Topic: What are your favorite features  (Read 4466 times)

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Alidar Jarok

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What are your favorite features
« on: January 23, 2003, 06:20:59 pm »
Although many people might like the next SFC game (not including any possible expansions) to be based heavily on the original SFC (off of SFB), like SFC2 and OP was.
I think the next game should have some of the favorite features of both SFC 2 and 3, but should not be a re-hash of either.

My question, assuming the next game is Galaxies at War (so suggestions of Drones, Lyrans, Fighters, T-Bombs, ect. are not needed), what features from SFB, SFC2, SFC: OP, and SFC3 would you include (more emphasis would obviouslly be put on SFC2-3, because there is a greater difference)

An obvious choice would be a real cloaking device.  It would only be on Romulan ships (and a few Klingon ones).  If there would complete ship customization, it will work like now.  If there are standard ships, there would be special cloak detecting ships.  I'm sure there would be a "poor man's cloak detection" of some sort (perhaps you could launch probes, which would be limited).

I also like officers.  I think each race could get advantages in some officers, and disadvantages in others (Like The Federation, Hydran, and ISC would have good Science officers.  The Klingons, Gorn, and Mirak would have poor science officers.  And the Lyrans and Romulans would have average science officers)

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Son of Technobabble

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2003, 06:45:31 pm »
Tactical warp is a nice feature, but should be limited a bit to prevent extreme cowardice from becoming a regular tactic.

Also, I like the simplified power management system. ECM/ECCM should be back.
This may seem obvious but, 6 players max seriously limits fun.

Can I have the ISC back too? Pleeeeeeease?


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2003, 07:33:24 pm »
All eras from Pre-TOS to Nemisis playable, customisable ships like in SFC 3, but with Variants like Carriers and Mine Layers/sweepers Heavy and Primary biased versions of all ships.
More weapons, More races, More time spent on Graphics and BUG HUNTING before release, Lets have a proper game from the START.

Continuous space, IE, the server runs everyone and space is like that of BC, you can fly round and WARP accross or to different sectors, join battles in progress watch from a distance on the view screen a battle taking place, Have the same command interface as BC , when i want one of my officers oppinions i will ask for it, till then she should remain quiet, getting sick of "we are on a collision course", Huge fleet battles (50+ ships) to take on a small borg fleet, but the borg should be extremley expensive.

Give the Akira all its launchers (15 i think),

Thats about all i can think of for now, i am tired. maybe more to come tomorrow

Robb Stark

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2003, 07:53:51 pm »
I like ship customization.

I like tactical warp.  A bit of limitation about how often you can do it would be welcome - a cooldown period, perhaps, or an HET-like breakdown chance.  

Good to have officers back.  I would like to see them even more fleshed out, but the current system is a big step in the right direction.  Racial differences in officers is an interesting idea.

I like the smoothed-out range system, although I would prefer to  know a bit more about the numbers behind it.  The disappearance of the clunky SFB 6-sided dice-based system is more than welcome.  

I like the concept of the fewer weapons, one weapon per hardpoint approach which SFC3 uses, although I still think there is some distance to travel before it is perfected.  It's better than having 3 or 4 phaser banks stacked up on top of each other, as we had in the old system, but there is still not enough specific control per hardpoint.

I like subsystem targeting, as a theory.  The current implementation is not quite what it should be, since the subsystems have so much durability that it is really only worthwhile to even think about targeting a few of them.

I like the invisible cloak.  Again, it may not be where it should be in the long run, but as a concept it is much better than the faux-cloak that we ended up with in the previous games.

There's a lot to like in SFC3.  I think the series has a great deal of potential.  


