Topic: Updated content at my new site..  (Read 4310 times)

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Updated content at my new site..
« on: April 04, 2003, 02:35:59 pm »
Getting it into order..

I now am getting everything arranged into what should become the permanent order of it all.. there's going to be tutorials, screenshots and renders, downloadable ships for each catagory, news, links, and probably whatever else falls onto the old roulette wheel of my mind.  

Just got the new tutorial up for viewing as well.. this is a guide on converting stuff between *all* versions of SFC.. 1, 2, and 3.

Check it out, along with the tutorial on converting a mesh from Lightwave (and .3ds) to SFC over at the new site (hosted by Mackie) at:

Let me also know how things look.. (oh, and I think I need to add in a contact page).  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2003, 04:36:51 pm »
Looking good so far.

Although you should check your links page. there are a couple missing graphics and out-dated links.


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2003, 06:20:22 pm »

Looking good so far.

Although you should check your links page. there are a couple missing graphics and out-dated links.  

Thanks for pointing that out.. I've uploaded those graphics and have updated three links so far.  I'm going to try to find messages by everyone in the links and then update their page information from their link information.  That way, everything should be up to date (if their information is).  

Give me a couple of days for that..


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2003, 09:02:57 am »
I just wanted to post a big thank-you for the conversion document.  Last night, I converted my first sfc2 model into sfc1 in just a few minutes.  (I had forgotten all of the great user-created missions in sfc1, now with the ability to update my models, I'll be flying some old favorites again)

Great stuff, for any who haven't checked it out yet.

Thanks again,


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2003, 12:52:30 pm »
Glad that the tutorial is helping.    As I think of more tutorials, or refinements to the current ones, I'll add more content.

I'm also in the process of mirroring the Babylon 5 ships that I did for The Station, and adding some that I did for myself (some tweaks to things like the Starfury [added the cockpit red lighting and some other tweaks]).

And also adding tools (things like the Taldren MOD plugins, Shipedit, and one that I had up before, a MOD to DXF convertor).

With all that, I've also mirrored Pataflafla's site (it's now sitting on my HD)... so if NGS ever goes down, I can put it back up for him at any time.

And finally I'm also working on the Durrett for Bernard and some Federation ships for Unknown Warrior... blah.. lots of work to do.  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2003, 08:34:09 pm »
Site is looking good Alec!

Man this place has changed in a year. Hay, that reminds me do you want me to mirror some of those B5 ships on my site as well? Granted it may take me a year to post them up but it could be done.


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2003, 01:44:29 am »

Site is looking good Alec!

Man this place has changed in a year. Hay, that reminds me do you want me to mirror some of those B5 ships on my site as well? Granted it may take me a year to post them up but it could be done.  

Tell you what, you've just helped me pick what needs to be done next.  Hang on a day or two, and I'll send you the first one for mirroring after I add in the hp/dp...


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2003, 02:10:27 pm »
Yeah that's what I needed, this tutorlal rocks Alec Good work man  
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 02:11:20 pm by jimkirk »


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2003, 07:51:52 am »

Yeah that's what I needed, this tutorlal rocks Alec Good work man  

Thanks man..  That's the reason it's up there... there's also links to two downloadable versions of it off the tutorials page now as well.. a RTF and a DOC version.  And I just updated the news this morning to include some of the WIP stuff I'm working on as well now.  The site is coming together, and as soon as I can get the program to upload its own files to the site, I'll be happy.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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More new content at my new site..
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2003, 12:03:35 pm »
Okay, more stuff..

I've got some of the Babylon 5 ships that I worked on mirrored now on the site (haven't checked the archives yet, so cavet emptor).  And I've also mirrored the tools that Lord Vader had over on DS3, you'll find Modviewer, FMSE, ShipEdit for all versions (except SFC 3 because of course there isn't such a beastie yet), and a lot more.  I'll prettify the download links after I get all the content up (so that each download link has some form of picture showing what the ship looks like)...but for now, there's a link.    And the news is updated of course to reflect that... and the TARDIS and Borg Cube are up in their proper areas.

And as soon as I find the archive for the Darkstar, that's getting finished and will be put up as well... all kinds of goodies.  


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Re: More new content at my new site..
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2003, 10:18:29 am »
Again, more stuff.

