Well, fellow Alliance members, DOE is looking bad for us. The Feds in particular are having a tough time of it, and it seems like I'm the only one on the server at times. So, we need to do something fast, we only have a few days left.
So, I'm going to make the supreme sacrifice and offer a reward for any Fed or Gorn player that reaches 100,000 prestige by the end of the campaign. For one night only, I will spend the evening with the lucky Fed or Gorn, on a borrowed friend's webcam, wearing just my birthday suit. Yes, thats right, I'll do a strip, right down to nothing, for any Fed that can reach 100,000 prestige by the end of the campaign. And whatever happens afer that, well, it depends on my mood...
So get on the server and start fighting for the Alliance!! This is a one time offer only (and its just for one night by the way, coz I'm that kind of girl).