Topic: About the "Power bug on massive damage" people are complaining about. (SFC2/OP)  (Read 3496 times)

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I was on GSA tonight.. and I was asked to join a game. When I politely refused (mentioning that I was there to chat with other potential testers about bugs) I was mentioned a "Power bug". (SFC2/SFC:OP)

Basically, what was explained to me:
When a massive blow is applied to a ship, it seems the ship remains relatively intact, but much engines disapeer.

Let me direct you to a SFB  Damage Allocation Chart .

Look at the rows for 6, 7, and 8.. in the 4th positions, all you have there for these columns are warp. Also, urther down, there's "Any Warp" hits.

Ok.. here's how the DAC works:
For each point of damage applied to a ship, the equivalent of 2 6-sided-dice are rolled. The odds are .. *scribbles* 6/36 chance for a 7 to be rolled. 5/36 for either 6 or 8. That means 16/36 of all hits will be applied to only these 3 rolls. That's almost 50%.

.. if it's a MASSIVE hit, it's almost garanteed that these rows will be all eaten up .. Warps will disapeer, it's not a mystery.
.. and most importantly, it's not a bug.

That's all I wanted to say.
-- Luc


  • Guest
I guess they've never been overran by a Lord Commander with overloaded fusions...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrsLWlstr »


  • Guest
To add further on the above, it's even part of basic tactics. If you want to immobilise your opponent, alpha strike.
If you want to strip him of systems and weaponry, mizia in little papercut doses.


  • Guest
That's similar to the so-called ESG bug, where people don't realise they are also getting smacked by two SS's during the overrun and cry foul when all their power dissapears.  


  • Guest
Nonono. What happens when you deliver a massive alpha strike doing mega damage is you crash... heh. They never fixed that completely... I still get it from time to time.

Credo Narth

  • Guest
What, on SFC2? I've never had either 1 or 2 crash during a mission, or even in 3 for that matter.

Are you sure you have your graphics card set up correctly, Dizzy? Not that I don't believe you, but I wouldn't want you to blame the wrong thing for crashes either...  


  • Guest
In the months of testing, I have never crashed like that..


  • Guest

To add further on the above, it's even part of basic tactics. If you want to immobilise your opponent, alpha strike.
If you want to strip him of systems and weaponry, mizia in little papercut doses.  

Yup. It's been that way, oh... since the beginning or so.

Funny how that works eh?


  • Guest

I was on GSA tonight.. and I was asked to join a game. When I politely refused (mentioning that I was there to chat with other potential testers about bugs) I was mentioned a "Power bug". (SFC2/SFC:OP)

Basically, what was explained to me:
When a massive blow is applied to a ship, it seems the ship remains relatively intact, but much engines disapeer.

Let me direct you to a SFB  Damage Allocation Chart .

Look at the rows for 6, 7, and 8.. in the 4th positions, all you have there for these columns are warp. Also, urther down, there's "Any Warp" hits.

Ok.. here's how the DAC works:
For each point of damage applied to a ship, the equivalent of 2 6-sided-dice are rolled. The odds are .. *scribbles* 6/36 chance for a 7 to be rolled. 5/36 for either 6 or 8. That means 16/36 of all hits will be applied to only these 3 rolls. That's almost 50%.

.. if it's a MASSIVE hit, it's almost garanteed that these rows will be all eaten up .. Warps will disapeer, it's not a mystery.
.. and most importantly, it's not a bug.

That's all I wanted to say.
-- Luc  

To add to this many of the other numbers rolled (2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12) are one hit per volley then you move to the next column while 6,7,8 continue to get hit until that system is destroyed then it moves to the next column. Many of those one hit columns are weapons thus they get hit more often in mini-vollies (i.e. Mizia) whereas power gets hit in alphas.


  • Guest

Are you sure you have your graphics card set up correctly, Dizzy? Not that I don't believe you, but I wouldn't want you to blame the wrong thing for crashes either...    

IIRC, this was a huge bug right before the 2036 patch. A close up Alpha Strike dumped you to the desktop... I think it happened on IDSL... noit sure...