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2003, 08:46:19 pm »
the feature i would like to see the most (i know its useless, but i can dream of it):

specialised ship roles... example: you want a sensor advantage, then you have to take a scout with your fleet. normaly no one would fly a scout (see sfc2-dyna), but if flying a scout would become a important function for fleets, low prestige pilots may choose such a ship.

ok, this example was based on sfb, but one could easy enhance it to commandship-carrier-escourt rules, resouplyships, marine-transporters, etc. just things to let players interact more in dyna by avoiding omni-role-starships.

hmmm, multi-area space would be nice too. imagine your shields are low und you retreat to a local nebula to compensate your disadvantage or seek cover in dustclouds to annulate the speed advantage of your enemy.
*popp* ouch, the dream vanished...  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2003, 09:24:44 pm »

(by Son of Technobabble)

Tactical warp is a nice feature, but should be limited a bit to prevent extreme cowardice from becoming a regular tactic.

See below


Also, I like the simplified power management system. ECM/ECCM should be back.

I like it too, I'm sure there's a way to combine them (and keep out life support power)

This may seem obvious but, 6 players max seriously limits fun.

Definetly would like that


Can I have the ISC back too? Pleeeeeeease?  

In GaW, they would have to be in the game, until The Andromedans blow them up


(by cueball2000uk)

All eras from Pre-TOS to Nemisis playable, customisable ships like in SFC 3, but with Variants like Carriers and Mine Layers/sweepers Heavy and Primary biased versions of all ships.

I would like an "All-Eras" game, but I don't think Activision has the rites to Enerprise.  Your idea of carriers and Mine Layers is a good idea.  In SFC2, they were among the ships you picked (not sure about mine layers, though).  I like full custimization, but the problem is with the SFB races (which alot of people want).  With full custimization, a Klingon ship could have lots of drones and Ph-3's, A Mirak ship with lots of Disruptors and Ph-1's (In case you don't know, one of the biggest diversities between the 2 races is the oppposite of that).  I'm sure a balance between custimization and select varients can be reached (or we could just leave it to the pirates)


More weapons, More races, More time spent on Graphics and BUG HUNTING before release, Lets have a proper game from the START.

More than 10 + 8  pirate cartels and + the LDR and WYN?  20


Continuous space, IE, the server runs everyone and space is like that of BC, you can fly round and WARP accross or to different sectors, join battles in progress watch from a distance on the view screen a battle taking place, Have the same command interface as BC , when i want one of my officers oppinions i will ask for it, till then she should remain quiet, getting sick of "we are on a collision course", Huge fleet battles (50+ ships) to take on a small borg fleet, but the borg should be extremley expensive.

I like that, talk to Active  


Give the Akira all its launchers (15 i think),

What, and give the Feds more cheese?  It's bad enough that they have Magic Photons
Once again, this will be great for an "All Eras" game, but my Romulan disruptors get to fire 2 shots a second, and damage the a Galaxy Class' shields to 70 % (Tin Man)


Thats about all i can think of for now, i am tired. maybe more to come tomorrow


(by Robb Stark)

I like ship customization.

I like tactical warp.  A bit of limitation about how often you can do it would be welcome - a cooldown period, perhaps, or an HET-like breakdown chance.

Or how about your ship blows up? (just Kidding)


Good to have officers back.  I would like to see them even more fleshed out, but the current system is a big step in the right direction.  Racial differences in officers is an interesting idea.

I like the smoothed-out range system, although I would prefer to  know a bit more about the numbers behind it.  The disappearance of the clunky SFB 6-sided dice-based system is more than welcome.  

I like the concept of the fewer weapons, one weapon per hardpoint approach which SFC3 uses, although I still think there is some distance to travel before it is perfected.  It's better than having 3 or 4 phaser banks stacked up on top of each other, as we had in the old system, but there is still not enough specific control per hardpoint.

I like subsystem targeting, as a theory.  The current implementation is not quite what it should be, since the subsystems have so much durability that it is really only worthwhile to even think about targeting a few of them.

