Topic: Any good campaign's going on?  (Read 3918 times)

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Any good campaign's going on?
« on: January 23, 2003, 09:56:53 am »
Alright, after deviating and playing some SFC3, I decided that it's time to go back and do some SFC2 again.  Until they patch SFC3, and that patch turns out to be alright, I'll play that too.  But I really need try to climb back into my K-D7T again.  I need to know where it's good to go right now.  I don't want to jump into the middle of anything persay, just wondering where I can get the best PvP, flying with teammates... etc., erm...action.    

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2003, 10:34:08 am »
I saw your post in general. I can relate.

There are a few good campaigns comming down the pipe. Herr Burt is laying the groundwork for his Day of the Eagle campaign (R vs F&G '73-'77), and Skull&Bonez is nearing ready for his Return of Doctor Strangelove campaign (a merged shipslist campaign featuring 2 player teams; the Alliance vs. the Coalition, with the Admins playing a 3rd superpower race). I think the last piece to fall in place there, will be the change of venue for the team, from BBJs care to XCs (SFC2 is still runnning the show, but XC has graciously offered to host).

As far as I know, there are no major campaigns running at the moment, but TracyG, DarkElf, & Rajnsaj are actively working to get a fully functional SQL campaign going. I'm sure they're looking for help from dedicated testeers. It looks like they may be doing mission driven database changes before long (dool).  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »


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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 04:24:46 pm »
In OP ?  


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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2003, 08:42:41 pm »

In OP ?  

Where is it?  


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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2003, 09:49:33 pm »

Alright, after deviating and playing some SFC3, I decided that it's time to go back and do some SFC2 again.  Until they patch SFC3, and that patch turns out to be alright, I'll play that too.  But I really need try to climb back into my K-D7T again.  I need to know where it's good to go right now.  I don't want to jump into the middle of anything persay, just wondering where I can get the best PvP, flying with teammates... etc., erm...action.    

GFL will be hosting a ISC Invasion campaign soon.  It will be using modded missions and ship lists including lots of Battle Carriers.  


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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2003, 05:48:11 am »
The 7.25 fun server is up... look for threads about it... std coalition(with ISC) v alliance.  5000 pp start (you can climb right into a D7T it theres one in the yards)  Coalition doing quite well right now, for how ever long that lasts.  Std sfc 2 net rules apply, but stock ship list and the patrol bug is in place vis a vis coop patrol.

Sandman sends

(P.S> 36 patch)


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Re: Any good campaign's going on?
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2003, 11:44:07 am »
The ISC Invasion D2 campaign now has a web site:

ISC Invasion D2 Campaign

It will be a  GFL Public Dyna (ie.non-GFL members invited to play) so I hope y'all enjoy.