Besides getting the Darkstar up finally in the Babylon 5 section, I've also finished uploading some of the Redragon conversions that I did to the Trek section.  Just have to update the links and add in a few more and those'll be ready for download (for SFC 2 only currently, except where there are already SFC 1 versions included in the archive).  Going to do up a better graphic indicating SFC 1, SFC 2, and SFC 3 downloadable versions (already have that one figured out) and will have the download link tied to that graphic in order to make things more orderly.  Also, I'm going to have a graphic for each ship up beside the name so that people can see a thumbnail of it at least.

The main thing that I'm worrying about right now though is filling up all Mackie's space.  I have more to go, but I don't want to completely max out his file space limit either.  I'll talk to him and find out where we're at..

Bernard Guignard

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Re: More new content at my new site..
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2003, 07:49:36 pm »
Hi Ateorheaven
  have you thought of sending some of your work to the starfleet Universe model repository? perhaps sending your older material thus freeing up web space for your more recent work. Anyway its a suggestion. Thank you for all that your doing


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Re: More new content at my new site..
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2003, 08:26:41 pm »
Hay Alec....
Since you have gone threw all of this work and for the most part been the shiny star out of our mod group. I have an idea, that I would like for you to hear. I am in the process of reinstalling StarFleet Command Orion Priates currently as I zap sfc3 and Diablo II off my Hard Drive. If you can keep up the work your doing now, I could mod out Orion Pirates game engine for the team. And when I mean mod, I mean shiplist, fighterlist, AAstrings etc... all the way down to the space dust if need be.

With in 48hrs of a ship release I should be able to put it into place and up-load it as the mod progresses. I can do this in sort of a ship pack installments, where each installment would over-write the previous one allowing us to add in new ships and make proper corrections or changes etc... .you know whatever is needed.

If your up to this idea let me know and I will get off my but and do something. and get this puppy rolling, what do you think?


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2003, 09:17:03 pm »
Any chance that you will be adding the Hope:

Or the Belmont?

By the way, I have almost all of your ships in the B5 section except for those in the Pseudo-Station that are not available. I think that your site is getting better and better!

Keep up the good work!(eagerly awaiting more updates)


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2003, 10:38:36 pm »
the last one is a ship of mine that atheorhaven converted and its available on my site as well  


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Re: More new content at my new site..
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2003, 03:15:45 am »

Hi Ateorheaven
  have you thought of sending some of your work to the starfleet Universe model repository? perhaps sending your older material thus freeing up web space for your more recent work. Anyway its a suggestion. Thank you for all that your doing

I haven't thought of that previously.. but I'll consider it.  

And you're welcome.. I'm doing this all to try and finally get all my stuff up in one place, and to try and create a site that I've wanted to create for a long long time.    And to try and make a resource for others as well in the process..


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Re: More new content at my new site..
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2003, 03:37:39 am »

Hay Alec....
Since you have gone threw all of this work and for the most part been the shiny star out of our mod group. I have an idea, that I would like for you to hear. I am in the process of reinstalling StarFleet Command Orion Priates currently as I zap sfc3 and Diablo II off my Hard Drive. If you can keep up the work your doing now, I could mod out Orion Pirates game engine for the team. And when I mean mod, I mean shiplist, fighterlist, AAstrings etc... all the way down to the space dust if need be.

With in 48hrs of a ship release I should be able to put it into place and up-load it as the mod progresses. I can do this in sort of a ship pack installments, where each installment would over-write the previous one allowing us to add in new ships and make proper corrections or changes etc... .you know whatever is needed.

If your up to this idea let me know and I will get off my but and do something. and get this puppy rolling, what do you think?  

Absolutely!  This is exactly what Kane and I were working on.. building the B5FC project off of SFC: OP because it has extra weapons and a lot more ship types than EAW.  Though I had EAW and Kane had OP.    Simply meant that I couldn't test the weapons, that's all..

But if you want to do this, I can definitely try to get things together for you.  With luck, in a week I'll have a larger HD in my own system, and then I can move SFC 2 onto my own system again and start testing ships in it again.  And one of the projects I have in mind for this still is creating the Vorlon Homeworld, and attempting to create a mission with a possible battle in Hyperspace..