Perhaps they could lower the durability of systems.  Add a directional target (i.e. you have to be behind the ship to hit impulse, or receive a HUGE accuaracy cut.  There should also be an increase in damage done to untargeted subsystems)


I like the invisible cloak.  Again, it may not be where it should be in the long run, but as a concept it is much better than the faux-cloak that we ended up with in the previous games.

The good news is that Romulans who did not use the cloak but saved the power for more speed can still do that, and avoid getting hit with bare hull.  Others could fire all the Plasma and wait for them to break formation, preventing them from return fire (with Plasma R, who doesn't?).  Reminds me of "The Deadly Years: (unfortunatly, the only TOS Rom episode I saw, saw it twice )


There's a lot to like in SFC3.  I think the series has a great deal of potential.  



 (by Kyoshi)

the feature i would like to see the most (i know its useless, but i can dream of it):
specialised ship roles... example: you want a sensor advantage, then you have to take a scout with your fleet. normaly no one would fly a scout (see sfc2-dyna), but if flying a scout would become a important function for fleets, low prestige pilots may choose such a ship.
ok, this example was based on sfb, but one could easy enhance it to commandship-carrier-escourt rules, resouplyships, marine-transporters, etc. just things to let players interact more in dyna by avoiding omni-role-starships.
hmmm, multi-area space would be nice too. imagine your shields are low und you retreat to a local nebula to compensate your disadvantage or seek cover in dustclouds to annulate the speed advantage of your enemy.

*popp* ouch, the dream vanished...

I always love an idea like this, but very few people like to play this way.  Also, the six person clearly prevents this.  It would require alot of work and discipline, but could be fun (sort of like Battlefiled 1942)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 09:32:13 pm by Alidar Jarok »

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2003, 01:05:31 am »
Good Thread.  I am obviously a member of the Galaxies at War fan club so basically I want SFC2 to be the starting point of the next game designed.

New Game features that are a must:

1)  All eras - at least TOS thru TNG/DS9.  Make era selection specific to a year between 2150 and 2380 where the year selected determines the races, map, ships, weapons, tech, etc. available.  Things would not only become available by a certain date, but also be unavailable or phased out by a certain date.

2)  Strategic play equally as deep as tactical play.  I recommend something like F&E but perhaps using a canon map modified with SFB races added.  The "Total War" series is a good example of a game with both deep strategic and tactical play.  Use that as a model.

Then bring over the following things from SFC3:

1)  Invisible cloak - including the anti-cloak scan.  I have to agree this is the best feature of SFC3.  Too bad we can't reproduce TOS episode "Balance of Terror".

2)  Tactical Warp - but it must be much more limited like breakdown.  Maybe cooldown period is good.  I suggest using the disengage by accelleration rules from SFB.

3)  Officers - Even SFB had a system for this so I have no problem with SFC3 officer system.

Make the following compromises:

1)  Customization - Use SFC2's mega varients for main races and full option mounts for 8 pirate cartels.  Types of things available to the pirates depends on their locating relative to the other races.  Use SFB system to determine tech availability for pirates.

2)  Power allocation - Slider system works well but needs to use SFC2 priority system, i.e. ECM, Tractors, etc.

3)  Weapons:  Since SFC2 had all races using phasers as primary weapons there needs to be a way to explain how disruptors became primary for Rom and Klingons later on.  Just say that as time progressed Klingons and Romulans lagged behind in phaser tech so they adopted disruptors in place of old phaser 1,2, and 3's as time progressed. Klingons for example eventually began using their old heavy weapon the dizzy as a phaser replacement and adopted photon torps and others as new heavy.  Romulans did same thing but got disruptor tech from klingon tech exchanges in the years between TOS and TNG.

Kill the following:

1)  Angular Velocity - It makes SFC3 seem like a fighter sim.  Besides targeting systems should have little trouble dealing with AV by the 23rd and 24th centuries.  It makes more sense that ECM would have more effect on accuracy because you're actually doing something to degrade the performance of the other guys sensors.

