Topic: Hey, Mr. Klink  (Read 1321 times)

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Hey, Mr. Klink
« on: April 04, 2003, 04:03:03 pm »

I saw your post about being a newbie, and not having won many missions yet.  At what time of the day do you play?  If you can run Teamspeak then I'll try to find you and fly some co-op missions with you.  It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to get you into a nice cruiser if you'd care to meet up.



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Re: Hey, Mr. Klink
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 10:11:43 pm »
hi, i hooked up wi th Dizzy today.

Dizzy taught me alot of things, fed style. after dizzy left i went and got myself killed though. oh well.

i'll be on later too.  i currently am using ventrilo for voice comms, but i can find teamspeak/sound around here somewhere.


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Re: Hey, Mr. Klink
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2003, 05:34:13 am »
Don't feel too bad about it, Mr. Klink.

In every serious campaign, I have what I call "New Campaign Bad Luck". It takes my whole fleet to pull me out of it!! LOL!!

For some reason, every time I enter a new campaign, I cannot fly a single mission successfully. Even if I'm in there alone with not enemy force!! Now, that's bad!!

I usually end up in a shuttle with absolutely no prestige. Oh, the horror of it all!!!

It got so bad in one campaign the "live" enemy players I encountered wouldn't even kill me. Boy, my Admirals had fun ragging me about that one!!! Hehe!!

In fact, I think the AIs started rewriting the scripts bacause they got bored with me.

So keep your chin up!!

Good luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KRolling »