Topic: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results  (Read 6008 times)

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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2003, 05:29:02 pm »
Dave, I don't know if Mog told you while you were on the server, but he and I had a SuperFleet mission that put us (Klingon and Lyrans, allied) against each other. I took the mission in neutral space and drafted him, spawning a crowd of hungry Lyrans.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2003, 06:09:27 pm »
Whoops - yep, the SuperFleet script only specified the other side had to be "different than" the drafter, instead of "enemy of".  Got it corrected now, so will be in the next release.

Also fixed: in 2HoldingAction, when the player transfers the information from the base the AI will sometimes (at least in coop) attempt to grab control of the ship.   Forgot to check if the ship was player controlled before issuing orders to the AI to disengage (doh!)

On another note, in the scout mission, me scouting Moggy, he pushed me off the map (I hadn't scouted him) and it gave moggy a forfeit and me a loss.  I'm looking into this one - hopefully will also have it fixed shortly.

EDIT:: got the scout problem fixed, and also set it up so that if the scout team captures an enemy ship and escapes with it they get credit for scouting it


« Last Edit: April 02, 2003, 06:34:09 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2003, 06:59:02 pm »
That reminds me, while you guys were having fun earlier, Can-able and I had a scout mission against each other. He was supposed to scout me, but didn't and I actually ended up blowing his ship to bits. I'm pretty sure I got a failure for some reason -- I got very few points, like around 50? Anyway, maybe that's another symptom of that scout problem you fixed.

Keep up the great work, Dave! Let us know if you have specific missions that need testing.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2003, 07:10:02 pm »
I am getting ready to check the OP D2 and go back in if it is up tonight.

That mission where Nomad and I crashed -- I had just nailed the last Rom vessel and was turning to Nomad when the mission suddenly ended -- got the "mission incomplete" message in game, but when it exited to the debrief screen got the "Astounding Victory".  I exited the debrief screen and the server was not listed.

First time that has happened to me.  Maybe we can replicate the circumstances tonight again and see if it happens again.



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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2003, 08:27:32 pm »
New mission bug: Met_NW10Patrol (version 3.2), Klingon (me) attacking Fed (Tempest) in Klingon/neutral hex. Neutral Orions were in the mission, and died first (both killed by me). Tempest and the 2 Fed AI allies captured one Lyran AI and killed one. Mission kept running at this point. I asked Tempest to self-destruct the captured Lyran, but while he was driving it, I killed the ship. He was then stuck unable to return to his F-CC+, and had to watch as if his ship had died. He was not instantly sent back to his other (original) ship. I was then killed by the Fed AIs, and mission ended in a loss for me with 200 bonus prestige and -60 normal prestige. Hex DV dropped in Fed favor.

Though we didn't get a crash, this bug certainly was odd. Tempest's CC+ survived and he still had it after the mission.

Also, in the previous Met_NW10Patrol we flew (same hex) with no Orions, but still 2 Fed AI and 2 Lyran AI, Tempest got a failed mission briefing (I was drafter and also got failure for death), but still had the win prestige (I think) and DV result.

Going back in for a bit.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2003, 08:31:16 pm »
Heh. I originally put this into another thread, but I deleted that thread and transferred it to here -- same mission as Nomad, comments are from my point of view of what happened --

Nomad and I were in a patrol mission in Klingon space. He drafted me in a patrol. I was Fed in a CC+, he was Klingon in a D7C.

We went into the battle. I had two Fed Allies ( either two DD varients or a DD/FF). He had two Lyran allies, one an SR the other I think was a CW class. There was additionally an Orion Pirate (neutral) Frigate that was hostile to both sides.

He took care of the Orion. The Lyrans and I sparred, along with my Fed allies. By mutual consent the idea was to capture a Lyran vessel and then end the battle, or perhaps do something to see if a capture would adversely affect the mission or the DV.

I captured the SR. Nomad then said to self destruct it -- I put it into self destruct sequence but he managed to T-Bomb it before it self destructed.

Now comes the weird part. After the Lyran died (I was in it when it died), it did not default me back to my original ship. In fact, my vessel did not show up on the fleet list at all. The AI took over my vessel and of course controlled the other two Fed vessels and engaged Nomad. I was left to watch the battle, as if my vessel as a player had been destroyed.

The three fed vessels completed the mission. In the debrief screen I got a victory result and over 800 prestige! When I got back to the strategic map, I was once again in my CC+. Nomad said that the DV in the hex went down, signifying that it was a Federation victory -- it was a Klingon hex.

I thought that if you have two vessels in your fleet, and one gets destroyed, then it should automaticaly put you back in your other vessel? Is that right, or is it different with Captured vessels in battle that you control?


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2003, 08:54:11 pm »
One of the AI Feds was definitely an FF of some sort. There were 2 Orions, one a DW, the other a CA hull, but could have been a CL -- didn't catch the designation.

One of the Lyrans had PFs -- it was a CWF. PFs exploded (as usual) upon mothership's death.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2003, 08:54:54 pm »
Make those PFs INTs.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2003, 09:02:08 pm »
OK, I'll have a look at the on-capture methods for the patrols (they're the same in 6/17 patrol so I'm assuming the bug exists there too)

I'm guessing it's just an oversight in the "put you back in a ship" bits and pieces, so hopefully will be able to clear that one up.



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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2003, 09:20:24 pm »

New mission bug: Met_NW10Patrol (version 3.2), Klingon (me) attacking Fed (Tempest) in Klingon/neutral hex. Neutral Orions were in the mission, and died first (both killed by me). Tempest and the 2 Fed AI allies captured one Lyran AI and killed one. Mission kept running at this point. I asked Tempest to self-destruct the captured Lyran, but while he was driving it, I killed the ship. He was then stuck unable to return to his F-CC+, and had to watch as if his ship had died. He was not instantly sent back to his other (original) ship. I was then killed by the Fed AIs, and mission ended in a loss for me with 200 bonus prestige and -60 normal prestige. Hex DV dropped in Fed favor.

I have found that default game has many many impossible to manage capture bugs.
I don't think there's much you can do about it.. they're hard to debug.. hard to find.. and hard to avoid.


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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2003, 09:51:55 pm »
Heh, the easiest way I found to avoid the problem was to have the AI self destruct when they get captured ... but that kinda takes the fun out of capturing



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Re: Badlands Fun and OP Test Results
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2003, 10:16:35 pm »

Heh, the easiest way I found to avoid the problem was to have the AI self destruct when they get captured ... but that kinda takes the fun out of capturing


Well.. may I suggest a "mOnChangingShip" when a player changes his control to a different ship?
I've noticed that when switching to a captured ship, the following will happen:

- mOnChangingShip is called (make sure it's within a class tTeamInfo)
  - doing a "currentship = fChildActor->mCurrentlyControlledShip();" is supposed to work..
    - with a ship from player's original fleet, it works fine. currentship = ship switching to.
    - with a captured ship,currentship = NULL. (oops!??)

Maybe with this we could avoid a player switching to a ship with corrupt data?

void tCommonTeamBaseState::mOnChangingShip( tShipInfo* ship )
   // Fetch the currently controlled ship
   tTeamInfo *ti = fMissionInfo->mGetTeamHandle(ship->mGetTeam());

   tShipInfo *current_ship = NULL;
   Assert( ti );
   if ( ti )
      if ( ti->mIsTeamHumanControlled() )
         current_ship = ti->mCurrentlyControlledShip();

   if (! current_ship) {
      // return to a properly set-up ship: the previous.

What do you think? This should return the player to the ship he controlled when he tried to switch.
-- Luc
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »