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Quote:This is just my opinion.I don't care if you don't agree with me.But I'm going to say this anyway and I mean this in the nicest way possible.It is my OPINION that there should not have been any non-playable races in SFC3.I mean the Species 8472,Cardassians,Pirates etc. should have already been playable.Many people are tring to make these races playable by replacing them with a playable race and making that race non-playable.ex.(chris Jones DW mod).So if you make a new patch, at least make the cardassians playable.Think about it. The whole DS9 series had somthing to do with them.They were a big race.Besides, wouldn't it be cool if it was Federation fleet vs.Cardassian Fleet vs. Borg Cube.Wolf 360(something like that).So I hope you deeply consider makeing those races playable.
Quote:You can't really blame Taldren for releasing SFC3 the way it was or is. That solely falls on the shoulders of Activision. Had they waited just a couple more months, SFC3 probably would've been much more complete than it is today, even more than what the beta patch did. They could've probably have thrown in bonus skirmish missions from TNG like the battle at Wolf 359, the DS9 final showdown at Cardassia Prime, or even the Enterprise-E's dual with Shizon's Scimitar.
Quote:Quote:You can't really blame Taldren for releasing SFC3 the way it was or is. That solely falls on the shoulders of Activision. Had they waited just a couple more months, SFC3 probably would've been much more complete than it is today, even more than what the beta patch did. They could've probably have thrown in bonus skirmish missions from TNG like the battle at Wolf 359, the DS9 final showdown at Cardassia Prime, or even the Enterprise-E's dual with Shizon's Scimitar. WOLF 359 was included as a skirmish mission in the Beta Patch....
Quote:...Enterprise-E's dual with Shizon's Scimitar. That wasn't much of a "dual" if you asked me... I think EE getting brutally slaughtered would be more appropriate.