Sound interesting?  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2003, 03:54:47 am »

Any chance that you will be adding the Hope:

This is the one ship that I'm not going to release.    Sorry, but this one is my own personal flagship.  And the backstory on it goes like this.  A bunch of Rangers get stranded due to an accident in Hyperspace, and escape Hyperspace through a forced implosion of the gravity drive system.  This dumps them out of Hyperspace into normal space, but no longer in their own universe.  They get picked up by a merchant ship, self-destruct their nearly wrecked ship so that no one can get information on them, and head to the nearest port.  There, they learn what's what in this universe, and how to get along.  One of the group then hears about an experimental quantum imaging system that can be ship mounted, and run a scan on themselves to get their own particular quantum signature.  They then do someone with some pull a mighty big favor, and in return, they ask for a decommisioned starship in order to "travel with".  They get the ship, repaint the ship, christen it the "Shining Hope", get close enough to scan the quantum imaging system and get enough information to replicate the technology.  They then install the new device, and start modifications on the warp-drive to give the ship the ability to jump into Hyperspace from normal subspace, and prepare to try and get home.


Or the Belmont?

As Mackie said, that was a conversion that I did for him.. and you can find it at TheMackieStuff website.. I didn't want to duplicate that upload simply to save server space.. though I may link to the file from a page later on.


By the way, I have almost all of your ships in the B5 section except for those in the Pseudo-Station that are not available. I think that your site is getting better and better!
Keep up the good work!(eagerly awaiting more updates)  

There's more on the way.. I'm checking what I have in order to link in some of the stuff that's already uploaded under the Pseudo-Station.  There's some stuff like the Olympus that is now up that I need to move under the Pseudo-Station directory.. and there's some SFC 3 versions of stuff currently up there like the Sharlin, Whitestar, and Victory Class on the way as well.  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2003, 05:24:01 am »
Thankyouthankyouthankyou.....I must admit, collecting and using these ships has become quite a hibby...

Thanks for all the models and tutorials...And I understand completely about the Hope...pretty ship tho.

Thanks again!


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2003, 06:51:45 pm »

Got the Minbari Dark Star in-game and running. I have Placed the Sharlin War Cruiser in place also awaiting its final release. Alec, I don't know if you have seen this yet but the "NewSharlin" models two side fins are old Brez's Textures while the rest of it has the new MArk G'kane skin.

With a little more time I should be able to get a few more of the Minbari in place and add in a small part of another race for the first installment.

There is nothing finer than watching two Sharlin's take apart a small Klingon fleet at high speed. They just coast around like giant angel fish slowly banking around to make their attack. Just Lovely!


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2003, 08:53:14 pm »
Alec I just got done seeing part of Season 2 on DVD tonight and I noticed something I have , I think, seen once. Two Shadow battle crabs merged together to form a 6 layerd Battleship. It looked like the two top sides connected together before shifting into Hyper-Space.
Do you think you could create one of these bad boys?  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2003, 10:55:16 pm »

Alec I just got done seeing part of Season 2 on DVD tonight and I noticed something I have , I think, seen once. Two Shadow battle crabs merged together to form a 6 layerd Battleship. It looked like the two top sides connected together before shifting into Hyper-Space.
Do you think you could create one of these bad boys?  

Should be able to, yes..  Just depends on the UI for the ability to fire at you.. but I think that if I extend all the upper UI points into the upper Battlecrab and then leave the lower UI alone, it'll fire across the whole ship.. as it would if you came across one joined in this fashion.  So sure, it'll be a few days, but should be able to do this one.  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2003, 07:56:56 am »
Well this is the thought with this big Shadow Battle Crab. In Orion Pirates you can have PF fighters which are just basically can have the same stats as the bigger shps .Aways, I can make a PF Fighter of a Shadow Battle Crab so you would get the feeling that his larger ship has broken off into two sections. Although the 6 layerd one would remain the same while a smaller one would break off of it.

Its just a thought, I already have it in place but for some reason I am over looking something and the PF is not showing up in game.  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2003, 12:01:13 pm »
where do i find transparenty, jelly like shield effects.........??  


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2003, 01:20:22 pm »
For which game ..usually we just paint the three shield colors in SFC 1&2 so you don't seem them. I think the texture for that is FX1.


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Re: Updated content at my new site..
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2003, 06:08:01 pm »
for EAW......

What if I'm too stoopid to use my paint program....?