2)  Hard points that degrade with damage - I'm an aerospace engineer in real life and I can't think of anything that fails like this.  Most stuff is either offline or in between.  Bring back the latest version of SFC2's system with the slots.  Magnuman's patches.  Good system.

Bring back SFC2's:

1)  6 shields
2)  ECM/ECCM - the game within a game
3)  Race specific UI's
4)  Fleet control
5)  Fighters, Fast Patrol Ships, Carriers, and PF tenders.
6)  T-bombs

Races by game era:

1)  TOS era - Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Hydran, Kzinti(with WYN), Lyrans(with LDR), ISC, Tholians, Andromedans, 8 Orion cartels. (18 race flavors, half with customiztion)

2)  As the years progressed - Hydrans retreated to lost colonies because of Lyran and Klingon attacks, Kzinti joined Federation, WYN lost War of Return and eventually had to leave WYN star cluster because of radiation levels increasing, Lyrans joined the Klingon Empire, LDR destroyed by Andromedans, ISC reduced to minor power by Andro invasion and absorbed by Romulans, Andromedans defeated by galactic powers.  Cardassians expand and start wars.  Breen become major power.  Gorn become friends with Feds.  Tholians stay their xenophobic selves.  Feds and Klingons become allies.  Romulans go silent after treaty of Algeron.  etc. etc. you get the picture.

3)  TNG/DS9 eras - Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Tholians, Cardassians, Dominion, Breen, Feringi, Borg, 8 Orion cartels. (18 race flavors, half with customization)

That's my you see what could be done?! I wish I could make my own game.:p  


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2003, 08:03:56 am »
 Having the officer selection back (as in but > SFC1) is nice, BUT...  whole heartedly agree gotta have that ECM/ECCM back! Being able to throw off  Magic   photons by trading a little power to ECCM, or watching the opponents ECM bounce and know you gotta close for a photon-anchor shot to make a difference, those are the tactics I miss.

  A legendary officer should be able to compensate for ECM/ECCM with his/her skill, creating an automatic ECM/ECCM based on the officer roster. BUT.. I would think in a universe where computers have "gigaquads" of memory/processing power and combat systems can perform at the speed of light that even a trained chimpanzee (or Klink    )could be push the right button and win the ECM/ECCM battle. In that case its back to how much power is allocated to win that battle.

  SFC3 seems to simplified. I never was an SFB player, but growing up in the 70s/80s/90s it wasn't hard to notice that firepower shifted from brute force to electronic force.  


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2003, 08:09:50 am »
I like the TNG era, although I agree the Excelcier seems a little out of place.  I like the ship, just not sure why it is in TNG.

I fly Klingon, so I like the cloak, it just needs a few improvements, especially the phase in/out times need to be about cut in half.

I like the warp, but then again, the rev-up time is way too slow.  It is hard to use tactical warp when you engage warp, and nothing happens for a few seconds.  By then, whatever you were wanting to warp for, its too late.

Son of Technobabble

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2003, 08:23:02 am »

I like the warp, but then again, the rev-up time is way too slow.  It is hard to use tactical warp when you engage warp, and nothing happens for a few seconds.  By then, whatever you were wanting to warp for, its too late.  

Oh well that's the tactical warp's only disadvantage. It's no more once you get an expert-legendary engineer, BTW. Get rid of that and you get some serious cheese...


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2003, 08:37:44 am »
Main feature that I like from SFC3 - resupplying at allied bases.

Alidar Jarok

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2003, 10:40:04 pm »

(by Mr. Hypergol)

Make the following compromises:

1)  Customization - Use SFC2's mega varients for main races and full option mounts for 8 pirate cartels.  Types of things available to the pirates depends on their locating relative to the other races.  Use SFB system to determine tech availability for pirates.

How's  This  for an idea about customization?

