In other news..
.. I decided to cut short the current review of the shiplist: who gives a bloody damn if the pirates get a proper and correct Y175 anyways?!?
I still have some work to do, but I'd like to show you a sample of what I have so far:
Item 1:
Just like in the previous preview pic I posted, the shipyard and actual battles are a lot more interesting and up to date. Here's a sample:
Item 2:
I scripted conditions which raised a "check me" flag on ships with questionable drone and ADD loadouts.
- ships with ~Y168-170 and Y175 refits all rolled up in one. (lazy of Taldren to do. Mirak suffered from it)
- ADD6 with 1 reload .. (ADD6 always had 2 reloads)
- ADD12 with 1 reload .. (ADD12 always had 2 reloads)
- Each G-rack has a ADD6 with 1 reload accompanied. (exception from 2 lines above)
- Y175 refit changes G-racks from 1 drone reload to 2.
- Y175 refit changes A-racks to either B or C racks with 2 reloads (depends on SSD)
- A-racks had only 1 reload prior to Y175
- B-racks usually had 1 reload, if ship had B-racks before Y175 (there are exceptions)
- be careful of the exceptions which are everywhere.
Here's an example
This ship is identical in cost and weaponry from the F-GSC+, except in Y175 it recieves the G-rack reload refit.
This should add wholesome playable depth to the D2 campaigns, n'est-ce pas?
-- Luc