Glad that the tutorial is helping.
As I think of more tutorials, or refinements to the current ones, I'll add more content.
I'm also in the process of mirroring the Babylon 5 ships that I did for The Station, and adding some that I did for myself (some tweaks to things like the Starfury [added the cockpit red lighting and some other tweaks]).
And also adding tools (things like the Taldren MOD plugins, Shipedit, and one that I had up before, a MOD to DXF convertor).
With all that, I've also mirrored Pataflafla's site (it's now sitting on my HD)... so if NGS ever goes down, I can put it back up for him at any time.
And finally I'm also working on the Durrett for Bernard and some Federation ships for Unknown Warrior... blah.. lots of work to do.