OK, I just stumbled on this old thread, and thought this was a good idea, because I was thinking of something along these lines (I don't like giving up my old ships)  

Alidar Jarok

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What are your favorite features
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2003, 06:20:59 pm »
Although many people might like the next SFC game (not including any possible expansions) to be based heavily on the original SFC (off of SFB), like SFC2 and OP was.
I think the next game should have some of the favorite features of both SFC 2 and 3, but should not be a re-hash of either.

My question, assuming the next game is Galaxies at War (so suggestions of Drones, Lyrans, Fighters, T-Bombs, ect. are not needed), what features from SFB, SFC2, SFC: OP, and SFC3 would you include (more emphasis would obviouslly be put on SFC2-3, because there is a greater difference)

An obvious choice would be a real cloaking device.  It would only be on Romulan ships (and a few Klingon ones).  If there would complete ship customization, it will work like now.  If there are standard ships, there would be special cloak detecting ships.  I'm sure there would be a "poor man's cloak detection" of some sort (perhaps you could launch probes, which would be limited).

I also like officers.  I think each race could get advantages in some officers, and disadvantages in others (Like The Federation, Hydran, and ISC would have good Science officers.  The Klingons, Gorn, and Mirak would have poor science officers.  And the Lyrans and Romulans would have average science officers)

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Son of Technobabble

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2003, 06:45:31 pm »
Tactical warp is a nice feature, but should be limited a bit to prevent extreme cowardice from becoming a regular tactic.

Also, I like the simplified power management system. ECM/ECCM should be back.
This may seem obvious but, 6 players max seriously limits fun.

Can I have the ISC back too? Pleeeeeeease?


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2003, 07:33:24 pm »
All eras from Pre-TOS to Nemisis playable, customisable ships like in SFC 3, but with Variants like Carriers and Mine Layers/sweepers Heavy and Primary biased versions of all ships.
More weapons, More races, More time spent on Graphics and BUG HUNTING before release, Lets have a proper game from the START.

Continuous space, IE, the server runs everyone and space is like that of BC, you can fly round and WARP accross or to different sectors, join battles in progress watch from a distance on the view screen a battle taking place, Have the same command interface as BC , when i want one of my officers oppinions i will ask for it, till then she should remain quiet, getting sick of "we are on a collision course", Huge fleet battles (50+ ships) to take on a small borg fleet, but the borg should be extremley expensive.

Give the Akira all its launchers (15 i think),

Thats about all i can think of for now, i am tired. maybe more to come tomorrow

Robb Stark

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2003, 07:53:51 pm »
I like ship customization.

I like tactical warp.  A bit of limitation about how often you can do it would be welcome - a cooldown period, perhaps, or an HET-like breakdown chance.  

Good to have officers back.  I would like to see them even more fleshed out, but the current system is a big step in the right direction.  Racial differences in officers is an interesting idea.

I like the smoothed-out range system, although I would prefer to  know a bit more about the numbers behind it.  The disappearance of the clunky SFB 6-sided dice-based system is more than welcome.  

I like the concept of the fewer weapons, one weapon per hardpoint approach which SFC3 uses, although I still think there is some distance to travel before it is perfected.  It's better than having 3 or 4 phaser banks stacked up on top of each other, as we had in the old system, but there is still not enough specific control per hardpoint.

I like subsystem targeting, as a theory.  The current implementation is not quite what it should be, since the subsystems have so much durability that it is really only worthwhile to even think about targeting a few of them.

I like the invisible cloak.  Again, it may not be where it should be in the long run, but as a concept it is much better than the faux-cloak that we ended up with in the previous games.

There's a lot to like in SFC3.  I think the series has a great deal of potential.  


