better equipped to attack enemy starships due to their battle longevity, and better manueverability due to less mass. Normal cubes, though better armed, are meant more for planetary assault, not chasing around after starships. The Tac Cube is a starships/base killer, not a full scale base and planetary assimilator like the normal cube.
That's just the way I see it.  This mod is made to be a balanced game, as well. We all know just how balanced ships in Trek seem (???).
These are my reasons for making a Tac Cube a DN.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 07:33:18 pm by Capt. Ravenous »


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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2003, 12:37:32 am »
I just have one issue, I have the original mod, but every time one of the new models blows up the game crashes. Does it not have graphics for the break up? Normally I would just get that upgrade and see if it is fixed, but I am away from my computer and will be for a while, so I figured I would just ask.  

Capt. Ravenous

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2003, 01:43:23 pm »
That's the first I've heard of that. Could have something to do with that bug with ships self-destructing during game. I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem. Sounds like a game bug, or a Video Card issue.  


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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT & CONTEST: The Borg Invasion mod
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2003, 01:49:31 pm »
I have had that too, but only with Shuttles and Delta Flyer.

I think the problem may be negative numbers in any column in defaultcore for playable ships.

*just a theory