  • Guest
Some SFC2 debug code used to write a line to a file called "EWdump.txt" for every instance of a direct-fire weapon being fired! This has been fixed in 2.033.

IIRC, the debug code did something like this: Open EWdump.txt, write one line of data, close file (repeat for every phaser fired...ugh).

This could cause trouble when two people shift-z each other at range zero while dropping suicide shuttles and conducting H&R's. I can see why the game might choke at that moment and CTD.  


  • Guest
I was on GSA tonight.. and I was asked to join a game. When I politely refused (mentioning that I was there to chat with other potential testers about bugs) I was mentioned a "Power bug". (SFC2/SFC:OP)

Basically, what was explained to me:
When a massive blow is applied to a ship, it seems the ship remains relatively intact, but much engines disapeer.

Let me direct you to a SFB  Damage Allocation Chart .

Look at the rows for 6, 7, and 8.. in the 4th positions, all you have there for these columns are warp. Also, urther down, there's "Any Warp" hits.

Ok.. here's how the DAC works:
For each point of damage applied to a ship, the equivalent of 2 6-sided-dice are rolled. The odds are .. *scribbles* 6/36 chance for a 7 to be rolled. 5/36 for either 6 or 8. That means 16/36 of all hits will be applied to only these 3 rolls. That's almost 50%.

.. if it's a MASSIVE hit, it's almost garanteed that these rows will be all eaten up .. Warps will disapeer, it's not a mystery.
.. and most importantly, it's not a bug.

That's all I wanted to say.
-- Luc


  • Guest
I guess they've never been overran by a Lord Commander with overloaded fusions...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrsLWlstr »


  • Guest
To add further on the above, it's even part of basic tactics. If you want to immobilise your opponent, alpha strike.
If you want to strip him of systems and weaponry, mizia in little papercut doses.


  • Guest
That's similar to the so-called ESG bug, where people don't realise they are also getting smacked by two SS's during the overrun and cry foul when all their power dissapears.  


  • Guest
Nonono. What happens when you deliver a massive alpha strike doing mega damage is you crash... heh. They never fixed that completely... I still get it from time to time.

Credo Narth

  • Guest
What, on SFC2? I've never had either 1 or 2 crash during a mission, or even in 3 for that matter.

Are you sure you have your graphics card set up correctly, Dizzy? Not that I don't believe you, but I wouldn't want you to blame the wrong thing for crashes either...  


  • Guest
In the months of testing, I have never crashed like that..


  • Guest

To add further on the above, it's even part of basic tactics. If you want to immobilise your opponent, alpha strike.
If you want to strip him of systems and weaponry, mizia in little papercut doses.  

Yup. It's been that way, oh... since the beginning or so.

Funny how that works eh?


  • Guest

I was on GSA tonight.. and I was asked to join a game. When I politely refused (mentioning that I was there to chat with other potential testers about bugs) I was mentioned a "Power bug". (SFC2/SFC:OP)

Basically, what was explained to me:
When a massive blow is applied to a ship, it seems the ship remains relatively intact, but much engines disapeer.

Let me direct you to a SFB  Damage Allocation Chart .

Look at the rows for 6, 7, and 8.. in the 4th positions, all you have there for these columns are warp. Also, urther down, there's "Any Warp" hits.

Ok.. here's how the DAC works:
For each point of damage applied to a ship, the equivalent of 2 6-sided-dice are rolled. The odds are .. *scribbles* 6/36 chance for a 7 to be rolled. 5/36 for either 6 or 8. That means 16/36 of all hits will be applied to only these 3 rolls. That's almost 50%.

.. if it's a MASSIVE hit, it's almost garanteed that these rows will be all eaten up .. Warps will disapeer, it's not a mystery.
.. and most importantly, it's not a bug.

That's all I wanted to say.
-- Luc  

To add to this many of the other numbers rolled (2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12) are one hit per volley then you move to the next column while 6,7,8 continue to get hit until that system is destroyed then it moves to the next column. Many of those one hit columns are weapons thus they get hit more often in mini-vollies (i.e. Mizia) whereas power gets hit in alphas.