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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2003, 08:46:19 pm »
the feature i would like to see the most (i know its useless, but i can dream of it):

specialised ship roles... example: you want a sensor advantage, then you have to take a scout with your fleet. normaly no one would fly a scout (see sfc2-dyna), but if flying a scout would become a important function for fleets, low prestige pilots may choose such a ship.

ok, this example was based on sfb, but one could easy enhance it to commandship-carrier-escourt rules, resouplyships, marine-transporters, etc. just things to let players interact more in dyna by avoiding omni-role-starships.

hmmm, multi-area space would be nice too. imagine your shields are low und you retreat to a local nebula to compensate your disadvantage or seek cover in dustclouds to annulate the speed advantage of your enemy.
*popp* ouch, the dream vanished...  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2003, 09:24:44 pm »

(by Son of Technobabble)

Tactical warp is a nice feature, but should be limited a bit to prevent extreme cowardice from becoming a regular tactic.

See below


Also, I like the simplified power management system. ECM/ECCM should be back.

I like it too, I'm sure there's a way to combine them (and keep out life support power)

This may seem obvious but, 6 players max seriously limits fun.

Definetly would like that


Can I have the ISC back too? Pleeeeeeease?  

In GaW, they would have to be in the game, until The Andromedans blow them up


(by cueball2000uk)

All eras from Pre-TOS to Nemisis playable, customisable ships like in SFC 3, but with Variants like Carriers and Mine Layers/sweepers Heavy and Primary biased versions of all ships.

I would like an "All-Eras" game, but I don't think Activision has the rites to Enerprise.  Your idea of carriers and Mine Layers is a good idea.  In SFC2, they were among the ships you picked (not sure about mine layers, though).  I like full custimization, but the problem is with the SFB races (which alot of people want).  With full custimization, a Klingon ship could have lots of drones and Ph-3's, A Mirak ship with lots of Disruptors and Ph-1's (In case you don't know, one of the biggest diversities between the 2 races is the oppposite of that).  I'm sure a balance between custimization and select varients can be reached (or we could just leave it to the pirates)


More weapons, More races, More time spent on Graphics and BUG HUNTING before release, Lets have a proper game from the START.

More than 10 + 8  pirate cartels and + the LDR and WYN?  20


Continuous space, IE, the server runs everyone and space is like that of BC, you can fly round and WARP accross or to different sectors, join battles in progress watch from a distance on the view screen a battle taking place, Have the same command interface as BC , when i want one of my officers oppinions i will ask for it, till then she should remain quiet, getting sick of "we are on a collision course", Huge fleet battles (50+ ships) to take on a small borg fleet, but the borg should be extremley expensive.

I like that, talk to Active  


Give the Akira all its launchers (15 i think),

What, and give the Feds more cheese?  It's bad enough that they have Magic Photons
Once again, this will be great for an "All Eras" game, but my Romulan disruptors get to fire 2 shots a second, and damage the a Galaxy Class' shields to 70 % (Tin Man)


Thats about all i can think of for now, i am tired. maybe more to come tomorrow


(by Robb Stark)

I like ship customization.

I like tactical warp.  A bit of limitation about how often you can do it would be welcome - a cooldown period, perhaps, or an HET-like breakdown chance.

Or how about your ship blows up? (just Kidding)


Good to have officers back.  I would like to see them even more fleshed out, but the current system is a big step in the right direction.  Racial differences in officers is an interesting idea.

I like the smoothed-out range system, although I would prefer to  know a bit more about the numbers behind it.  The disappearance of the clunky SFB 6-sided dice-based system is more than welcome.  

I like the concept of the fewer weapons, one weapon per hardpoint approach which SFC3 uses, although I still think there is some distance to travel before it is perfected.  It's better than having 3 or 4 phaser banks stacked up on top of each other, as we had in the old system, but there is still not enough specific control per hardpoint.

I like subsystem targeting, as a theory.  The current implementation is not quite what it should be, since the subsystems have so much durability that it is really only worthwhile to even think about targeting a few of them.

Perhaps they could lower the durability of systems.  Add a directional target (i.e. you have to be behind the ship to hit impulse, or receive a HUGE accuaracy cut.  There should also be an increase in damage done to untargeted subsystems)


I like the invisible cloak.  Again, it may not be where it should be in the long run, but as a concept it is much better than the faux-cloak that we ended up with in the previous games.

The good news is that Romulans who did not use the cloak but saved the power for more speed can still do that, and avoid getting hit with bare hull.  Others could fire all the Plasma and wait for them to break formation, preventing them from return fire (with Plasma R, who doesn't?).  Reminds me of "The Deadly Years: (unfortunatly, the only TOS Rom episode I saw, saw it twice )


There's a lot to like in SFC3.  I think the series has a great deal of potential.  



 (by Kyoshi)

the feature i would like to see the most (i know its useless, but i can dream of it):
specialised ship roles... example: you want a sensor advantage, then you have to take a scout with your fleet. normaly no one would fly a scout (see sfc2-dyna), but if flying a scout would become a important function for fleets, low prestige pilots may choose such a ship.
ok, this example was based on sfb, but one could easy enhance it to commandship-carrier-escourt rules, resouplyships, marine-transporters, etc. just things to let players interact more in dyna by avoiding omni-role-starships.
hmmm, multi-area space would be nice too. imagine your shields are low und you retreat to a local nebula to compensate your disadvantage or seek cover in dustclouds to annulate the speed advantage of your enemy.

*popp* ouch, the dream vanished...

I always love an idea like this, but very few people like to play this way.  Also, the six person clearly prevents this.  It would require alot of work and discipline, but could be fun (sort of like Battlefiled 1942)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 09:32:13 pm by Alidar Jarok »

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2003, 01:05:31 am »
Good Thread.  I am obviously a member of the Galaxies at War fan club so basically I want SFC2 to be the starting point of the next game designed.

New Game features that are a must:

1)  All eras - at least TOS thru TNG/DS9.  Make era selection specific to a year between 2150 and 2380 where the year selected determines the races, map, ships, weapons, tech, etc. available.  Things would not only become available by a certain date, but also be unavailable or phased out by a certain date.

2)  Strategic play equally as deep as tactical play.  I recommend something like F&E but perhaps using a canon map modified with SFB races added.  The "Total War" series is a good example of a game with both deep strategic and tactical play.  Use that as a model.

Then bring over the following things from SFC3:

1)  Invisible cloak - including the anti-cloak scan.  I have to agree this is the best feature of SFC3.  Too bad we can't reproduce TOS episode "Balance of Terror".

2)  Tactical Warp - but it must be much more limited like breakdown.  Maybe cooldown period is good.  I suggest using the disengage by accelleration rules from SFB.

3)  Officers - Even SFB had a system for this so I have no problem with SFC3 officer system.

Make the following compromises:

1)  Customization - Use SFC2's mega varients for main races and full option mounts for 8 pirate cartels.  Types of things available to the pirates depends on their locating relative to the other races.  Use SFB system to determine tech availability for pirates.

2)  Power allocation - Slider system works well but needs to use SFC2 priority system, i.e. ECM, Tractors, etc.

3)  Weapons:  Since SFC2 had all races using phasers as primary weapons there needs to be a way to explain how disruptors became primary for Rom and Klingons later on.  Just say that as time progressed Klingons and Romulans lagged behind in phaser tech so they adopted disruptors in place of old phaser 1,2, and 3's as time progressed. Klingons for example eventually began using their old heavy weapon the dizzy as a phaser replacement and adopted photon torps and others as new heavy.  Romulans did same thing but got disruptor tech from klingon tech exchanges in the years between TOS and TNG.

Kill the following:

1)  Angular Velocity - It makes SFC3 seem like a fighter sim.  Besides targeting systems should have little trouble dealing with AV by the 23rd and 24th centuries.  It makes more sense that ECM would have more effect on accuracy because you're actually doing something to degrade the performance of the other guys sensors.

2)  Hard points that degrade with damage - I'm an aerospace engineer in real life and I can't think of anything that fails like this.  Most stuff is either offline or in between.  Bring back the latest version of SFC2's system with the slots.  Magnuman's patches.  Good system.

Bring back SFC2's:

1)  6 shields
2)  ECM/ECCM - the game within a game
3)  Race specific UI's
4)  Fleet control
5)  Fighters, Fast Patrol Ships, Carriers, and PF tenders.
6)  T-bombs

Races by game era:

1)  TOS era - Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Hydran, Kzinti(with WYN), Lyrans(with LDR), ISC, Tholians, Andromedans, 8 Orion cartels. (18 race flavors, half with customiztion)

2)  As the years progressed - Hydrans retreated to lost colonies because of Lyran and Klingon attacks, Kzinti joined Federation, WYN lost War of Return and eventually had to leave WYN star cluster because of radiation levels increasing, Lyrans joined the Klingon Empire, LDR destroyed by Andromedans, ISC reduced to minor power by Andro invasion and absorbed by Romulans, Andromedans defeated by galactic powers.  Cardassians expand and start wars.  Breen become major power.  Gorn become friends with Feds.  Tholians stay their xenophobic selves.  Feds and Klingons become allies.  Romulans go silent after treaty of Algeron.  etc. etc. you get the picture.

3)  TNG/DS9 eras - Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Tholians, Cardassians, Dominion, Breen, Feringi, Borg, 8 Orion cartels. (18 race flavors, half with customization)

That's my you see what could be done?! I wish I could make my own game.:p  


  • Guest
Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2003, 08:03:56 am »
 Having the officer selection back (as in but > SFC1) is nice, BUT...  whole heartedly agree gotta have that ECM/ECCM back! Being able to throw off  Magic   photons by trading a little power to ECCM, or watching the opponents ECM bounce and know you gotta close for a photon-anchor shot to make a difference, those are the tactics I miss.

  A legendary officer should be able to compensate for ECM/ECCM with his/her skill, creating an automatic ECM/ECCM based on the officer roster. BUT.. I would think in a universe where computers have "gigaquads" of memory/processing power and combat systems can perform at the speed of light that even a trained chimpanzee (or Klink    )could be push the right button and win the ECM/ECCM battle. In that case its back to how much power is allocated to win that battle.

  SFC3 seems to simplified. I never was an SFB player, but growing up in the 70s/80s/90s it wasn't hard to notice that firepower shifted from brute force to electronic force.  


  • Guest
Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2003, 08:09:50 am »
I like the TNG era, although I agree the Excelcier seems a little out of place.  I like the ship, just not sure why it is in TNG.

I fly Klingon, so I like the cloak, it just needs a few improvements, especially the phase in/out times need to be about cut in half.

I like the warp, but then again, the rev-up time is way too slow.  It is hard to use tactical warp when you engage warp, and nothing happens for a few seconds.  By then, whatever you were wanting to warp for, its too late.

Son of Technobabble

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Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2003, 08:23:02 am »

I like the warp, but then again, the rev-up time is way too slow.  It is hard to use tactical warp when you engage warp, and nothing happens for a few seconds.  By then, whatever you were wanting to warp for, its too late.  

Oh well that's the tactical warp's only disadvantage. It's no more once you get an expert-legendary engineer, BTW. Get rid of that and you get some serious cheese...


  • Guest
Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2003, 08:37:44 am »
Main feature that I like from SFC3 - resupplying at allied bases.

Alidar Jarok

  • Guest
Re: What are your favorite features
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2003, 10:40:04 pm »

(by Mr. Hypergol)

Make the following compromises:

1)  Customization - Use SFC2's mega varients for main races and full option mounts for 8 pirate cartels.  Types of things available to the pirates depends on their locating relative to the other races.  Use SFB system to determine tech availability for pirates.

How's  This  for an idea about customization?

OK, I just stumbled on this old thread, and thought this was a good idea, because I was thinking of something along these lines (I don't like giving up my old ships)